Facilitated CISA Study Session 28/4/2015 : Chapter 4 Part 1 to be broadcast via Google Hangouts

Posted on April 28, 2015

This evening we are discussing Chapter 4 of the study material. We will go through a general overview of the Chapter and then be discussing specific challenges participants may have and also questions from any of the sources that they may have got wrong or are having difficulty understanding. Raniel was going to lead this afternoon’s session but has taken ill so I (Justin) will lead it. Don’t forget we are also planning to host a question binge discussion session / catch-up on Saturday 2nd May 2015 (the full schedule of the remaining sessions is in the slide deck).

The sessions from the last few weeks have been reasonably successfully broadcast and recorded on Google Hangouts On Air so we will try to do the same for this afternoon’s session.  If there is something we can improve ahead of the next session please let us know.

Link to the Google Hangout event

Link to Youtube live broadcast


You can download a copy of tonight’s slides here : ITSec CISA Prep June 2015 session 8 28th April 2015 Chapter 4 pt1

Facilitated CISA Study Session 21/4/2015 : Chapter 3 Part 2 to be broadcast via Google Hangouts

Posted on April 21, 2015

This evening we are discussing Chapter 3 of the study material. We will had an overview last week so if you didn’t catch that please go back and look at last week’s recording. This afternoon we are discussing specific challenges participants may have and also questions from any of the sources that they may have got wrong or are having difficulty understanding.

The sessions from the last few weeks have been reasonably successfully broadcast and recorded on Google Hangouts On Air so we will try to do the same for this afternoon’s session.  If there is something we can improve ahead of the next session please let us know.

Link to the Google Hangout event

Link to Youtube live broadcast



You can download a copy of tonight’s slides here : ITSec CISA Prep June 2015 session 7 21st April 2015 Chapter 3 pt2

Facilitated CISA Study Session 14/4/2015 : Chapter 3 Part 1 to be broadcast via Google Hangouts

Posted on April 14, 2015

This evening we are discussing Chapter 3 of the study material. We will have an overview of the content of the chapter and then discuss specific challenges participants may have and also questions from any of the sources that they may have got wrong or are having difficulty understanding.

The sessions from the last few weeks have been reasonably successfully broadcast and recorded on Google Hangouts On Air so we will try and do the same for this afternoon’s session.  If there is something we can improve ahead of the next session please let us know.

Link to the Google Hangout event

Link to Youtube live broadcast



You can download a copy of tonight’s slides here : ITSec CISA Prep June 2015 session 6 14th April 2015 Chapter 3 pt1.

Facilitated CISA Study Session 7/4/2015 : Chapter 2 Part 2 to be broadcast via Google Hangouts

Posted on April 07, 2015

This evening we are discussing Chapter 2 of the study material. Refer back to last week’s broadcast for an overview of the chapter content. This week we are discussing specific challenges participants may have and also questions from any of the sources that they may have got wrong or are having difficulty understanding.

The sessions from the last two weeks have been reasonably successfully broadcast and recorded on Google Hangouts On Air so we will try and do the same for this afternoon’s session.  If there is something we can improve ahead of the next session please let us know.

Link to the Google Hangout event

Link to Youtube live broadcast



Download the slides from the session here.  ITSec CISA Prep June 2015 session 5 7th April 2015 Chapter 2 pt2

Working with SQL Server error logs in Log Parser Studio

Posted on April 05, 2015

Microsoft Log Parser Studio (LPS) has become one of my favourite (free) tools whenever it comes time to work with log files of any significant size. In the past I have always used one of the pre-define log type formats when working with log files. Recently I needed to work with SQL Server error logs and was a little concerned initially that there was no pre-defined format for these logs and trying one of the standard log types didn’t give me the output I expected (or needed).

With a little bit of effort I managed to figure out what was required, it turned out to be fairly simple. The trick was using the TSV format and then customising the settings.

LPS - select TSVLOG


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