Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyThe latest edition of Africa’s Top Twits is now out. Read it here : http://j-j.co.za/toptwits/
There are once again more twitter users included who had been overlooked previously, with particular focus on users in other parts of Africa. This has had a significant impact on the top 100.
This month I include a little more commentary on the top 10, include some growth statistics for this special group, as well as lay down the start of a comparison we can do over the next few months for our 13 Bokke who are on twitter. The 13 can be found here (http://twitter.com/jjza/WorldCupBokke2011)
Once again, suggestions, comments, corrections all welcome.
(South) Africa’s Top Twits – August interim edition
Justin | No Comments » Posted on August 20, 2011I have found a number of additional African twitter accounts which had previously not been included in the list. I have added these in and updated the follower numbers for all accounts present in the list. As always, please send through comments suggestions and amendments. An updated version will be produced at the end of August as the “official” August list. This is to just correct known issues from the last 3 weeks since the last list.
Follow this link to find all the goodies : http://j-j.co.za/toptwits