I once again had the privilege of attending the IT Web Security Summit in May 2014. As always when attending these large events I try and cover the presentations I attend through tweets. This creates quite comprehensive coverage as I also monitor the hashtag for the event (#itwebsec in this case) and then re-tweet other bloggers, journalists and active people’s tweets. In the end I believe my timeline is quite a useful archive of the social media (Twitter) coverage of the event.
Now trying to archive this for particular event is somewhat problematic. The web interface for Twitter provides a nice view with the tweeters profile pics, stats (retweets etc) of each tweet and the like. It is however a real pain to put this into a format which I can post onto my blog. I tried editing the HTML of a saved page but without decent tools that HTML code is just unmanageable.
I came across tweetbook.in which provides a sort of journal creation facility and allows you to give a start and end date, then spews out a PDF. Sadly the formatting is quite poor and no pictures are included. It does however give the basic timeline and the tweets are provided timestamped in chronological order so it is much better than nothing.
Below is the tweetbook
JJZA Tweetbook
And the PDF’d twitter page, scroll down until you find the relevant tweets, sorry no selection options – and it is in reverse chronological order.
(oops – the file was 72 meg so exceeds the filesize limit for inserting. Pity indeed).
I found another option (twournal.com) which lets you create (and even sell if you like) books from your tweets. I generated a book from the period but it will mail the book to me in 24 hours. Depending on the size and outcome I will link that here too.
(twournal to come here)
If anybody knows of a better way of doing this then please do share. Sad to see may various events covered go to waste and be lost in the depths of cyberspace.
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