How many channels are there?
Posted on March 3, 2011There are currently 15 channels (Changes 14 July 2011) :
- Supersport 1
- Supersport 2
- Supersport 3
- Supersport Blitz
- M-Net Series Mobile **
- Sony MAX
- Africa Magic
- E! Entertainment Mobile **
- Cartoon Network Mobile (now the full version)
- Channel O
- Trace Urban
- The eNews Channel
- CNNi
- Big Brother Amplified
- Idols Extra
** These are mobile versions of the channel and may not match the content of the full channel on DSTV. Cartoon network was most affected by this, but is now the full channel. See the comments at the bottom of the post.
As of 1st April 2011 there were 13 channels (Up from the original 10 at launch)
- Africa Magic
- Channel O
- Trace TV
- The eNews Channel
- SuperSport Blitz
- SuperSport 1
- SuperSport 2
- SuperSport 3
- SuperSport 6 (temp for world cup)
- Cartoon Network
- CNNi
- E!Entertainment
- Sony Max
Just be careful though, the Cartoon Network and E! channels are not the full channels you see on dstv. They are a “dumbed down” version on a 2 hour repeat cycle of week old stuff. Don’t expect the real thing.
To quote from a DSTV spokesman “Note that E! & CN’s content is customised for the mobile environment and unlike the rest of the channels, content on these 2 channels is not the same as content on “normal” DStv. On mobile, E! & CN’s content is meant to repeat 4-5 different clips within a 2 hour loop and also it’s content that played out last week (one weeks old content). ”
And in response to a question on false advertising around it not being the full channels :
” We will escalate the matter in regards with advertising to Marketing and investigate accordingly. For information on DStv Mobile products and the riveting content available, please visit our website.”
Um ya right. Ok then.
And just to prove that DStv does listen, the Cartoon Network being broadcast has been upgraded to the full version. No more complaints from the kids 😉
Posted in: General questions