Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyVisualisation of time based attacks on DMZ (videos)
Posted on August 24, 2014Visualisation of two weeks of IPS data
Critical and high significant IPS events detected on a public facing Palto Alto device, visualised using Microsoft Excel Power Map for a period in November and December 2013.
The data is taken from daily detection summaries so although it covers a nearly two-week period has 24 hour time resolutions.
The attacks are differentiated between Spyware and Vulnerability.
Note the fairly constant levels of vulnerability attacks from China, Turkey & Indonesia.
The practical application of such a visualisation in detecting or preventing attacks is limited, however, it provides an effective mechanism to explain the level of attack (directed and random) against the organisation on a pretty much constant basis.
Visualisation of 24 hours of IPS data
Critical and high significant IPS events detected on a public facing Palto Alto device, visualised using Microsoft Excel Power Map for a 24 hour period on the 10th and 11th December 2013.
The source data is per event detected over that 24 hour period.
The attacks are differentiated between Spyware and Vulnerability.
The video shows two types of visualisation, first a “phased decay” where the attack is plotted and then fades away if not detected. This shows the attacks coming and going across the globe with the exception of China which is fairly constant source of attack.
The second segment shows a continuous growth in the sizes of the attack bubbles over the period. This illustrates the overall relative number of attacks from the various sources.
Note the main sources of vulnerability attacks being China, Turkey, Argentina & Indonesia.
The practical application of such a visualisation in detecting or preventing attacks is limited, however, it provides an effective mechanism to explain the level of attack (directed and random) against the organisation on a pretty much constant basis.
Analysing SCCM Logs with Log Parser Studio
Posted on June 21, 2014Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM) is used in an Active Directory environment to amongst other things deliver patches and antivirus to the servers and workstations.
In a large environment you can have quite a number of SCCM servers operating in tandem to deliver the data to the client devices. Obtaining details in an SCCM environment of exactly which endpoints are being served by which servers (or how busy each server is) isn’t quite as straightforward as one might imagine. The client devices all connect to the servers through HTTP calls to collect the packages they require. The IIS logs from the SCCM servers can be downloaded and analysed to try to figure out what is happening in the environment.
The IIS logs contain a number of useful fields (a sample included below) :
LogFilename : E:\logs\SCCMP101\SCCMP101\W3SVC1\u_ex140410.log |
LogRow : 5 |
date : 41739 |
time : 36526.7730902778 |
c-ip : 10.75.xx.xx |
cs-username : |
s-sitename : |
s-computername : |
s-ip : 10.98.xx.xx |
s-port : 80 |
cs-method : GET |
cs-uri-stem : /SMS_MP/.sms_aut |
cs-uri-query : MPLIST |
sc-status : 200 |
sc-substatus : 0 |
sc-win32-status : 0 |
sc-bytes : 608 |
cs-bytes : 124 |
time-taken : 15 |
cs-version : |
cs-host : sccmp101.xx.net |
cs(User-Agent) : SMS+CCM |
Further fields such as Cookie, Referer events and process types are present but I found these to be generally blank. The above example includes the data transferred (sc-bytes and cs-bytes) which were not turned on by default and which I found quite useful. These can be activated in IIS easily enough.
In my use case I obtained the logs from 83 servers which amounted to 2859 files over 254 folders coming to 122GB (uncompressed). The proves to be a little bit of a challenge when I don’t have SQL server installed on my PC or Laptop, MS Access is limited to 2GB database and even SQL Express 2014 is limited to 10GB.
I had previously heard of (but not used) Microsoft Log Parser. A quick search revealed version 2.2 (released some 9 years ago in 2005 – but don’t let that put you off) available for download. Now this is a pretty nifty tool as it understands log files in many different formats (and even plain text files). This saves you from having to clean up the log files to strip out headers (which are written to the logs every time the web server starts / restarts) and from having to combine many different files. A real time-saver.
You can then write SQL-like queries and have them executed against your log files to get your results. Now with data of the size above on my 8 Gig i7 870 @ 2.93GHZ running off a Seagate 2TB 7200rpm SATA drive it takes around 3.5 hours to run a query (know how to speed this up fundamentally do share). Using Task Manager to monitor the execution of the query shows CPU utilisation of only around 8% (one thread sits at about a 50% utilisation) memory utilisation of between 50MB upwards (as the result set grows) and disk speed varying from about 8MB/s to 30MB/s. So not quite sure where the bottleneck lies.
Writing the queries at the command line is a little bit of a pain so the next bit of genius is the Log Parser Studio. Unlike Log Parser, the studio is kept up to date, with the latest build being from 23 May 2014. The studio provides a library of queries (over 170) covering logs from ActiveSync, IIS, Windows event logs, Exchange, Outlook Web access amongst others. Covers a huge number of ideas for useful analysis and provides the queries to do it for you. What is great is that you can use these, modify them for your own purposes or create your own from scratch, and add them all to your own personal library.
For example, to understand what the patterns of access look like over a month a query such as this can be pretty useful.
/* Server total time and data transferred by date */
SELECT s-ip,date,count (s-ip),sum(time-taken),sum(sc-bytes),sum(cs-bytes)
GROUP BY s-ip,date
A challenge that you quickly come across is that both the Log Parser and the Studio (which is dependent on the Parser) are 32 bit applications so you need to be careful as to which fields and how much summarisation is included in the result set. If the results grow to quickly then the query will crash as it runs out of memory. The trick is to find a balance between too much information (it crashes) and too little information (need to run many queries). Finding the right balance means further analysis can be done in Excel or Access. I have found that 30 000+ rows still works if few enough fields are chosen and some smart queries are used.
When executing the above query a problem is that the bytes transferred exceeds the value that can be stored in the data type, so you end up with negative numbers for some of the lines returned. Rewriting the query as follows assists in resolving this problem :
/* Server total time and data transferred by date */
SELECT s-ip,date,count (s-ip),sum(div(time-taken,60)),sum(div(sc-bytes,1024)),sum(div(cs-bytes,1024))
GROUP BY s-ip,date
Log parser supports a huge number of different functions but you need to know the format to use them. Take a look here for a listing and examples : http://logparserplus.com/Functions
So whereas I would have expected sum(time-taken/60) to give me a result in minutes it fails with an unknown field. Even (sum((time-taken)/60) fails. Check the function reference shows that log parser wants it as sum(div(time-taken,60)) and then life is happy again. Running your query again having just spent 3 hours waiting for the last one to complete – a little less so.
Using these tools and queries I was then able to summarise down the 160 gig of source data into a few thousand rows that could be imported into Access and joined to CMDB data to produce really useful intelligence that can be analysed directly in Access, Excel or Gephi. Thanks Microsoft for these great free products.
I was also looking for further pre-built queries for Log Parser Studio but was unable to find any. If you know where such may be found, please do share. If there is interest and as I use the tool more I will be happy to share anything I have created.
The Heartbleed bug : a short presentation given at the Kzn ISACA Chapter Meeting
Posted on June 03, 2014I was honoured to be asked to make a (short) presentation at the May 2014 KZN ISACA Chapter meeting. The meeting went down well with probably around 25 people attending.
Attached is the PDF of the presentation.
I hope that some of the members present found it useful and that you, my readers, do too.
Feedback as always most welcome.
The Heartbleed Bug ISACA presentation v3
Award winning presentation on director interlocks on the JSE (SAAA conference June 2013)
Posted on July 14, 2013
My MBA dissertation was entitled “An analysis of director interlocks on the JSE -with reference to the top 40 listed companies” and took me quite some years to complete. There were complexities of having to collect all my own data due to inaccuracies in the CIPC database, having to relearn that matrix mathematics that I thought I would never use again after first year university 20 years ago, then figure out how all these analytical tools work.
During the completion process a few people commented that the only people who would ever read the document would be my supervisor and the two examiners (and even then I would be operating on faith). After all the work I had put in this was quite disheartening. When Leo Deodutt (my supervisor) suggested that we create a paper from the dissertation and submit it for the Southern African Accounting Association Biennial Conference to be held in Cape Town in June I jumped at the chance. What an opportunity to get the message out. Leo did a lot of hard work to cut down the dissertation to a 20 page paper, and in the process we had to restrict the paper to just one of the research questions covered in the dissertation. When the comments came back from the blind peer reviewer there was a nomination for best paper award, which was most gratifying. What an honour just to be nominated.
The presentation itself was again a challenge: to try to fit into 20m what took years to research, and to try to simplify the complexities and distil the message to one that can easily be conveyed to a broad audience. In the end this was achieved and the final presentation is attached. Leo is looking for opportunities to further present the work, and it is likely that we will present again at UKZN in the coming months. Mail me if you have ideas of appropriate forums who may be interested.
The day after the presentation I was absolutely thrilled to discover that we did indeed win the best paper award. I am pretty sure I didn’t stop smiling for a week. Thanks to Leo for all his hard work in making this happen.
Enjoy the presentation and leave any questions in the comments or drop me a mail.
Download a copy of the presentation : SAAA conference June 2013 – director interlocks on the JSE final
Southern African Accounting Association : INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL CONFERENCE
Posted on May 18, 2013The SOUTHERN AFRICAN ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION (SAAA) in collaboration with the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACCOUNTING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH are presenting an INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL CONFERENCE THEMED: The challenge of responsible Accountancy Academic Citizenship: The quest to balance teaching, research and academic leadership from 26-28th June 2013 at the LORD CHARLES HOTEL, SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA. Website here
I am delighted that a paper prepared from my Masters thesis by my supervisors, Leo Deodutt and myself has been accepted for presentation at the above conference.
During the finalisation of my dissertation there were a number of people who were gleefully reminding me that the examiners and I would probably be the only people who ever read or cared about my research. This didn’t fill me with any joy, so I am truly delighted to have the opportunity to share some of my research. It provides further impetus to the original thinking of publishing the material is a book of some format.
Watch this space
UKZN MBA 2013 Presentation : Security & Ethics
Posted on March 02, 2013On Thursday afternoon I was privileged to speak to the UKZN 2013 MBA class on information security and ethics. Below is a copy of the presentation. Lots of detail in here which we didn’t get to cover in the two hours together, and lots to remind you of the things we shared. I hope you all enjoyed the time as much as I did.
Feel free to mail me or post any questions here.
Download PDF presentation : security and ethics 2013 UKZN MBA Feb 2013
Transversal password cracking with NMAP (without downloading the hashes)
Posted on February 16, 2013A few months back I discovered that our service desk had become a little “lazy” and were no longer using the defined process (identify user, randomly generate new password, set to change on first use) and were now handing out weak passwords without requiring the users to change them.
In order to assess the extent of the problem I wanted to do a test against the domain to see how wide-spread the problem was. I Google’d around a bit to try to identify a tool which could perform the exercise for me, but didn’t really find anything that looked suitable. I knew that I didn’t want to grab the hashes and do an off-line attack , but wanted instead to do it “live” against the domain, both to avoid the responsibility of having a copy of all the hashes (risk of is too high and as Head of Infosec I didn’t want that on my head) and also to test the alertness of the security operations centre in detecting the attack.
My criterion was simple, find a tool that given a file of usernames and a file of passwords would test the usernames with the given passwords.
Zacon presentation : Game Hacking : Ross Simpson
Posted on October 27, 2012Unfortunately I missed Zacon this year, again! So far have only heard good things about it. Picked up on Twitter a short while ago that Ross Simpson had presented on “Game Hacking” and had made his presentation available for download, along with a number of the tools referenced. Makes a most interesting read and provides a good history to game hacking and introduction to those who want to get further into it.
Go and download the presentation and take a read here : http://hypn.za.net/zacon4/
Thanks Ross for supporting Zacon, and for sharing a most interesting presentation.
Security considerations for Cloud Computing (ISACA publication)
Posted on October 13, 2012ISACA has released their latest book on cloud computing : Security Considerations for Cloud Computing, earlier in the week I received notification that my personal copy is with FedEx on it’s way to South Africa for me, one of the perks of being an expert reviewer on the panel for the publication.
This guide is Another publication in the Cloud Computing Vision Series, Security Considerations for Cloud Computing presents practical guidance to facilitate the decision process for IT and business professionals concerning the decision to move to the cloud. It helps enable effective analysis and measurement of risk through use of decision trees and checklists outlining the security factors to be considered when evaluating the cloud as a potential solution.
There are five essential characteristics, three types of service models and four major deployment models taken into account relative to cloud computing. To ensure a common understanding of these models, this publication describes the characteristics of each characteristic and model.
This guide is meant for all current and potential cloud users who need to ensure protection of information assets moving to the cloud.
If you are making any significant use of Cloud Computing I would recommend you get your hands on the publication. It’s free for members to download, otherwise $35 for a hard copy, $70 for non-members.
Cyber Defence and Network Security Africa : Cloud-based Scanning
Posted on July 16, 2012I am speaking tomorrow (17 July 2012) at the Cyber-Defence and Network Security Africa conference (www.cyberdefenceafrica.com) at the Crowne Plaza in Rosebank.
Time : 12:15 Cloud-based scanning: A case study from Transnet
- The need for a supplemental, cloud-based scanning solutions
- Cloud based scanning: how it works, the benefits, and limitations
- Implementation challenges and lessons learnt at Transnet
Download a copy of the presentation here : Cloud scanning
Then later in the day I will be participating in a panel discussion with the esteemed Barry Irwin and Kabuthia Riunge. Details of this listed below, should be an interesting 45m.
16:00 Panel discussion: Cyber threats over the horizon and the future of information security
- The current threats, and how these are likely to evolve over the medium term
- State and non-state actors and the threats each poses
- Preparing for cyberwar—what can (and what should) the private sector do
- The future of cybercrime
- Barry Irwin, Senior Lecturer, Rhodes University
- Justin Williams, Principal Specialist: Information Security, Transnet
- Kabuthia Riunge, Senior Information Security Officer, Central Bank of Kenya
ISACA 2012 conference happening from 10-12 September 2012, registrations open soon
Posted on June 17, 2012The ISACA South Africa 2012 conference is happening from the 10-12 September. Diarise the dates, get those purchase requisitions in. If you are wanting to present at the conference then mail Nadine (admin@isaca.org.za) – the speaker lineup is being finalised shortly so hurry up to make sure you don’t miss out.
The conference is being held at the Wanderer’s Club in Illovo. It’s right next door to the Protea hotel if you need accommodation, and is also served by the Gautrain and their buses, with a bus stopping right outside the hotel gates.
Hope to see you all there.
Security Summit 2012 presentations now available
Posted on May 24, 2012The IT Web Security Summit is the premier security event on the South Africa security conference calendar. IT Web has kindly made the presentations and recordings of the presentations available on their website. If you missed out or are simply looking for a re-cap of the great material, take a wander over to the ITWeb site and catch up.
This was one of the first security events that I have seen dedicate a presentation track to ERP/SAP Security. Check out the presentations by :
- Juan Pablo Perez Etchegoyen Cyber-Attacks on SAP & ERP systems: Is Our Business-Critical Infrastructure
- Chris John Riley SAP (in)security: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP
- Ian de Villiers Systems Applications Proxy Pwnage
- Marinus Van Aswegen Securing SAP
Link to IT Web Security Summit Downloads