HTC and Drifta, a few tweeted tidbits

Posted on September 07, 2011

With DStv Mobile having released the Android app for some Samsung Galaxy devices it looks as though HTC are feeling rather left out and wanting to get their share of the action. Some interesting tweets today.

First up was @Regardt van der Berg, “I do PR, Communications, and Social Media for HTC and I’m a lazy photographer” from  commenting that support is coming to HTC soon and they are working with the Devs to get the app approved on HTC.

Nico @Zandberg picked up that the screenshots present on the Android App Store are actually taken from an HTC and not a Samsung.  Mybroadband picked up on the press release mailed out by DStv mobile and put up a story.

I contacted Regardt and put some questions to him, which were partially answered with a non-committal “We are working with Multichoice” but an offer to correspond further by email, which I took him up on and sent a mail asking a few questions.

Will feed back when I get a response. An interesting day for HTC users none-the-less.

NB : The tweets below were collated together using editor software, but can be validated back to Twitter.


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