Timeline of my tweets for #share4biz Share 2014 conference (updated with images)

Posted on June 21, 2014

During this last week (Wednesday and Thursday) I had the pleasure of attending my first Share conference covering Microsoft’s Sharepoint platform (#share4biz). As always I like to cover the events I attend on Twitter – it helps me focus on the presentations and overcome those ADHD tendencies.

As with the #ITWebSec Security Summit I tried to capture my timeline of tweets from the event to package, archive and share what happened at the event. After that event I tried to journalise my tweets and explored a number of options. Twournal looked the most promising but never produced a valid PDF that could be opened. Tweetbook.in produced a plain PDF of the text of the tweets but with no images which is unfortunate as the content of a large number of the presentation slides was captured in the images.

For now, here is my #share4biz conference timeline courtesy of Tweetbook. If I can find a better way I will add that in. Suggestions welcomed if you know of one.

Download it here : @jjza #share4biz

Update : 

I am delighted to say that Twournal sent through a notification to say the e-book is ready and this time it produce a valid PDF file which is available below, with all of the pictures embedded. 110 pages of full colour tweets with supporting graphics, bringing to life the coverage of the event. Wonderful.

Download it here : @jjza coverage of Share4Biz with images (Twournal)


Some photos from the event (all embedded in the PDF twournal above)

citizens expect outcomes all tied up keep it simple future of collab where business be in 2015


Analysing SCCM Logs with Log Parser Studio

Posted on June 21, 2014

Microsoft System Centre Configuration Manager (SCCM) is used in an Active Directory environment to amongst other things deliver patches and antivirus to the servers and workstations.

In a large environment you can have quite a number of SCCM servers operating in tandem to deliver the data to the client devices. Obtaining details in an SCCM environment of exactly which endpoints are being served by which servers (or how busy each server is) isn’t quite as straightforward as one might imagine.  The client devices all connect to the servers through HTTP calls to collect the packages they require. The IIS logs from the SCCM servers can be downloaded and analysed to try to figure out what is happening in the environment.

The IIS logs contain a number of useful fields (a sample included below) :

LogFilename : E:\logs\SCCMP101\SCCMP101\W3SVC1\u_ex140410.log
LogRow : 5
date : 41739
time : 36526.7730902778
c-ip : 10.75.xx.xx
cs-username :
s-sitename :
s-computername :
s-ip : 10.98.xx.xx
s-port : 80
cs-method : GET
cs-uri-stem : /SMS_MP/.sms_aut
cs-uri-query : MPLIST
sc-status : 200
sc-substatus : 0
sc-win32-status : 0
sc-bytes : 608
cs-bytes : 124
time-taken : 15
cs-version :
cs-host : sccmp101.xx.net
cs(User-Agent) : SMS+CCM

Further fields such as Cookie, Referer events and process types are present but I found these to be generally blank.  The above example includes the data transferred (sc-bytes and cs-bytes) which were not turned on by default and which I found quite useful. These can be activated in IIS easily enough.

In my use case I obtained the logs from 83 servers which amounted to 2859 files over 254 folders coming to 122GB (uncompressed). The proves to be a little bit of a challenge when I don’t have SQL server installed on my PC or Laptop, MS Access is limited to 2GB database and even SQL Express 2014 is limited to 10GB.

I had previously heard of (but not used) Microsoft Log Parser. A quick search revealed version 2.2 (released some 9 years ago in 2005 – but don’t let that put you off) available for download. Now this is a pretty nifty tool as it understands log files in many different formats (and even plain text files). This saves you from having to clean up the log files to strip out headers (which are written to the logs every time the web server starts / restarts) and from having to combine many different files. A real time-saver.

You can then write SQL-like queries and have them executed against your log files to get your results. Now with data of the size above on my 8 Gig i7 870 @ 2.93GHZ running off a Seagate 2TB 7200rpm SATA drive it takes around 3.5 hours to run a query (know how to speed this up fundamentally do share).  Using Task Manager to monitor the execution of the query shows CPU utilisation of only around 8% (one thread sits at about a 50% utilisation) memory utilisation of between 50MB upwards (as the result set grows) and disk speed varying from about 8MB/s to 30MB/s. So not quite sure where the bottleneck lies.

Writing the queries at the command line is a little bit of a pain so the next bit of genius is the Log Parser Studio.  Unlike Log Parser, the studio is kept up to date, with the latest build being from 23 May 2014. The studio provides a library of queries (over 170)  covering logs from ActiveSync, IIS, Windows event logs, Exchange, Outlook Web access amongst others. Covers a huge number of ideas for useful analysis and provides the queries to do it for you.  What is great is that you can use these, modify them for your own purposes or create your own from scratch, and add them all to your own personal library.

For example, to understand what the patterns of access look like over a month a query such as this can be pretty useful.

/* Server total time and data transferred by date */
SELECT s-ip,date,count (s-ip),sum(time-taken),sum(sc-bytes),sum(cs-bytes)
GROUP BY s-ip,date

A challenge that you quickly come across is that both the Log Parser and the Studio (which is dependent on the Parser) are 32 bit applications so you need to be careful as to which fields and how much summarisation is included in the result set. If the results grow to quickly then the query will crash as it runs out of memory. The trick is to find a balance between too much information (it crashes) and too little information (need to run many queries). Finding the right balance means further analysis can be done in Excel or Access. I have found that 30 000+ rows still works if few enough fields are chosen and some smart queries are used.

When executing the above query a problem is that the bytes transferred exceeds the value that can be stored in the data type, so you end up with negative numbers for some of the lines returned. Rewriting the query as follows assists in resolving this problem :

/* Server total time and data transferred by date */
SELECT s-ip,date,count (s-ip),sum(div(time-taken,60)),sum(div(sc-bytes,1024)),sum(div(cs-bytes,1024))
GROUP BY s-ip,date

Log parser supports a huge number of different functions but you need to know the format to use them. Take a look here for a listing and examples : http://logparserplus.com/Functions

So whereas I would have expected sum(time-taken/60) to give me a result in minutes it fails with an unknown field. Even (sum((time-taken)/60) fails. Check the function reference shows that log parser wants it as sum(div(time-taken,60)) and then life is happy again. Running your query again having just spent 3 hours waiting for the last one to complete – a little less so.

Using these tools and queries I was then able to summarise down the 160 gig of source data into a few thousand rows that could be imported into Access and joined to CMDB data to produce really useful intelligence that can be analysed directly in Access, Excel or Gephi. Thanks Microsoft for these great free products.

I was also looking for further pre-built queries for Log Parser Studio but was unable to find any. If you know where such may be found, please do share. If there is interest and as I use the tool more I will be happy to share anything I have created.









Timeline of my tweets for #itwebsec IT Web Security Summit 2014

Posted on June 03, 2014

I once again had the privilege of attending the IT Web Security Summit in May 2014.  As always when attending these large events I try and cover the presentations I attend through tweets. This creates quite comprehensive coverage as I also monitor the hashtag for the event (#itwebsec in this case) and then re-tweet other bloggers, journalists and active people’s tweets. In the end I believe my timeline is quite a useful archive of the social media (Twitter) coverage of the event.

Now trying to archive this for particular event is somewhat problematic. The web interface for Twitter provides a nice view with the tweeters profile pics, stats (retweets etc) of each tweet and the like. It is however a real pain to put this into a format which I can post onto my blog. I tried editing the HTML of a saved page but without decent tools that HTML code is just unmanageable.

I came across tweetbook.in which provides a sort of journal creation facility and allows you to give a start and end date, then spews out a PDF. Sadly the formatting is quite poor and no pictures are included. It does however give the basic timeline and the tweets are provided timestamped in chronological order so it is much better than nothing.

Below is the tweetbook

JJZA Tweetbook

And the PDF’d twitter page, scroll down until you find the relevant tweets, sorry no selection options – and it is in reverse chronological order.

(oops – the file was 72 meg so exceeds the filesize limit for inserting. Pity indeed).

I found another option (twournal.com) which lets you create (and even sell if you like) books from your tweets. I generated a book from the period but it will mail the book to me in 24 hours. Depending on the size and outcome I will link that here too.

(twournal to come here)

If anybody knows of a better way of doing this then please do share. Sad to see may various events covered go to waste and be lost in the depths of cyberspace.




ISACA SA Annual Conference 2014 : 25/26 August 2014

Posted on June 03, 2014

Just some advanced notice that the ISACA South African Chapter Annual conference for 2014 has been announced.

The conference is taking place from 25 August 2014 To 26 August 2014 at Emperors Palace. Visit the conference page for details and online bookings or contact: Nadine Schreiber – admin@isaca.org.za

ISACA is also still looking for speakers so if you have something interesting to share please contact Nadine.

Conference web page


The Heartbleed bug : a short presentation given at the Kzn ISACA Chapter Meeting

Posted on June 03, 2014

I was honoured to be asked to make a (short) presentation at the May 2014 KZN ISACA Chapter meeting. The meeting went down well with probably around 25 people attending.

Attached is the PDF of the presentation.

I hope that some of the members present found it useful and that you, my readers, do too.

Feedback as always most welcome.

The Heartbleed Bug ISACA presentation v3


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