In which countries can I view the N8 DSTV Mobile service?

Posted on March 3, 2011

DStv Mobile for N8 is currently available in the following countries:

(from the website)

Angola Gabon Reunion
Benin Ghana Rwanda
Botswana Guinea Sao Tome & Principe
Burkina Faso Guinea Bissau Seychelles
Burundi Kenya Senegal
Cameroon Lesotho Sierra Leone
Cape Verder Islands Liberia Somalia
Central African Republic Libya South Africa
Chad Madagascar Sudan
Comoros Malawi Swaziland
Congo Mali Tanzania & Zanzibar
Cote d’Ivoire Mauritania The Gambia
Democratic Republic of Congo Mauritius Togo
Dijbouti Mozambique Tunisia
Equitorial Guinea Namibia Uganda
Eritrea Niger Zambia
Ethiopia Nigeria Zimbabwe


Posted in: Nokia N8 Streaming

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