Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyTimeline of my tweets for #share4biz Share 2014 conference (updated with images)
Posted on June 21, 2014During this last week (Wednesday and Thursday) I had the pleasure of attending my first Share conference covering Microsoft’s Sharepoint platform (#share4biz). As always I like to cover the events I attend on Twitter – it helps me focus on the presentations and overcome those ADHD tendencies.
As with the #ITWebSec Security Summit I tried to capture my timeline of tweets from the event to package, archive and share what happened at the event. After that event I tried to journalise my tweets and explored a number of options. Twournal looked the most promising but never produced a valid PDF that could be opened. Tweetbook.in produced a plain PDF of the text of the tweets but with no images which is unfortunate as the content of a large number of the presentation slides was captured in the images.
For now, here is my #share4biz conference timeline courtesy of Tweetbook. If I can find a better way I will add that in. Suggestions welcomed if you know of one.
Download it here : @jjza #share4biz
Update :
I am delighted to say that Twournal sent through a notification to say the e-book is ready and this time it produce a valid PDF file which is available below, with all of the pictures embedded. 110 pages of full colour tweets with supporting graphics, bringing to life the coverage of the event. Wonderful.
Download it here : @jjza coverage of Share4Biz with images (Twournal)
Some photos from the event (all embedded in the PDF twournal above)
ISACA 2012 conference happening from 10-12 September 2012, registrations open soon
Posted on June 17, 2012The ISACA South Africa 2012 conference is happening from the 10-12 September. Diarise the dates, get those purchase requisitions in. If you are wanting to present at the conference then mail Nadine (admin@isaca.org.za) – the speaker lineup is being finalised shortly so hurry up to make sure you don’t miss out.
The conference is being held at the Wanderer’s Club in Illovo. It’s right next door to the Protea hotel if you need accommodation, and is also served by the Gautrain and their buses, with a bus stopping right outside the hotel gates.
Hope to see you all there.
New Page : Things to do (and beers to try) in South Africa
Posted on June 30, 2011I have added a new page to the blog, Things to do (and beers to try).
From time to time (and not enough) I have posted about cool things to see and do, from riding Segway at Spier to driving the awesome Blokarts on the beach. So last night I added the page to start. Hopefully in time it acts as a useful resource to those looking for cool stuff to do, and as a reminder to me of the things I have done and wish to do. Got cool stuff to do, share it. Have a different view on something written, share that too.
Onto Beer
Over the years whenever I have been in the UK I have really enjoyed their beer. Not the bottled stuff available in the franchised bars, but the hand pumped “Real Ale” in the privately owned public house – Bitter beer. Thank’s to my mate Steve for the introduction.
The closest I have come to finding it in South Africa is “Kilkenny” available at most pubs that serve Guinness. It is a poor second cousin to some of the better English bitters but I still drink and enjoy it. I even had the privilege of drinking the “real” Kilkenny at a pub near the brewery in Ireland.
So now let us begin the quest to document “real” beer in South Africa. To visit, taste and enjoy as many of these local beers from the small guys as we can.
The page is always on the menu at the top of the page, so click through there, or here : Things to do (and beers to try)
ISACA SA Chapter meetings in October (Dbn, Jhb, Pta) #in
Posted on August 25, 2010Three of the ISACA chapters are having meetings in October. Details are below and will be updated as confirmation of speakers is obtained. Don’t forget the #isaca2010 conference in September.
KZN regional chapter meeting
- Date : 7 October 2010
- Venue : PKF Offices in Umhlanga
- Topic : To be confirmed
Pretoria regional chapter meeting
- Date : 14 October 2010
- Venue : To be confirmed
- Topic : To be confirmed
Johannesburg regional chapter meeting
- Date : 26 October 2010
- Venue : To be confirmed
- Topic : To be confirmed
Confirmation of attendance
As always, please confirm your attendance with Nadine on 011-803 0803 or admin@isaca.org.za a few days ahead of time.
Upcoming ISACA chapter meetings in East London and Jhb #in
Posted on August 13, 2010There are two chapter meetings coming up in East London and Johannesburg in the next few days. Hope to see lots of people there. I personally hope to attend the Jhb meeting, travel plans allowing.
Date: 18 August 2010 at 2:30 pm
Venue: PricewaterhouseCoopers , Palm Square office park , Acacia House , Bonza Bay Rd , Beacon Bay
1) Andrew William Mpofu will be presenting: “Information Security as a strategic business asset”
2) Chris Knox will be presenting: “Information Security Risk Assessment methodologies”
3) Networking & Refreshments
Date : 24 August 2010 5pm Registration with the event starting at 5:30pm
Venue : PriceWaterhouseCoopers offices in Sunninghill, Johannesburg
1) Jason Gottschalk will be presenting on “Access Governance – The precursor to Identity and Access Management”.
2) Gerhard Hechter, PKF will be presenting on “Taking risks cleverly / Business intelligence”
To confirm attendance to either of these meetings please contact Nadine on 011-8030803 or admin@isaca.org.za
Lastly, congratulations to all those who wrote and passed CISA, CISM and CISSP. I believe results for all 3 were released today.
ZaCon II Call For Papers
Posted on May 28, 2010Date : 9 October 2010.
Location : University of Joburg. Joburg.
Cost : The goal is to hit breakeven on the costs, so an entry fee (if charged) will be low.
Many other conferences exist to cater either to the strictly Academic or Professional individual. We want a simple community based forum that is completely free of corporate affiliation (or shilling). The intention behind this is that the passion for the field or of sharing knowledge should be the primary motivation of attending or speaking at this conference.
We aim to fulfill these objectives:
* Provide a platform for publication of infosec research
* Showcase free locally-developed infosec tools
* Support the interaction of industry, academia and the interested public
* Encourage discussion on infosec / hackery / sec-related-geekery at large
* Build the ZA infosec community
* Provide a platform to up-n-coming talent
Closing date for submissions is 20 August 2010.
* Site: http://zacon.org.za
* Abstracts: abstracts AT zacon org za
* Organisers: people AT zacon org za
* IRC: #zacon on irc.atrum.org