Security Summit 2012 presentations now available
Posted on May 5, 2012The IT Web Security Summit is the premier security event on the South Africa security conference calendar. IT Web has kindly made the presentations and recordings of the presentations available on their website. If you missed out or are simply looking for a re-cap of the great material, take a wander over to the ITWeb site and catch up.
This was one of the first security events that I have seen dedicate a presentation track to ERP/SAP Security. Check out the presentations by :
- Juan Pablo Perez Etchegoyen Cyber-Attacks on SAP & ERP systems: Is Our Business-Critical Infrastructure
- Chris John Riley SAP (in)security: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP
- Ian de Villiers Systems Applications Proxy Pwnage
- Marinus Van Aswegen Securing SAP
Link to IT Web Security Summit Downloads
Tags: downloads, ERP, IT Web, IT Web 2012, presentations, SAP Security, Security, Security Summit
Categories: Events, Research, Security