Host : Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA) and Knotion Consulting –
Topic : Architecture Seminar
Date : Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Venue : Wanderers Club, 21 North Street, Ilovo, Johannesburg.
Cost : Members R550, Non-Members R650
Credits : 3 CPD or LLL points to CSSA members
How well is “Architecture” in its broader ICT sense, understood in your organization? Is it properly deployed and utilized from both a technical and business perspective? Knotion Consulting and Computer Society South Africa have joined forces to bring you an informative half-day seminar which will look into some of these aspects in more depth. Three exciting speakers, each a specialist in his field, will give seminar attendees numerous, thought-provoking insights into certain aspects of the worlds of Enterprise and Software Architecture.
Download booking form here