Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyNew location for Nespresso in Durban (updated with pics)
Posted on March 28, 2013I received an SMS from Nespresso the other day to say they are currently located at 254 Lilian Ngoyi Road (formerly Windermere road). Their new phone number is 031-303 3374.
Having struggled in the past to find them, and the fact the address and number is not listed on www.nespresso.co.za nor does it come up on a Google search, this may be useful to some of you looking for them.
Update : So as you drive up Windermere road, their shop is a converted house on the right hand side, you can see the palms outside. As you get closer you can see the sign on the road facing part of the building to the left of the palms. At this point you want to be slowing down already as they have off-street parking. and it is easy to miss. The parking is right up against the building, and the solid island does stop so you can turn right into the parking. The security guard will have to open the boom for you.
While you are here, if you are interested in some other Nespresso compatible pods (depending on your machine) take a look at this post.
UKZN MBA 2013 Presentation : Security & Ethics
Posted on March 02, 2013On Thursday afternoon I was privileged to speak to the UKZN 2013 MBA class on information security and ethics. Below is a copy of the presentation. Lots of detail in here which we didn’t get to cover in the two hours together, and lots to remind you of the things we shared. I hope you all enjoyed the time as much as I did.
Feel free to mail me or post any questions here.
Download PDF presentation : security and ethics 2013 UKZN MBA Feb 2013