Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyProposed MSc in Information Security (Rhodes)
Posted on June 19, 2010Barry Irwin from Rhodes University is looking into getting a MSc Infosec (Masters in Applied Computer Science – Focusing on Information Security) up and running, including potentially for part time / distance students. This certainly sounds like a good addition to the formal information security learning options in SA. He has placed a survey online and anyone interested in further information can mail Barry at “b.irwin (at) ru.ac.za”.
Some further info from the survey page about the proposed MSc :
The degree will consist of a combination of Coursework Modules and a Research project and will be run by the Department of Computer Science at Rhodes University. The intended target for the Degree programme is individuals working within the information security field. These individuals should ideally have at least 2-3 years working in information security or associated fields. While primarily targeted at individuals within South Africa, others may be interested, particularly in the one year full time option.
Based on the feedback received from the survey and other market studies, a final feasibility decision will be made. Those wishing to be kept informed of the status of the course can complete the contact details section at the end of the survey or email Barry.