Award winning presentation on director interlocks on the JSE (SAAA conference June 2013)

Posted on July 14, 2013


SAAA biennial conference logo

My MBA dissertation was entitled “An analysis of director interlocks on the JSE -with reference to the top 40 listed companies” and took me quite some years to complete. There were complexities of having to collect all my own data due to inaccuracies in the CIPC database, having to relearn that matrix mathematics that I thought I would never use again after first year university 20 years ago, then figure out how all these analytical tools work.

During the completion process a few people commented that the only people who would ever read the document would be my supervisor and the two examiners (and even then I would be operating on faith). After all the work I had put in this was quite disheartening. When Leo Deodutt (my supervisor) suggested that we create a paper from the dissertation and submit it for the Southern African Accounting Association Biennial Conference to be held in Cape Town in June I jumped at the chance. What an opportunity to get the message out. Leo did a lot of hard work to cut down the dissertation to a 20 page paper, and in the process we had to restrict the paper to just one of the research questions covered in the dissertation. When the comments came back from the blind peer reviewer there was a nomination for best paper award, which was most gratifying. What an honour just to be nominated.

The presentation itself was again a challenge: to try to fit into 20m what took years to research, and to try to simplify the complexities and distil the message to one that can easily be conveyed to a broad audience. In the end this was achieved and the final presentation is attached. Leo is looking for opportunities to further present the work, and it is likely that we will present again at UKZN in the coming months. Mail me if you have ideas of appropriate forums who may be interested.

The day after the presentation I was absolutely thrilled to discover that we did indeed win the best paper award. I am pretty sure I didn’t stop smiling for a week. Thanks to Leo for all his hard work in making this happen.

Enjoy the presentation and leave any questions in the comments or drop me a mail.


Download a copy of the presentation :  SAAA conference June 2013 – director interlocks on the JSE final


Please help Marketing Research students of the Commerce Faculty of UCT:LinkedIn Survey

Posted on August 04, 2011

To whom it may concern, please fill out the following questionnaire with regard to your use of the social networking site LinkedIn. The completion of this questionnaire should not take more than five minutes. This survey has been issued by the Marketing Research students of the Commerce Faculty of the University of Cape Town. You will remain anonymous in your response and thus all your answers will be kept confidential.

 If you have any queries with regard the research, please do not hesitate to contact the researchers Kirsten Eddey or Jessica Gamble at

(South) Africa’s Top Twits – July 2011 (final)

Posted on July 28, 2011

This is the third post in four days on the matter of the top twitter users in (South) Africa, ranked by number of followers.

You can read the previous posts here  explaining how this arose:

I have now created a static page (as opposed to a post) to house the information going forward, and I hope to be able to update it regularly. Initially perhaps monthly and then maybe to quarterly if that proves to be too onerous.
The page is “Top Twits” on the menu at the top of the site, or linked here.
The information is available as an Excel sheet or as a PDF as well as the Top 100 present in the body of the post.
Enjoy and please provide feedback.

The new improved (South) African Top Twits July 2011

Posted on July 26, 2011

See the final list here :

Yesterday’s post (here) attempted to list the Top Twits (by number of followers) in (South) Africa.  If you didn’t read the post yesterday, take a read to see where this all started.  It had some flaws. There were some big names missing. After some manual processing and prompting for various parties, here is the new improved (still very much draft) (South) African Top Twits.  The top 10 has changed a bit, and beyond that even more so. To make yesterday’s top 50 you needed 13 251 followers, today that has jumped to 22 613.

Once again, if there are some big names out there that have been missed please let me know.

Change log :

  • Removed duplicated @BusRep, @BibleThoughts now makes it in at number 50 (26/7/2011)
  • Added in some more users @Elbaradei, Jacob Zuma (SAPresident), Presidency, MetroFM (27/7/2011)
  • Expanded the list to top 60 (so that some didn’t drop out of yesterday’s list)
  • Included the date updated field
  • Checked the numbers of all the accounts listed against current numbers as previous sources were unreliable. Checked the balance of the top 120 as well just in case any jumped up the list, some of which did.
 Read the rest of this entry »

Will South Africa’s real Top Twits please stand up

Posted on July 25, 2011

Update : See the final list here : (updated monthly)

The Strategy Worx recently released their ‘Social Media in SA – The Numbers‘ Report for Quarter two. Makes some interesting reading. There is some discussion on Google Plus here.

In the report is a list of  the Top 20 South African twitter personalities. The list was interesting, but on reflection seemed to be missing some of the people who I would have expected to be in the report.  There appear to be some obvious missing ones eg. DJ Fresh 98 656 followers and Pigspotter (Cliff) with 61 000 Jack Parrow 22 281 Steven Pienaar (ok, he lives in the UK most of the time) 67 480 John Robbie 23 377, Bryan Habana 46 270 etc etc

I quickly posted a question on the discussion asking what was the selection criteria for this? After going back and reading the report more closely I found the reference :

Going onto Twitaholic and playing a little gave some insight into the problem. The query used only picks you up if you list South Africa (Country), not City, Country (Eg. Durban South Africa).

This is very clear, Bruce Attridge in Durban, South Africa has 213 000 followers and is top of the Durban list, but doesn’t come up (would be 1st) in the South Africa query. Problem. Playing a bit more and you find that Durban, Durban South Africa and South Africa all produce different lists.

To top it all off, looking at the follower numbers shows some more problems. I am listed way down on the list (not that I have that many followers), but the numbers were vastly different from what Twitter shows as my followers. It seems the list is quite dated. If you click on a user, there is a button to “Update my Stats!” which can be used once a day. A manual process – though some numbers are more recent than others. Ok, so the data is flawed.

Read the rest of this entry »

ISACA Whitepaper “Securing Mobile Devices” #in

Posted on August 25, 2010

ISACA have released a whitepaper on the securing of mobile devices. This is the first in a series of documents which will eventually include audit/assurance programs for such devices. The overview of these documents can be found here.

Abstract of white paper

Mobile computing devices have become a critical tool in today’s networked world. Enterprises and individuals alike rely on mobile devices to remain reachable when away from the office or home. While mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and Universal Serial Bus (USB) memory sticks have facilitated increased convenience for individuals as well as the potential for increased productivity in the workplace, these benefits are not without risks. Mobile devices have been, and continue to be, a source of various types of security incidents. These stem from issues such as device loss, malware and external breaches. As the availability of human resources and systems continues to be critical to society and business operations, it stands to reason that mobile device usage will continue to escalate as will the features that these devices offer. It is therefore imperative that proper risk management be applied and security controls implemented to maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks associated with such devices.

Download the whitepaper here. writeup on the whitepaper here.

Network security podcast covers Cisco 2010 Midyear Security Report #in

Posted on August 04, 2010

I was listening to the Network Security podcast this morning (Blackhat mini-cast) and they had an interview with Mary Landesman, a Senior Cisco security researcher, who discussed the Cisco 2010 Mid-year security report that is now available. Download here. Direct link to PDF.

Quoting the intro from the report :

The Cisco 2010 Midyear Security Report examines the major forces of change reshaping the global security landscape. These changes demand that organizations rethink their approaches to enterprise security. Current shifts — from the virtualization of operations to collaboration and social networking — provide new opportunities for criminals to infiltrate networks and steal high-value business data.

The Cisco 2010 Midyear Security Report includes:

  • Results and analysis from two new Cisco studies — one focused on employee collaboration and the other on the concerns of IT decision-makers worldwide
  • International trends in cyber-security and their potential impact on business
  • Insight into how hackers penetrate “soft spots” in enterprise security to steal sensitive data and sell it to the highest bidder
  • An update on global spam trends since late 2009 and spam volume predictions for 2010
  • Guidance from Cisco security experts to help businesses improve their enterprise security by 2011

Read the Cisco 2010 Midyear Security Report, and find the best strategies to help you meet current security demands for your organization.

During the podcast it was also mentioned that Cisco put out weekly and monthly reports. I hadn’t seen these reports before and have just whipped through some quickly and it’s quite interesting, definitely something I will come back to and have a look at on a weekly basis. To quote the site blurb “The weekly Cyber Risk Reports provide strategic intelligence that highlight current security activity. The reports address seven major risk management categories: vulnerability, physical, legal, trust, identity, human, and geopolitical.”

You can find the weekly reports and supporting podcasts here.

MSc/PhD Scholarships:The Dept of Science & Technology and National Research Foundation, Cosmology,Radio astronomy

Posted on July 30, 2010

Thanks to @cecilia_vdm for tweeting about this :

The South African SKA Project is a project of the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation and comprises Africa’s bid to host the Square Kilometre Array Radio Telescope (SKA), the design, construction and operation of the Karoo Array Telescope (MeerKAT) and a youth into science and engineering programme focused on supporting science and engineering students and postdoctoral fellows. Africa has been short-listed with Australia to host the SKA. If Africa is selected to site the SKA,the core of the telescope will be located in the Karoo region of the Northern Cape.

Scholarships are being offered aligned to the SKA project. The research focus for the SKA PhD and MSc scholarships must align very closely with specific areas of MeerKAT, SKA, PAPER and C-BASS science and technology where research is required.

For 2011, the research projects must be in the following general fields:
• Observational radio astronomy and cosmology.
• Experimental cosmology
• Radio astronomy engineering and instrumentation technologies

Alternatively, if a student wishes to undertake a project that does not appear on this list, he/she is free to submit a proposal for consideration, together with motivation for why the proposed project is relevant to the design, construction and scientific research goals of the MeerKAT and / or SKA.

Closing date for applications is 31 August 2010.

This project sounds really interesting and there are some wonderful research opportunities here. Go and read up further on their website.

P.S. If you are interested in scholarships being offered around the world in many diverse research areas, follow @infoscholarship on Twitter.

Help out an MBA student by completing questionnaire on Phishing

Posted on July 23, 2010

I, RAJAN MUNIEN, an MBA student, at the Graduate School of Business, University of Kwazulu-Natal, hereby invite you to participate in a research project entitled “Internet Phishing – Hook, Line and Hopefully not Sunk…” The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding about online user’s awareness to the problem of Internet Phishing (IP). Through your participation I hope to determine the level of awareness amongst users and to present a strategy in creating further awareness on the problem. The results are intended to contribute towards implementing an awareness programme that will prevent further users from becoming victims to the threat of Internet Phishing. Your participation in this project is voluntary. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the project at any time with no negative consequence. There will be no monetary gain from participating in this survey group. Confidentiality and anonymity of records identifying you as a participant will be maintained by the Graduate School of Business, UKZN.

If you agree to the above and want to proceed to the questionnaire, please click on the link below. This survey will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.

If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact the author hereunder:
Rajan Munien, Cell : 084 – 5800 176, email :

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