ZA WWW 2010 – 12th Annual conference on World Wide Web Applications

Posted on August 8, 2010

Date : 21 – 23 September 2010
Venue : Graduate School of Business, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Afria

The ZA-WWW2010 conference in Durban is multi-disciplinary event.  Researchers (academics and collueagues from industry) will represent the wide spectrum of human knowledge: with Web applications as the common denominator.

This year’s ZA-WWW conference will feature

  • Prominent keynote speakers
  • Multiple programme tracks covering e-Learning, Web development and e-Commerce
  • Peer-reviewed papers as well as invited presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Proceedings published in electronic format in the Conference’s website

Some of the speakers and topics include :

  • Charl Fregona, Affinity architecture and online explicadors: how higher education educators learn to teach in online environments
  • Annette Tolnai, Sebastiaan Von Solms, Securing the core virtual infrastructure to ensure a secure cloud computing environment
  • Oren Dayan, Cecil Arnolds, The role of e-business tactics in achieving sales growth and CRM success: a comparative study of three industries
  • Nkanyiso Ndlovu, Mamello Thinyane, Investigating wireless network deployment configurations for marginalized rural areas
  • Phil Ice, Extending the LMS to users with limited connectivity
  • Eric Cloete, Exploring the potential of mobile field force automation in South African small enterprises
  • Nobert Jere, Mamello Thinyane, Alfredo Terzoli, Enhancing e-commerce services for a rural community: online customer negotiation application
  • Jerry Le Roux, Cloud computing: can it help to breach the digital divide in Africa, with special reference to South Africa
  • Blessing Mbatha, Contextualizing barriers to the exploitation of ICTs by tourism SME service providers in South Africa: the case of tourism SMEs in the City of Tshwane

The full conference schedule is here

Visit the website for more conference details and registration details, or contact Debbie Main on +27 31 260 1627 or mail

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