Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyISG (Whitehat) Durban June meeting : Information Warfare
Posted on June 13, 2010The details for the next ISG Durban (White Hat) meeting :
Title: Information Warfare
Speaker: Brett van Niekerk
Date: 17 June 2010
Time: 18:30
Venue: Elephant Room, M Block, UKZN Westville Campus
If you have any problems or need help getting to the venue, email ralfepoisson@gmail.com or drop me a mail and I will provide you with whatever details you need.
To get to the Elephant Room, first follow the map to get to M block, then go through the door to the right, in front of you there will be the access the LANs (light blue turnstiles and a door), the door will be open, go through and listen for the voices