Website Changed : Activated cloudflare

Posted on January 1, 2013

I have read about Cloudflare for a while and it seems to provide considerable benefits. I have noticed that this site is sometimes a bit slow to load and Google certainly thinks so.  A potential problem is in Ad revenue as many online complain that Cloudflare has destroyed their ad-sense revenue (drop of 80% plus).  I don’t really run this site to make ad revenue and have notice a huge fall off of revenue (despite visits not changing significantly) – so am curious as to what difference this now makes. Previously I wasn’t inclined to go through the hassles of changing the DNS entries etc to make this work, however my ISP has enabled a very easy method of enabling it so I have now turned it on.

If you notice any changes (positive and negative), please share your thoughts in the comments.



Categories: Website design

4 Responses

  1. Donn Edwards:

    What kind of changes did you have to make to your content, if any?
    Can you identify any drop-off in your Ad-Sense stats?

    20.01.2013 15:29 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Donn
      I didn’t have to make any changes to my content, it was just a few clicks from within the Site Manager provided by the Hosting Provider. I will let it run for a few days and then see if I can detect any changes in the Ad-Sense stats. So far (no decent sample) I can’t see any change.

      20.01.2013 15:37 Reply

  2. Binoj:

    I also switched to cloudflare recently. It does say that lots of threats has been blocked, no of unique visitors, etc. but people say that cloudflare stats are false and they mislead with high numbers. and i got high numbers too. even though cloudflare give a reason for it, the numbers seem way too high. especially after enabling it on a new server with no traffic and i got report from cloudflare that i saved ~20MB and i was saved from 1 threat. any experience like this? but performance optimization is good with them i guess

    19.01.2013 19:44 Reply

    • Justin:

      Thanks for your input Binoj, will leave it to run for a while see what impact it has and then post back.

      19.01.2013 20:02 Reply

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