Don’t forget if you have a 3DS you can get your 10 free games now

Posted on September 03, 2011

If you registered as one of the 3DS ambassadors (semi automatically – by accessing the store before the cutoff date) then you will be able to get your games. Just go into the eShop, select the menu (top left icon), scroll down to and select “Settings/Other”, scroll down to and select “Titles You’ve Downloaded”. Select the game you want, click “Redownload” and then click the download button.

It is a little tedious, and you need to do this for each of the 10 games. Still, you then have ten shiny new (old) games to play on your 3DS. Each game takes around 35-40 blocks and is saved to your SD card. They each download in 2-3 minutes (via wifi on a 4 meg ADSL line).

For those that missed it, the game list is :

  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Metroid
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Wrecking Crew
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
  • Donkey Kong Jr
  • Balloon Fight
  • Ice Climber
  • Zelda II : The Adventure of Link
  • Mario and Yoshi
  • and lastly, your Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Certificate.

A nice gesture to make up for the drop in price after we bought our 3DS, and worth accepting. 10 more games to come later in the year. Happy playing.

Africa’s Top Twits August 2011 edition now out

Posted on September 03, 2011

The latest edition of Africa’s Top Twits is now out. Read it here :

There are once again more twitter users included who had been overlooked previously, with particular focus on users in other parts of Africa. This has had a significant impact on the top 100.

This month I include a little more commentary on the top 10, include some growth statistics for this special group, as well as lay down the start of a comparison we can do over the next few months for our 13 Bokke who are on twitter. The 13 can be found here (

Once again, suggestions, comments, corrections all welcome.






The Springboks sendoff – A collage of pics tweeted by our boys

Posted on September 03, 2011

The power of Twitter as a reporting medium continues to grow. Through the afternoon of their departure our boys tweeted some really amazing photos.  This collage is created using Picassa from pictures tweeted through the afternoon by our boys grabbed from the Twitter List :


The full-sized image can be grabbed here.

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