What kind of content should we be sharing on @PigspotKZN : Poll

Posted on November 03, 2012

There are often comments and complaints on what people are sharing on @pigspotkzn, so here is your chance to have your say and tell the community what kind of information you want to see shared. The poll will stay open for a week depending on the response rate.

Just untick the items you don’t want.

Thanks for sharing, and please feel free to comment on this post to tell us your thoughts.



Pigspotter KZN (@pigspotkzn) is down for a bit

Posted on October 13, 2012

Apologies to all fans, followers and KZN folk. @pigspotkzn works through an automated retweet service that takes all your messages which being with @pigspotkzn and then retweets them to all followers giving attribution to the original tweeter. This useful service is powered by the 11000+ followers who provide the content, and spotd.me which does the auto retweeting.

Unfortunately spotd.me has been down for the last two days, and Clint, the guy who runs this free and very useful service is away for the weekend. Clint has kindly responded to say he will investigate the problem when he gets back on Tuesday.

In the meantime I will keep checking all tweets directed at @pigspotkzn manually and retweet as often as I can. Apologies if these are a bit delayed or if I miss anything. Spotd.me does a much better job than I can.

Thanks again to our @pigspotkzn community for making the service what it is, and for your patience and understanding while we get the service up and running again.

Thanks also for all of the concern, and well wishes expressed when the service went down. I’m glad to see that it is making a positive difference in people’s daily lives.


Traffic twitterers and pig spotters

Posted on May 07, 2011

There are quite a number of different twitter accounts which can help you keep up to speed with what is happening on the roads around the country. Following a collection of these accounts really can make your life a whole lot more comfortable and relieve a lot of frustrations.

I have created a page listing my favourites. Since I am based in KZN most of the ones listed are from that region. Please feel free to leave more in the comments and I will add them to the list to keep it up to date regularly. For your convenience you can find a combined twitter list here : http://twitter.com/#!/jjza/traffic

The full list is here : www.j-j.co.za/pigspotters


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