Vodacom COLOR provides good value prepaid SMS/Data bundles for under 25s

Posted on September 09, 2010

My daughter alerted me to a new R29 Vodacom bundle for Under 25’s. Vodacom COLOR is a free service for Under 25’s. When you sign up you get 15 MMSs, 15 SVSs and 3MB data FREE every 30 days. On top of that your get to buy COLOUR UP add on bundles.

The “COLOR UR FRIENDS” bundle gets you 100 SMS and up to 100 Meg of data to be used for The Grid, Mxit and Facebook mobile. That’s a fairly decent price compared to a standard SMS bundle, you are basically getting your Facebook and Mxit access free for the month. Only one of these bundles can be used each month. The other bundles are for those interested in Games, Music, or early morning cheap calls.

To sign up SMS agent135 to 31118, it’s a free SMS.  (Disclaimer, that is my daughter’s agent code). Once you are signed up you can buy the other bundles (at R29 each).

To read more about the COLOR packages, terms and conditions etc you can go to the website here. Sam can also help with questions and setup, get her on : samibabez93@yahoo.com , facebook or twitter @samw1993 .

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