Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyTips and Techniques for the ISACA CISA Exam (Session 14)
Posted on June 06, 2015Apologies for the delay in getting up the slides from Tuesday’s session. The video is up on Youtube and you can find it below. I have also uploaded a copy of the very useful guide by Shirish Deshpande & Rafeq. Goodluck to all candidates, hope that things are going well with your studies, and don’t forget to use the CISA discussion forum on the ISACA website if you have any specific challenges.
Link to video on Youtube
Download the slides : ITSec CISA Prep June 2015 session 14 2nd June 2015 Exam tips
Download Shirish Deshpande & Rafeq’s excellent Tips guide : tipsforcisaexam
The last session before the exam will be next week Tuesday. The video will be broadcast live through hangouts and available on Youtube pretty soon thereafter.