Gautrain station photo synth (3d image composite)
Posted on August 8, 2010Below is a very “rough and ready” photosynth of the Gautrain station platform in Sandton. It was created from 35 photos taken handheld on my Blackberry Bold 9000 (without flash) the other day while waiting 10m for the train to arrive.
The synth was put together with Microsoft Image Composite Editor (MS ICE) and the Microsoft Photosynth plugin for it. All free software that does quite an amazing job of stitching together a bunch of randomly ordered photos that you drag into the window. I will add some more screenshots and information in another post later. In the meantime here is the synth.
Excuse the gaps (in pics) and occasional mismatch, I did move forward at one stage to avoid getting too many people in on the platform to the right, and this caused a little bit of a mismatch with the railway line.
I’m very impressed by what can be achieved with such a low end “camera” and some very nifty software from Microsoft. I am very attempted to take along the DSLR and tripod next time to see how that would come out. Comments and feedback welcome.
Click on the picture below to “activate” the synth then expand to full screen and move the view around to enjoy the full 3d effect.
Tags: gautrain, gautrain station, Image Composite Editor, Microsoft ICE, photosynth, sandton station
Categories: Photography
[…] The Gautrain station in Sandton, taken from a Blackberry Bold (click here) […]
09.06.2011 23:50
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Justin Williams and Justin Williams, Justin Williams. Justin Williams said: Gautrain station photo synth (3d image composite) […]
21.08.2010 09:49