A place at the table : Giving consumers a voice in the marketplace

Posted on May 5, 2010

Host : Paul Crankshaw – Editor of National Consumer Forum’s newspaper Consumer Fair

Date : Wednesday 2nd June 2010

Time : 07h40 for 08h00 until 10h00

Venue : Hellenic Community Centre, 6 High Grove Road, Umgeni Park, Durban North

Cost : R285 per person

Booking is essential, contact Ms Debbie Main on 031 260 1627 or maind1@ukzn.ac.za

Apart from tightening controls on undesirable business practices that prejudice consumers, the Consumer Protection Act also aims to “promote consumer participation in decision-making processes concerning the marketplace and the interests of consumers”. For South Africa, this strengthens the fourth dimensions to the traditional tripartite approach to planning and implementing policies, promises to bring long-overdue focus (and perhaps even more resources) to the country’s depleted consumer movement.

The presentation will focus on how business and government will need to reconsider the way they see, and engage with, consumer groups at a strategic and operational level.

Categories: Durban, Events

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