Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyLonehill Estate – Lonehill Estate : Great album and a bargain at the Nokia store
Posted on June 03, 2012I’m rather enjoying Lonehill Estate’s new self titled album. Having heard a few tracks on the radio (Technoband, Daans and now Look Good) and been pleasantly surprised to find out it was our local boys I decided to pick up the album. This morning at the local mall I had a look around and neither CNA nor Checkers had a copy (though I did get the Parlotones Journey Through Shadows from Checkers).
On Twitter @lonehillestate themselves suggested I get it from @Look&ListenSA. This evening I checked out the online store and found the Album for R100, which wasn’t too bad. I always fill a little reticent paying close to physical prices for downloads so was going to give it a skip when I thought to check out the Nokia Ovi store. Delight. The full album (here) for R60. Bargain. Sold! I am now happily listening to the album.
Always worth shopping around, even online. Worth noting that their previous EP, Phone Home, is R100 on Nokia and only half the price at Look and Listen online. So Nokia isn’t always the cheapest, though generally I find them to be so.
Click through for the album track listing
Comrades Marathon 2012 – 15kms to go – the faces of winners
Posted on June 03, 2012Comrades is somewhat a major event in KZN each year. Apart from being one of the biggest races in the world, it has a tradition. I recall going every year as a child to the race, a short 2km walk from our house, to support and watch the leaders coming through. I have memories of the route lined with people cheering on these amazing athletes as they came past at high speed, already having run 70km or more. The likes of Bruce Fordyce and Alan Robb. The image above is a collage of pictures I took this morning at just that spot. More of the pictures have been posted on Google Plus here.
Click through for details of who is in the pictures with links to their race details.