iPad apps I have bought – October 2011

Posted on October 15, 2011

There are thousands of iPad applications. Having had my iPad 2 for only a few weeks and not wanting to spend a whole lot of cash on apps I may not use or really need I have been a bit circumspect when coming around to shelling out for them. Below is a list of apps I have paid for and very brief note on what each does :

  • Numbers (Spreadsheet), V1.4, Developer:Apple $9.99
    • Apple’s spreadsheet program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful
  • Keynote (Presentations), V1.4, Developer:Apple $9.99
    • Apple’s presentations program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful. Haven’t used it a whole lot yet but plan to once I have the video out cable.
  • Pages (Word Processor), V1.4, Developer:AppleĀ $9.99
    • Apple’s spreadsheet program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful. The clean interface and crisp look to it reminds me a lot of Impression from the Acorn RiscOS days.
  • iThoughtsHD (mindmapping), Developer: Craig Scottv2.4 $9.99
    • Mind maps are an essential part of my daily activities, need them to organise my ADHD thoughts. This one is compatible with FreeMind v0.9 which is free software I use a lot on my PC.
  • Penultimate (Note pad software), v3.2, Developer: Cocoa Box Design LLC $1.99
    • Recommended by a number of colleagues, played with it briefly, seems good to take notes, make little sketches. Export in many formats.
  • Data Usage (Data usage monitor), v4.1, Developer: Kartik Patel $0.99
    • Keep track of how much of my monthly 2 gig I have used. Don’t want to run out half way through the month.
  • TuneIn Radio Pro (Streaming radio player/recorder), V2.1, Developer: Synsion Radio Technologies, $0.99
    • Great to listen to, timeshift and record streaming radio stations. Includes 5fm, ECR and Radio 2000 (and 6 other local stations) as well as thousands of international ones.

Your favourite iPad applications, please share

Posted on October 06, 2011

I have finally succumbed to the temptation and acquired a new iPad 2, 32 gig 3G version. There are so many applications for the device, although the SA app store is really lame. Within all of 3 hours I was ready to jailbreak my device, until I had a USA iTunes account set up and the world opened up. I hear that the Kenya app store (yes Kenya) has benefits. All of the apps (though not the music) is available and you can use your South African credit card. Another post on that soon.

In the meantime, please share details of your favourite applications. I am looking to put a post together so look forward to hearing from you to make that a more interesting post.

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