ZA WWW 2010 – 12th Annual conference on World Wide Web Applications

Posted on August 30, 2010

Date : 21 – 23 September 2010
Venue : Graduate School of Business, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Afria

The ZA-WWW2010 conference in Durban is multi-disciplinary event.  Researchers (academics and collueagues from industry) will represent the wide spectrum of human knowledge: with Web applications as the common denominator.

This year’s ZA-WWW conference will feature

  • Prominent keynote speakers
  • Multiple programme tracks covering e-Learning, Web development and e-Commerce
  • Peer-reviewed papers as well as invited presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Proceedings published in electronic format in the Conference’s website

Some of the speakers and topics include :

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UKZN Graduate School of Business Seminar : Spiritual Intelligence at Work

Posted on July 27, 2010

Spiritual Intelligence at Work : improving integrity, vitality and productivity

The University of KwaZulu Natal’s Graduate School of Business is pleased to advise that Dr Richard Steele will present at a forthcoming Business Seminar addressing the topic: Spiritual Intelligence at Work – improving integrity, vitality and productivity.

The word “spiritual” derives from the Latin word spiritus, which means “that which gives life or vitality to a system”. Spiritual intelligence is the ability to find meaning and purpose in life, and a way of connecting with the underlying patterns of the universe and all within it. The use of the word spiritual in relation to intelligence has no necessary connection with institutional religion.

This seminar will examine questions such as:

  • How is spiritual intelligence (SQ) different from intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ)?
  • How can we increase our integrity and vitality by connecting with, exploring, and improving our spiritual intelligence?
  • How can spiritual intelligence contribute to organisational wellbeing and productivity?

Spiritual intelligence at work provides an organisational environment based on respect for life and openness to change. Alignment of core values with business practice leads to a more emotionally healthy working environment which increases staff loyalty, motivation, creativity and productivity and adds depth to the triple bottom line principles of environmental, social and financial sustainability.

Dr Richard Steele is a homeopath in private practice and a part-time lecturer in the Department of Homeopathy at the Durban University of Technology. He graduated from UCT in 1979 with majors in English and Psychology and a teacher’s diploma. Up until 1993, when he registered at DUT for his Master’s degree in homeopathy, he was a fieldworker for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, based in Durban. In that capacity he conducted many workshops and training events related to peace, justice, human rights and non-violent direct action.

Date: 19 August 2010
Time: 16h30 (1 hour)
Cost: R100.00 pp
Venue: GSB, UKZN Westville Campus

To Book Contact:
Ms Debbie Main: 031 260 1627,

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