Caffe Luxe’s new and improved Nespresso Compatible coffee pods (mostly just pics)

After one of our readers complained about the Caffelux capsules, the good folk over at stepped in and offered to send her some capsules. At the same time they noticed my previous blog post on their coffee still showed the old branding and product. Since the product had been updated with new branding, capsules design improvements and coffee they very kindly offered to send me some of the new coffee to try, which I gladly accepted.

Below you can see the new whiter, lighter branded boxes of the five flavours.

The 5 flavours

The 5 flavours

These look a whole lot better than the old branding of the previous boxes shown below.

The old branded boxes


I took a look out for them in the local Checkers, which I knew to stock them. There I found that they don’t keep the boxes but rather have the capsules in foil bags of 10. I bought one to be able to show along with the boxes. I had enjoyed the lungo so took the opportunity to stock up on some more of them.

The new foil bag

The new foil bag


What was interesting is that the Caffe Lux Lungo uses the same green colour as the original Nespresso Fortissio Lungo.  The Nespresso branding though uses the darker boxes with the embossed Nespresso logos.





The two pictures below give a closer up view of the actual capsules. The top ones are the Cafe Lux ones while the bottom are the original Nespresso. While the green plastic of the base of the capsules is fairly similar there is a distinct difference in the foil lids. The original seem to “puff out” as if the capsules are pressurised, whereas the Cafe Lux ones seem a little looser and the foil itself seems to be a little thinner (all my perception).

Original and copy?

Original and copy?





I have given half of the capsules I was sent to a friend and asked her to do a mini-review on her thoughts on them. I am enjoying the others but will do a separate write-up on the actual coffee content later. I am far from an expert on coffee but will nonetheless put some thoughts together with some pictures of the coffee as it comes out of the machine.

Thanks to Josh and Daniel at Caffelux for sending through the samples, much appreciated.

All photos taken with the iPhone 5, cropped and reduced in Picassa, except for the pic of the original branding, I think that was taken on my Blackberry Bold 9900. 

Leave a Reply

  1. Che Caffeluxe lungo, is that the same as Fortissio Lungo from Nespresso ??? i,ve tasted the fortissio lungo , and it was very good. im using the Caffelux Torrino machine. Can the nespresso capsules also be used on the Caffeluxe machine ???

  2. I must agree that these pods aren’t great. There seems to be issues with the density of the coffee in the pod, as it causes my machine to create weird noises and the coffee comes out very slowly. Sometimes the machine stops altogether having only pumped out around 30ml (on the lungo setting).

    I have also found the flavour to be quite bland.

  3. These pods are rubbish and ARE NOT compatible with Nespresso machines. I just waste money buying them and not 1 worked. I will be reporting Groupon and Caffeluxe to trading standards for false advertising. Disgusting.

  4. I found the Nespresso ones to be more flavourful, and they work better for longer draws. I also noticed that the coloured foil actually leaves a coloured ring on the inside of your machine :/