Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyTimeline of my tweets for #share4biz Share 2014 conference (updated with images)
Posted on June 21, 2014During this last week (Wednesday and Thursday) I had the pleasure of attending my first Share conference covering Microsoft’s Sharepoint platform (#share4biz). As always I like to cover the events I attend on Twitter – it helps me focus on the presentations and overcome those ADHD tendencies.
As with the #ITWebSec Security Summit I tried to capture my timeline of tweets from the event to package, archive and share what happened at the event. After that event I tried to journalise my tweets and explored a number of options. Twournal looked the most promising but never produced a valid PDF that could be opened. Tweetbook.in produced a plain PDF of the text of the tweets but with no images which is unfortunate as the content of a large number of the presentation slides was captured in the images.
For now, here is my #share4biz conference timeline courtesy of Tweetbook. If I can find a better way I will add that in. Suggestions welcomed if you know of one.
Download it here : @jjza #share4biz
Update :
I am delighted to say that Twournal sent through a notification to say the e-book is ready and this time it produce a valid PDF file which is available below, with all of the pictures embedded. 110 pages of full colour tweets with supporting graphics, bringing to life the coverage of the event. Wonderful.
Download it here : @jjza coverage of Share4Biz with images (Twournal)
Some photos from the event (all embedded in the PDF twournal above)