Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyDStv Mobile Channels adjusted, premium package added
Posted on November 08, 2011I was sent a press release from DStv mobile today around some changes to their channels and packages. They have split the channels into three packages:
- Free : E! Entertainment, Channel O, SuperSport Blitz, The eNews Channel, CNNi
- R36/Month : SuperSport 1,2,3,4, AfricaMagic, M-Net Series, SONYMax, Cartoon Network, Discovery
- Premium : M-Net Mobile (Available only to DStv Premium subscribers at no subscription cost)
So the net effect is that Discovery has been added for all existing (R36/month) subscribers, and if you are a DStv Premium (R600+/month) subscriber you can now also have the new M-Net Mobile on your Drifta for free.
The M-Net mobile should be almost the same as the M-Net channel (except there will be no movies?), and will be available from 2pm to around 10:30pm each day.
There is no indication of whether M-Net Mobile will be available to non-premium subscribers for an extra fee at some stage.
The full press release is included below :