iPad apps I have bought – October 2011

Posted on October 15, 2011

There are thousands of iPad applications. Having had my iPad 2 for only a few weeks and not wanting to spend a whole lot of cash on apps I may not use or really need I have been a bit circumspect when coming around to shelling out for them. Below is a list of apps I have paid for and very brief note on what each does :

  • Numbers (Spreadsheet), V1.4, Developer:Apple $9.99
    • Apple’s spreadsheet program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful
  • Keynote (Presentations), V1.4, Developer:Apple $9.99
    • Apple’s presentations program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful. Haven’t used it a whole lot yet but plan to once I have the video out cable.
  • Pages (Word Processor), V1.4, Developer:AppleĀ $9.99
    • Apple’s spreadsheet program, easy to use, clean interface, so far seems pretty and useful. The clean interface and crisp look to it reminds me a lot of Impression from the Acorn RiscOS days.
  • iThoughtsHD (mindmapping), Developer: Craig Scottv2.4 $9.99
    • Mind maps are an essential part of my daily activities, need them to organise my ADHD thoughts. This one is compatible with FreeMind v0.9 which is free software I use a lot on my PC.
  • Penultimate (Note pad software), v3.2, Developer: Cocoa Box Design LLC $1.99
    • Recommended by a number of colleagues, played with it briefly, seems good to take notes, make little sketches. Export in many formats.
  • Data Usage (Data usage monitor), v4.1, Developer: Kartik Patel $0.99
    • Keep track of how much of my monthly 2 gig I have used. Don’t want to run out half way through the month.
  • TuneIn Radio Pro (Streaming radio player/recorder), V2.1, Developer: Synsion Radio Technologies, $0.99
    • Great to listen to, timeshift and record streaming radio stations. Includes 5fm, ECR and Radio 2000 (and 6 other local stations) as well as thousands of international ones.
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