Want to download a list of Klout scores for a list of Twitter users? There is an app for that

Posted on January 21, 2013

Update : The tool is not working. I suspect it has something to do with the new methods introduced by Klout where a call first needs to be made to get the KloutID from the Twitter name, then lookup on the Klout ID. Will keep you posted on any progress.

With the TopTwits listings I have been doing I thought it would be good to be able to get the Klout scores in there and see how that changes the rankings for the top users. I also would like to see if I take the #afcon2013 player list how their Klout scores come out. There is a lot of debate around the merits of Klout, I don’t really want to get into that, rather just interested in the correlations.

I had a look at the Klout API and was considering trying to write some excel code to get me the Klout scores so I can just pop it into my Access database. I googled around about to avoid duplicating effort when I found a Windows App which does exactly what I wanted.


You will need to go onto Klout and register for a developer key to get the app to work, but it is simple and does the job.  It was a pain to find the app as googling for it produces and awful lot of junk above the app. Somehow I (luckily) managed to stumble across it, this post is simply to share that fortune and possibly assist others in finding this useful tool.

Thanks Wiggert of ISIZ Labs for sharing.

Oh, and if you download the tool and find it useful, just leave a not of thanks on Wiggert’s blog, I am sure he would appreciate it.


Excel Tool to download Twitter Statistics

Posted on January 20, 2013

I have been interested in analysing various Twitter stats and producing lists of top twitter users (j-j.co.za/toptwits) for some time now and been using various tools to do so. This has been challenging and the results I have been producing have been limited as a result. The tool I have used most is NodeXL,which is more for mapping social networks but has the side effect of being able to download “extended statistics” for each of the Nodes (people) on the network. This however does not give me all of the information I wanted and also works on screen names rather than the Twitter ID’s, so if someone changes their name they fall off my list.

Searching on-line I found that Google Docs spreadsheet provides a function ImportXML which a number of people have been using to bring XML results into a spreadsheet. It appears to have some limits (50 calls per document) which at the time seemed problematic since I was wanting to work with much larger lists. I know better understand some of the Twitter API calls so that limit is less extreme than I first though. Nonetheless I wanted to work in Excel as I am more comfortable with it.

I found online that Excel can import an XML document, and that you can enter a URL there, which includes the ability to enter the Twitter API calls directly. Using the macro recorder I then figured out the calls and put some basic scripting around it to take a column of screen names, break it up into batches of 25 and then execute the XMLImport function for each batch and insert the results into the sheet.

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Don’t forget if you have a 3DS you can get your 10 free games now

Posted on September 03, 2011

If you registered as one of the 3DS ambassadors (semi automatically – by accessing the store before the cutoff date) then you will be able to get your games. Just go into the eShop, select the menu (top left icon), scroll down to and select “Settings/Other”, scroll down to and select “Titles You’ve Downloaded”. Select the game you want, click “Redownload” and then click the download button.

It is a little tedious, and you need to do this for each of the 10 games. Still, you then have ten shiny new (old) games to play on your 3DS. Each game takes around 35-40 blocks and is saved to your SD card. They each download in 2-3 minutes (via wifi on a 4 meg ADSL line).

For those that missed it, the game list is :

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Metroid
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Wrecking Crew
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
  • Donkey Kong Jr
  • Balloon Fight
  • Ice Climber
  • Zelda II : The Adventure of Link
  • Mario and Yoshi
  • and lastly, your Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Certificate.

A nice gesture to make up for the drop in price after we bought our 3DS, and worth accepting. 10 more games to come later in the year. Happy playing.

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