Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyHigh volume banking spam purporting to be from FNB
Posted on June 28, 2012I have received High volume banking spam purporting to be from FNB for the last number of days. The only difference between these messages is the embedded link. Most are just URLs, some though have an x-apple-MSG-load in them.
Message and links below.
From : FNB (ibt@onlinedata.co.za)
Subject : Return on Charges
You are hereby notified that FNB is giving back all accumulated fees on taxable income that have been carried out over a period of one year. This is as a result of the new regulation imposed on banks by SARS. Please note that you have to follow the instructions below to the latter in other to ensure the funds is remitted into your account .
If you have an account with us, Kindly click here now.
© 2012 FirstRand Bank Limited.
An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20). All rights reserved.
I have received 10+ of these a day for the last week or more. I have removed the link from the above so it isn’t live. In the mails the link varies between a number of sites some of which are listed below:
http://sushilcheema.com/charge_deposit_fnb_paid2/index dot php
http://sushilcheema.com/charge_deposit_fnb_pays/index dot php
http://istudymedia.com/charge_deposit_fnb_paid4/index dot php
http://digitalarborist.com/charge_deposit_fnb_pays/index dot php
http://createemailcampaigns.com/charge_deposit_fnb_payee/index dot php
Has anybody else been flooded with these?