Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyZA WWW 2010 – 12th Annual conference on World Wide Web Applications
Posted on August 30, 2010Date : 21 – 23 September 2010
Venue : Graduate School of Business, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Afria
The ZA-WWW2010 conference in Durban is multi-disciplinary event. Researchers (academics and collueagues from industry) will represent the wide spectrum of human knowledge: with Web applications as the common denominator.
This year’s ZA-WWW conference will feature
- Prominent keynote speakers
- Multiple programme tracks covering e-Learning, Web development and e-Commerce
- Peer-reviewed papers as well as invited presentations
- Poster presentations
- Proceedings published in electronic format in the Conference’s website
Some of the speakers and topics include :