Zacon presentation : Game Hacking : Ross Simpson

Posted on October 27, 2012

Unfortunately I missed Zacon this year, again! So far have only heard good things about it. Picked up on Twitter a short while ago that Ross Simpson had presented on “Game Hacking” and had made his presentation available for download, along with a number of the tools referenced. Makes a most interesting read and provides a good history to game hacking and introduction to those who want to get further into it.

Go and download the presentation and take a read here :

Thanks Ross for supporting Zacon, and for sharing a most interesting presentation.

ZaCon call for papers closes 20th August 2010 (17 days folks)

Posted on August 03, 2010

Just a reminder that the free (low cost) security conference ZaCon is being held on Saturday 9th October 2010 at the University of Joburg.

The call for papers went out some time ago and closes on the 20th August. If you are interested in attending, diarise, if you have something to share then write up that abstract and send it through.

More details here

ZaCon II Call For Papers

Posted on May 28, 2010

Date : 9 October 2010.
Location : University of Joburg. Joburg.
Cost : The goal is to hit breakeven on the costs,  so an entry fee (if charged) will be low.

Many other conferences exist to cater either to the strictly Academic or Professional individual. We want a simple community based forum  that is completely  free of  corporate affiliation (or shilling). The intention behind this  is that the passion for the field or of sharing knowledge should  be  the primary motivation  of attending or speaking at this conference.

We aim to fulfill these objectives:
* Provide a platform for publication of infosec research
* Showcase free locally-developed infosec tools
* Support  the interaction of industry, academia and  the interested public
* Encourage discussion on infosec / hackery / sec-related-geekery at large
* Build the ZA infosec community
* Provide a platform to up-n-coming talent

Closing date for submissions is 20 August 2010.

* Site:
* Abstracts: abstracts AT zacon org za
* Organisers: people AT zacon org za
* IRC: #zacon on

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