New location for Nespresso in Durban (updated with pics)

Posted on March 28, 2013

I received an SMS from Nespresso the other day to say they are currently located at 254 Lilian Ngoyi Road (formerly Windermere road). Their new phone number is 031-303 3374.

Having struggled in the past to find them, and the fact the address and number is not listed on nor does it come up on a Google search, this may be useful to some of you looking for them.

Update : So as you drive up Windermere road, their shop is a converted house on the right hand side, you can see the palms outside. As you get closer you can see the sign on the road facing part of the building to the left of the palms. At this point you want to be slowing down already as they have off-street parking. and it is easy to miss. The parking is right up against the building, and the solid island does stop so you can turn right into the parking. The security guard will have to open the boom for you.

While you are here, if you are interested in some other Nespresso compatible pods (depending on your machine) take a look at this post.




Nespresso Shop nes2 nes3



UKZN MBA 2013 Presentation : Security & Ethics

Posted on March 02, 2013

On Thursday afternoon I was privileged to speak to the UKZN 2013 MBA class on information security and ethics. Below is a copy of the presentation. Lots of detail in here which we didn’t get to cover in the two hours together, and lots to remind you of the things we shared. I hope you all enjoyed the time as much as I did.

Feel free to mail me or post any questions here.


Download PDF presentation : security and ethics 2013 UKZN MBA Feb 2013


Pigspotter KZN (@pigspotkzn) is down for a bit

Posted on October 13, 2012

Apologies to all fans, followers and KZN folk. @pigspotkzn works through an automated retweet service that takes all your messages which being with @pigspotkzn and then retweets them to all followers giving attribution to the original tweeter. This useful service is powered by the 11000+ followers who provide the content, and which does the auto retweeting.

Unfortunately has been down for the last two days, and Clint, the guy who runs this free and very useful service is away for the weekend. Clint has kindly responded to say he will investigate the problem when he gets back on Tuesday.

In the meantime I will keep checking all tweets directed at @pigspotkzn manually and retweet as often as I can. Apologies if these are a bit delayed or if I miss anything. does a much better job than I can.

Thanks again to our @pigspotkzn community for making the service what it is, and for your patience and understanding while we get the service up and running again.

Thanks also for all of the concern, and well wishes expressed when the service went down. I’m glad to see that it is making a positive difference in people’s daily lives.


Security and Ethics presentation UKZN MBA Class 2012

Posted on August 19, 2012

Friday night (17 August 2012) I had the privilege presenting to the University of KwaZulu Natal 2012 MBA Class on information security. Given it was a Friday night the attendance was relatively small but it was good to see that the majority of the class stayed for the 2 hours we had together. Some interesting and insightful questions was raised and discussed. It is good to see people “get it”.

The presentation is attached for those who are interested. Get it here: security and ethics 2012 UKZN MBA Aug 2012 (updated)

Update 2012/09/12 : Apologies, the previous PDF was corrupted somehow. It has been re-uploaded and checked.  

Comrades Marathon 2012 – 15kms to go – the faces of winners

Posted on June 03, 2012

Comrades 2012

Comrades is somewhat a major event in KZN each year. Apart from being one of the biggest races in the world, it has a tradition. I recall going every year as a child to the race, a short 2km walk from our house, to support and watch the leaders coming through. I have memories of the route lined with people cheering on these amazing athletes as they came past at high speed, already having run 70km or more. The likes of Bruce Fordyce and Alan Robb. The image above is a collage of pictures I took this morning at just that spot. More of the pictures have been posted on Google Plus here.

Click through for details of who is in the pictures with links to their race details.

Read the rest of this entry »

Bring your own device (BYOD) : workplace mobility presentation

Posted on May 24, 2012

I was privileged to speak at this month’s ISACA KZN Chapter meeting held last Monday at KPMG’s offices in Durban. Thanks to Terence (the local chapter leader) for the invite.

My topic was around workplace mobility, focusing on implementation challenges and leanings experienced  within the workplace. For this presentation I tried something a little different, using Keynote on the iPad to develop and present the talk. This resulted in a slide deck that looks a bit different from my normal style, with far fewer words, more pictures and I hope a smoother flowing more natural presentation. At the same time, it’s probably a bit more difficult for somebody who wasn’t at the presentation to get a lot of value out of the slide deck. If you download it and have questions, please go ahead and ask. It is presented below as a PDF since so few have Keynote.

Presentation here : BYOD workplace mobility v2 (download the PDF)

New Page : Things to do (and beers to try) in South Africa

Posted on June 30, 2011

I have added a new page to the blog, Things to do (and beers to try).

From time to time (and not enough) I have posted about cool things to see and do, from riding Segway at Spier to driving the awesome Blokarts on the beach. So last night I added the page to start. Hopefully in time it acts as a useful resource to those looking for cool stuff to do, and as a reminder to me of the things I have done and wish to do. Got cool stuff to do, share it. Have a different view on something written, share that too.

Onto Beer

Over the years whenever I have been in the UK I have really enjoyed their beer.  Not the bottled stuff available in the franchised bars, but the hand pumped “Real Ale” in the privately owned public house – Bitter beer. Thank’s to my mate Steve for the introduction.

The closest I have come to finding it in South Africa is “Kilkenny” available at most pubs that serve Guinness. It is a poor second cousin to some of the better English bitters but I still drink and enjoy it. I even had the privilege of drinking the “real” Kilkenny at a pub near the brewery in Ireland.

So now let us begin the quest to document “real” beer in South Africa. To visit, taste and enjoy as many of these local beers from the small guys as we can.

The page is always on the menu at the top of the page, so click through there, or here : Things to do (and beers to try)


Daniel Cuthbert presenting at ISACA KZN Chapter meeting at Deloitte on 15 July 2011

Posted on June 28, 2011

The next meeting of the ISACA KZN Chapter will be held on Friday 15th July at Deloitte’s offices on La Lucia Ridge.  Please spread the word and make every effort to attend.

KZN regional chapter meeting

  • Date : 15 July 2011
  • Venue : Deloitte’s offices on La Lucia Ridge
  • Speaker : Daniel Cuthbert
  • Topic : “Doing it for the Lulz : Why Lulzsec has shown us to be an ineffective industry.”
    • Daniel will be talking on current activities in information security, web hacking and how to protect yourselves.

Confirmation of attendance

As always, please confirm your attendance with Nadine on 011-803 0803 or a few days ahead of time.


Traffic twitterers and pig spotters

Posted on May 07, 2011

There are quite a number of different twitter accounts which can help you keep up to speed with what is happening on the roads around the country. Following a collection of these accounts really can make your life a whole lot more comfortable and relieve a lot of frustrations.

I have created a page listing my favourites. Since I am based in KZN most of the ones listed are from that region. Please feel free to leave more in the comments and I will add them to the list to keep it up to date regularly. For your convenience you can find a combined twitter list here :!/jjza/traffic

The full list is here :


Keeping up with the local deals – bring on “Today’s Deals”

Posted on April 02, 2011

There are now a number of collective buying sites (in the vein of Groupon) that are operating in South Africa. You can get some really good deals from them and I have bought quite a number of things from them over the last 3 months or so, ranging from dinners, sailing cruises, Blo-kart racing through to massages and other pamper sessions (yeah those were for the girlfriend, mostly :)

Originally there was just Wicount and Twangoo (now bought by Groupon) that were of interest and doing good deals, but now there are more competitors in the space all providing good deals (across multiple cities) I am finding my email inbox is getting flooded and it is a pain to try and keep up with all the deal, and it is really easy to miss the good ones.

Bring on “Today’s Deals – all the deals in one place” recently started by Eve Dmochowska. This great site monitors the other deal sites for you and acts as a central hub to monitor them all. So far it includes:

The only one that I watch that’s not on the list is Twangoo ( though with the takeover by Groupon it seems to have a lot of deals in common with MyCityDeal. Still worth watching that one by itself for now.

These deal sites now cover Johannesburg, Pretoria, Capetown, Durban and National Deals so there is something for everybody.

Add this site, Todays deals, to your daily watch list, subscribe by email or use the RSS feed and enjoy the bargains. Thanks for the great service Eve.

P.S. I have bought from Wicount, Twangoo and Zappon. All work very well, other than a few minor niggles. Zappon is the newsest on the block of those 3 and had the most problems, but their user support team was quick to resolve my issues in a friendly and efficient manner.

ZA WWW 2010 – 12th Annual conference on World Wide Web Applications

Posted on August 30, 2010

Date : 21 – 23 September 2010
Venue : Graduate School of Business, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Afria

The ZA-WWW2010 conference in Durban is multi-disciplinary event.  Researchers (academics and collueagues from industry) will represent the wide spectrum of human knowledge: with Web applications as the common denominator.

This year’s ZA-WWW conference will feature

  • Prominent keynote speakers
  • Multiple programme tracks covering e-Learning, Web development and e-Commerce
  • Peer-reviewed papers as well as invited presentations
  • Poster presentations
  • Proceedings published in electronic format in the Conference’s website

Some of the speakers and topics include :

Read the rest of this entry »

ISACA SA Chapter meetings in October (Dbn, Jhb, Pta) #in

Posted on August 25, 2010

Three of the ISACA chapters are having meetings in October. Details are below and will be updated as confirmation of speakers is obtained. Don’t forget the #isaca2010 conference in September.

KZN regional chapter meeting

  • Date : 7 October 2010
  • Venue : PKF Offices in Umhlanga
  • Topic : To be confirmed

Pretoria regional chapter meeting

  • Date : 14 October 2010
  • Venue : To be confirmed
  • Topic : To be confirmed

Johannesburg regional chapter meeting

  • Date : 26 October 2010
  • Venue : To be confirmed
  • Topic : To be confirmed

Confirmation of attendance

As always, please confirm your attendance with Nadine on 011-803 0803 or a few days ahead of time.

Feedback on ISACA KZN chapter meeting control frameworks presentation

Posted on August 07, 2010

On Thursday evening (5th August) I presented at the ISACA KZN Chapter meeting. As Chapter coordinator I have the privilege of finding speakers and venues, and from time to time an arranged speaker has other commitments and so is unable to make the presentation. I always try and keep a “backup” presentation of my own and this time around it was my (our) “Tale of two cities – or control frameworks” presentation that was first presented at the IT Web security summit earlier in the year. This time I did the presentation without the assistance of my colleague from Jhb,  David Volschenk, as he had other work commitments  which prevented him traveling to Durban for the day.

It IT Web we had 45m for the presentation and Q&A so where fairly time constrained and did not have much time at all for discussion or questions. At the Chapter meeting we had much more time to go through the presentation at a leisurely place, have discussion around certain aspects and make it a much more interaction (and fun) session.

There were about 20 people present, representing the consulting firms (EY, PKF, Deloitte), public sector and private sector.

Off the top of my head (I was presenting rather than taking notes :) the main areas of discussion were around :

  • Getting executive buy in for the project
  • Getting adequate funding
  • Instilling change in an organisation where the maturity level is low and the corporate culture is such that the environment is generally poorly controlled
  • What the drivers are for the implementation of a control framework, and particularly King 3 and how it is changing perspectives (creating the fire)
  • The implications of King 3, and how they will drive change from the top (rather then it being left to middle management to drive failed projects)
  • The apparent lack of understanding of King 3 on the part of directors, and how negative statements having to be made in the Annual Financials with respect to King 3 compliance could affect their reputations and those of the organisations they represent (or what happens if they “lie” and put in statements of compliance when they aren’t compliant). Company directors really do need to start taking notice of this.
  • The implementation of control frameworks is a long term process, not a quick fix. Deciding 6 months ahead of the King 3 implementation deadline that the organisation needs to be compliant may be an impossible task

In “off the record” discussions after the presentation a number of consultants wanted to know if the failed company (Company B) was actually Company XYZ or Company ABC. The answer each time was know, it wasn’t that company, Company B was a combination of failed projects. That said, the names of companies mentioned by the other parties in each case also were not one of the companies involved in the combined “Company B”.  It seems there are a lot of failed control framework and security framework implementations out there.

I really enjoyed the presentation and the discussions that went with it. Thanks to all who attended for your attendance and participation. If you are interested in having further discussions around this, or have me meet with your directors to discuss further, please contact me.  j-j (at) worldonline (dot) co (dot) za or on Twitter.

Thanks to Ernst & Young for hosting the chapter meeting.

See you next time at PKF.


You can find a copy of the presentation in the original article or directly here. More on King 3 here. And get a copy of the King 3 report from the IOD website.

Security and ethics presentation to UKZN MBA class – copy of presentation

Posted on July 30, 2010

On Tuesday evening (27th July 2010) I did a presentation to the University of KwaZulu Natal MBA class. The presentation was rather enjoyable (from my perspective) and with all the questions and interactions with the class we spoke for around and hour and a half or so.We did go a bit over time for the normal end time for the lecture, so thanks to the class for their patience and thanks again for you attention and questions.

Attached is a copy of the presentation for anybody who is interested.

UKZN Graduate School of Business Seminar : Spiritual Intelligence at Work

Posted on July 27, 2010

Spiritual Intelligence at Work : improving integrity, vitality and productivity

The University of KwaZulu Natal’s Graduate School of Business is pleased to advise that Dr Richard Steele will present at a forthcoming Business Seminar addressing the topic: Spiritual Intelligence at Work – improving integrity, vitality and productivity.

The word “spiritual” derives from the Latin word spiritus, which means “that which gives life or vitality to a system”. Spiritual intelligence is the ability to find meaning and purpose in life, and a way of connecting with the underlying patterns of the universe and all within it. The use of the word spiritual in relation to intelligence has no necessary connection with institutional religion.

This seminar will examine questions such as:

  • How is spiritual intelligence (SQ) different from intellectual intelligence (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ)?
  • How can we increase our integrity and vitality by connecting with, exploring, and improving our spiritual intelligence?
  • How can spiritual intelligence contribute to organisational wellbeing and productivity?

Spiritual intelligence at work provides an organisational environment based on respect for life and openness to change. Alignment of core values with business practice leads to a more emotionally healthy working environment which increases staff loyalty, motivation, creativity and productivity and adds depth to the triple bottom line principles of environmental, social and financial sustainability.

Dr Richard Steele is a homeopath in private practice and a part-time lecturer in the Department of Homeopathy at the Durban University of Technology. He graduated from UCT in 1979 with majors in English and Psychology and a teacher’s diploma. Up until 1993, when he registered at DUT for his Master’s degree in homeopathy, he was a fieldworker for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, based in Durban. In that capacity he conducted many workshops and training events related to peace, justice, human rights and non-violent direct action.

Date: 19 August 2010
Time: 16h30 (1 hour)
Cost: R100.00 pp
Venue: GSB, UKZN Westville Campus

To Book Contact:
Ms Debbie Main: 031 260 1627,

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