Getting the Drifta software to work on “unsupported” devices

Posted on September 9, 2011

The official app now supports a more than just the original handful of Samsung and HTC devices. Try search from your phone or market place and see if your device comes up as compatible before trying the methods below.

If you are working on a supported device but your phone is rooted, check here about using OTA Rootkeeper.

Tutorial DRIFTA on ANY Android Device : As posted on MyBroadBand

Hi everyone.

Please download the following application: (Link broken, file on has been taken down – also referenced in MultiChoice take down notice)

We need to modify the phone so that it acts like a Galaxy S.
We do this by modifying build.prop.
Then get ES File Manager from the Market
Open ES File Manager and go to Menu > Settings > Root Options and enable both check boxes
With ES File Manager, make a copy of the build.prop file that’s in the /system folder, just in case

Open the build.prop file and change these two lines:
ro.product.model=’your phone’s name’ to ro.product.model=GT-I9000
ro.product.manufacturer=’whatever’ to ro.product.manufacturer=samsung
Reboot and you’re done.

Working on my Samsung Galaxy Spica

Thanks to Fransh from Cape Town for the info.


Update : A version which works on rooted devices and fakes the server check (is no more -left in for informational purposes)

On threat from Multichoice the links to the versions which work on more devices than the official version have been removed (temporarily). I have some questions around the validity of the takedown notice which I have mailed to Jannie Delport, Technology Risk Manager, Broadcast Technology Division, Multichoice. The response from Jannie will determine whether the links are reinstated or removed permanently.

for fear of dstv actually prosecuting me, i’ll use a different account. (PeterJoe on (mega upload link removed on threat from Multichoice) (filesonic link removed on threat from Multichoice)

This version skips the root check and fakes the authentication token it sends to the dstv servers; so no build.prop modification required. works on my htc device. please let me know if your device works.

Some comments on the Compatibility

  • Sebastian.s1994 confirms : Thanks, I tried this with my RBM HD/Ideos X5/U8800H and it worked
  • Jola : Also works on Sony Xperia Arc – but does not work on Xoom with 3.2.
  • Elimentals : Odd, as it was reported to work on Asus Eee Pad
  • AndySor : Does not work on my non-rooted Desire 2.3 (non HD). Once I select a channel it crashes.
  • Phaktza : Hmmm. My DHD worked 100s on my Leedroid ROM
  • Fransch : 100%. sorry to hear it not working for the non-rooters! Why not look into methods of rooting, think unrooting a devices is possible.
  • Mike Smit : Still failed on my Herotab at auth and drops to the home screen. On my Asus Transformer however – 100%
  • NickZA : Works on My Desire HD! No Root Required (Saved me alot of headache) Doesnt work on My Galaxy Tab 10.1v.
  • PhoneJunky : Seems to be working for me with my SGS that is rooted.
  • Jola : I still get an authentication error with my 3.2 Xoom ! But it does work with my Sony Xperia Arc !!! Thanks !
  • Nut123 : Epic, working on HTC Legend – thank you!
  • NickZA : Can confirm it works on HTC sensation stock.

Posted in: Android

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