LinkedIn reaches 200 million and I’m in the Top 5% most viewed profiles (along with 10 million others!)

Posted on February 17, 2013

I received a mail the other day to say that LinkedIn had reached 200 million members, and that my profile was one of the Top 5% of most viewed profiles. Sounds impressive doesn’t it? Perhaps a little less so when you consider 10 million other members must have received the same mail. Ah well, below is a snapshot of that mail and the accompanying info-graphic just for interest sake. Sadly this doesn’t show South Africa to be a top user of Linked In. In fact Africa doesn’t even warrant a dot, I guess that means we have fewer members than even the 3 million of Australia. Ah well.



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Please help Marketing Research students of the Commerce Faculty of UCT:LinkedIn Survey

Posted on August 04, 2011

To whom it may concern, please fill out the following questionnaire with regard to your use of the social networking site LinkedIn. The completion of this questionnaire should not take more than five minutes. This survey has been issued by the Marketing Research students of the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town. You will remain anonymous in your response and thus all your answers will be kept confidential.

 If you have any queries with regard the research, please do not hesitate to contact the researchers Kirsten Eddey or Jessica Gamble at
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