Major update of DSTV Android client (30 new devices)

Posted on May 25, 2012

Without much fanfare DTSV Mobile have snuck out a “beta” release of their Drifta client software for Android devices. This is a mammoth release (compared to prior ones) and now supports an extra 30 odd devices covering a number of different manufacturers including :

  • Sony (XPeria Range – X10, Play, Ray, Active, Pro, S, Arc, Neo, Pro)
  • LG (Otimus range, Prada, Tablet)
  • Motorola (MB860, Atrix, RAZR)
  • Vantium (V1)
  • Huawei (Ideos X5, U8800)
  • HTC (Flyer and Sensation)

There are also a couple of extras on the Honeycomb and Standard release, nothing major though.

Check out the full supported device listing in the FAQ : on supported devices. Don’t forget that rooted devices can be made to work using OTA Rootkeeper.

Thanks to DSTV Product Development manager @neilinspace for tweeting about the update, even though I did miss it for a week or two :)


The OFFICIAL DStv Drifta app now compatible with many more Android Devices

Posted on September 09, 2011

Update 2 : Confirmed for 3 HTC devices, the Desire, Desire HD and Wildfire S.

Other devices appear to be able to download but not run the application.

Update : The app downloads and install but fails the whitelist authentication test. I hope DStv fixes that this morning otherwise I see many of us going with the unofficial application (see here)

As of this morning, despite the Android Market place description of the software saying otherwise, the official DStv Drifta app from the marketplace is now compatible with a number of new devices.

Currently the following are confirmed :

  • Sony Ericsson X10
  • HTC Desire
Please add more compatible devices in the comments once you get yours working.

The DSTV Drifta application for Android has already been hacked to work on “non supported” devices

Posted on September 08, 2011

Update (9/9/2011) : As of this morning many more devices are supported. The application description still only lists the initial Galaxy devices but if you have an HTC, Sony Ericsson (and maybe others) the Market Place now shows up the app for your phone whereas before it was listed as incompatible. Try the official application before any of the hacked ones!!

For those who are still desperate:

There have been a number of posts around the net with users expressing their annoyance and dismay at the limited number of Android devices that are supported by DStv mobile.

It didn’t take long for users to start making their phones look like a Samsung Galaxy S to get the software to run, which worked quite well but required some modification of the phone (rooting it and changing property files).

Some kind soul (anonymously known as PeterJoe) then hacked the install file to allow it to run on rooted devices as well as fake the check to make it work on any phone (posted to  This doesn’t work on every device but many are supported. Sadly the Samsung Galaxy 10.1 doesn’t seem to be one of them.

See how to do this in the FAQ :

Enjoy the World Cup.

HTC and Drifta, a few tweeted tidbits

Posted on September 07, 2011

With DStv Mobile having released the Android app for some Samsung Galaxy devices it looks as though HTC are feeling rather left out and wanting to get their share of the action. Some interesting tweets today.

First up was @Regardt van der Berg, “I do PR, Communications, and Social Media for HTC and I’m a lazy photographer” from  commenting that support is coming to HTC soon and they are working with the Devs to get the app approved on HTC.

Nico @Zandberg picked up that the screenshots present on the Android App Store are actually taken from an HTC and not a Samsung.  Mybroadband picked up on the press release mailed out by DStv mobile and put up a story.

I contacted Regardt and put some questions to him, which were partially answered with a non-committal “We are working with Multichoice” but an offer to correspond further by email, which I took him up on and sent a mail asking a few questions.

Will feed back when I get a response. An interesting day for HTC users none-the-less.

NB : The tweets below were collated together using editor software, but can be validated back to Twitter.


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