Standard Bank phishing attacks

Posted on August 16, 2010

Over the last few weeks I have been getting emails “from” Standard Bank on a regular basis, probably one or two a week. Today I received two more. I am not a Standard Bank customer, so it is immediately obvious that they must be fake. Perhaps a little less so for those who bank with Standard Bank? Both of these mails look a little different, originate from different email addresses, and have slightly different profiles. Standard Bank (or someone) is on the ball (thankfully) as when I tried to follow up on the mails to see how the attacks were working both had been blacklisted with Firefox/Mozilla as phishing sites, and the offending pages had also been removed. There was one a few weeks back that had not yet been blocked at the time I tried to access it, so I have a little more info on that attack, which I will post as an update when I get a chance (probably on only the weekend).

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