Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyBlackberry Bold 9000 extended battery replacement (update)
Posted on July 30, 2010I posted a week ago around the extended capacity battery that I had ordered off E-bay for the grand total of $10. Just a quick update after a week’s usage.
First foremost, this thing does what was advertised, and the battery life is a HUGE improvement over what I was getting from the the year old 1500mAh original Blackberry battery. The old battery was struggling to get me through a day. Even with some USB laptop charging during the day, with a full overnight charge and the day beginning at 6am, my battery was flat by 5pm.
This battery is new and yes it’s only the first week, however, with the same usage patterns as above (and described in my original post), the extended battery is lasting to 11pm and still having some life left over. Tonight as we speak I still have half a battery charge left. Wow, I don’t think I could go back to the old battery.
That said, the phone still feels HUGE. The new battery cover makes the phone feel twice the size. I read quite a bit on the device using the Kindle App (and that works great) so I had to get used to holding the phone all over again is it doesn’t feel the same. It also doesn’t fit neatly into my pocket with the Nokia E71. So I’m changing the little habits to make this thing work. Some people just won’t be able to get over the size, but for me, I’m sticking with the extended battery and would definitely recommend it to anybody who is struggling to get through a day.
$10 from soonhua_digital on ebay (US) with free shipping to SA, took a week to arrive (from China). Best R75 I have spent in a long time.
MSc/PhD Scholarships:The Dept of Science & Technology and National Research Foundation, Cosmology,Radio astronomy
Posted on July 30, 2010Thanks to @cecilia_vdm for tweeting about this :
The South African SKA Project is a project of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation and comprises Africa’s bid to host the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope (SKA), the design, construction and operation of the Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT) and a youth into science and engineering programme focused on supporting science and engineering students and postdoctoral fellows. Africa has been short-listed with Australia to host the SKA. If Africa is selected to site the SKA,the core of the telescope will be located in the Karoo region of the Northern Cape.
Scholarships are being offered aligned to the SKA project. The research focus for the SKA PhD and MSc scholarships must align very closely with specific areas of MeerKAT, SKA, PAPER and C-BASS science and technology where research is required.
For 2011, the research projects must be in the following general fields:
• Observational radio astronomy and cosmology.
• Experimental cosmology
• Radio astronomy engineering and instrumentation technologies
Alternatively, if a student wishes to undertake a project that does not appear on this list, he/she is free to submit a proposal for consideration, together with motivation for why the proposed project is relevant to the design, construction and scientific research goals of the MeerKAT and / or SKA.
Closing date for applications is 31 August 2010.
This project sounds really interesting and there are some wonderful research opportunities here. Go and read up further on their website. http://infoscholarship.net/nrfsa-ska-phd-and-msc-scholarships-2011-south-africa.html
P.S. If you are interested in scholarships being offered around the world in many diverse research areas, follow @infoscholarship on Twitter.
Security and ethics presentation to UKZN MBA class – copy of presentation
Posted on July 30, 2010On Tuesday evening (27th July 2010) I did a presentation to the University of KwaZulu Natal MBA class. The presentation was rather enjoyable (from my perspective) and with all the questions and interactions with the class we spoke for around and hour and a half or so.We did go a bit over time for the normal end time for the lecture, so thanks to the class for their patience and thanks again for you attention and questions.
Attached is a copy of the presentation for anybody who is interested.