How do unused “free minutes” carry forward and get used up
Posted on August 8, 2011- My contract changed from Everyday+S to Everyday+ at the end of May
- No minutes were lost from the +S, they were just moved across to the + as the threshold
- 120 – useage = remaining, and this was used threshold opening balance for March, April, May in the bottom table
- What order do minutes get used up in?
- In no month have I used more than the 120 minutes, therefore
- if the minutes “in the month” are used before “old minutes” then
- I should never have a previous month’s minutes decrease (look at March and May)
- If the oldest minutes get used up first
- Why does March still have minutes while May does not? and
- Why did May get used up while April is untouched?
All still very confusing. Maybe in time I will get some answers. Stay tuned.
Take a look at the post by Ryan411 made at 14/3/2007 about halfway down this page on Mybroadband.
Summary :
- Since Dec 2003 you don’t just get to carry over unused minutes from a pool of minutes up to a maximum of 5x your monthly allowance, a “new” multi bundled approach was introduced. (News to me, and that was 8 years ago)
- The new Multi bundle method allows a subscriber to accumulate 5 months unused bundles + the current month’s allowable minutes.
- The unused minutes for each month will be maintained in separate monthly bundles. Any unused minutes that the subscriber has accumulated in the sixth month will be forfeited.
- The subscriber will first use the current months “bucket” of bundle minutes.
- Once all the minutes in the current month’s “bucket” has been used up, the accumulated monthly minutes of the “bucket” 5 months prior to the current month (month -5) will be used.
Ok then. That is understandable, not in favour of the consumer, but at least we understand the rules. However, if I take that logic and apply it to my table above, it doesn’t work. I no month did I use more than my bundled amount, therefore the previous “buckets” should never have been touched.
There is clearly a problem, either in the explanation of how it works above, or in the way the system is calculating and deducting minutes.
P.S. I gave up trying to use the Vodacom portal after wasting an hour. It has the following major flaws :
- Click the “view monthly statement” link on the Vodacom home page, enter login details, and hey presto, you don’t get taken to your monthly statement
- View the summary page, select a different phone number (if you have multiple numbers), get the summary, click the link to get the detail and hey presto, you are taken back to the detail for the primary account
- Choose the reports page to try and get an invoice/statement/other report. Select the period and report and wait and wait and wait and … refresh … enter your login details again … maybe get a page saying the report is being generated and wait and wait … and you never get your report
P.P.S. I reported the problem re free minutes again to Vodacom, as well as the website/portal issues. Reported them separately via the Vodacom website, received one acknowledgement for the two mails sent, with a commitment to get back to me within 24 hours. Lets see.
Tags: bundled minutes, carry forward, free minutes, minutes, Useage, Vodacom
2016 and this post still appears on page 2 when searching for Vodacom carry forward policy. I am surprised there isn’t more chat out there. My concern is the same but relates to data where valid for 60 days. This means to use cfd data you first have to drain this month which leaves no cfd for next month. So every 2 months you go back to zero? And it appears we all live with this and no-one is taking Vodacom on? I’m ready to join a campaign!! Anyone else out there?
22.05.2016 07:15
Vodacom replied. Obviously I was smoking something good when posting the previous comment. The BB minutes will be used first.
19.10.2011 11:04
That’s good news, don’t forget to check your bill when it arrives to confirm they actually do it like that.
22.10.2011 23:52
Vodacom’s recent goodwill offer to Blackberry users of 20 free minutes and 20 free SMSs has reference.
The message to users read:
“As a token of goodwill after the BlackBerry disruption, you’ll receive 20 mins Voda to Voda calls and 20 free SMSs for Mon-Fri next week”
My concern regarding the above is that very few Blackberry users will actually benefit from the above offer. Vodacom’s practice regarding free minute usage is based on LIFO (Last In First Out). This means that the 20 minutes will be placed at the back of the queue regarding usage. I would personally first have to exhaust my current contract minutes and then whatever minutes I have carried over from previous months BEFORE the BlackBerry gift will become reality…..and all of this must happen this week.
A nice gesture, but it will mean very little for most people.
It would be interesting to hear what Vodacom has to say about this.
If the offer is genuine, then they should from 24h00 on Sunday, 16 October 2011 allow immediate usage against the free 20 minutes before reverting to their old system of usage.
18.10.2011 09:59
I agree, Vodacom’s offer is the worst of the lot. Most people have a Blackberry to use BBM. They would have used SMSs when BBM was down. If this was to be useful, zero rate 20 of the SMSs sent when no BBM was available.
The LIFO free minutes story is also a disgrace. Intended to not let people use the minutes. So in giving the extra 20 you are right, few will actually use them. I am sure Voda new this when they made the “sacrifice”.
Virgin with their immediate R50 credit to your account was by far the most fair of the providers.
18.10.2011 13:50