IT Governance: King III Breakfast

Posted on May 5, 2010

I attended a breakfast session this morning hosted by Ernst & Young exploring the IT governance requirements of King 3.

” King III has shifted the IT governance landscape. Alongside the enhanced IT governance requirements, it recommends adequate reporting to the board in order to assist the board to discharge its responsibility.

What is regarded as sufficient reporting? How can such a technical area be demystified so that the reporting makes sense without losing its substance and meaning? How often are reports to the board required? ”

The presenters were Leon du Rand an independent consultant and previous CIO of ABSA and Marius van den Berg a Director in Ernst & Young Advisory Services who chaired the King III IT Governance subcommittee.

Both of the speakers have tremendous insight into King 3 and IT governance. The presentation covered the King 3 principles, and spent a fair bit of time exploring the process for defining the board reporting, providing a methodology that can be used to achieve this.

The presentation brought home to me the vast size of the task of achieving compliance with the King 3 principles, and of how organisations still need to grapple with just how they are going to tackle this. Much responsibility is placed onto the directors by King 3, and one has to wonder just how much IT experience they have and how directors are going to co-opt this experience onto their boards so they can discharge their responsibilities.

Note : I am a long time employee of Ernst & Young

Some documents available on the EY website that you may find useful :


King III Implementation checklist 

King III Integrated Report Disclosure Checklist

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Categories: Durban, Events

One Response

  1. Feedback on ISACA KZN chapter meeting control frameworks presentation «

    […] can find a copy of the presentation in the original article or directly here. More on King 3 here. And get a copy of the King 3 report from the IOD […]

    07.08.2010 09:42 Reply

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