Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyTimeline of my tweets for #itwebsec IT Web Security Summit 2014
Justin | No Comments » Posted on June 03, 2014I once again had the privilege of attending the IT Web Security Summit in May 2014. As always when attending these large events I try and cover the presentations I attend through tweets. This creates quite comprehensive coverage as I also monitor the hashtag for the event (#itwebsec in this case) and then re-tweet other bloggers, journalists and active people’s tweets. In the end I believe my timeline is quite a useful archive of the social media (Twitter) coverage of the event.
Now trying to archive this for particular event is somewhat problematic. The web interface for Twitter provides a nice view with the tweeters profile pics, stats (retweets etc) of each tweet and the like. It is however a real pain to put this into a format which I can post onto my blog. I tried editing the HTML of a saved page but without decent tools that HTML code is just unmanageable.
I came across tweetbook.in which provides a sort of journal creation facility and allows you to give a start and end date, then spews out a PDF. Sadly the formatting is quite poor and no pictures are included. It does however give the basic timeline and the tweets are provided timestamped in chronological order so it is much better than nothing.
Below is the tweetbook
And the PDF’d twitter page, scroll down until you find the relevant tweets, sorry no selection options – and it is in reverse chronological order.
(oops – the file was 72 meg so exceeds the filesize limit for inserting. Pity indeed).
I found another option (twournal.com) which lets you create (and even sell if you like) books from your tweets. I generated a book from the period but it will mail the book to me in 24 hours. Depending on the size and outcome I will link that here too.
(twournal to come here)
If anybody knows of a better way of doing this then please do share. Sad to see may various events covered go to waste and be lost in the depths of cyberspace.
LinkedIn reaches 200 million and I’m in the Top 5% most viewed profiles (along with 10 million others!)
Justin | No Comments » Posted on February 17, 2013I received a mail the other day to say that LinkedIn had reached 200 million members, and that my profile was one of the Top 5% of most viewed profiles. Sounds impressive doesn’t it? Perhaps a little less so when you consider 10 million other members must have received the same mail. Ah well, below is a snapshot of that mail and the accompanying info-graphic just for interest sake. Sadly this doesn’t show South Africa to be a top user of Linked In. In fact Africa doesn’t even warrant a dot, I guess that means we have fewer members than even the 3 million of Australia. Ah well.
Want to download a list of Klout scores for a list of Twitter users? There is an app for that
Justin | No Comments » Posted on January 21, 2013Update : The tool is not working. I suspect it has something to do with the new methods introduced by Klout where a call first needs to be made to get the KloutID from the Twitter name, then lookup on the Klout ID. Will keep you posted on any progress.
With the TopTwits listings I have been doing I thought it would be good to be able to get the Klout scores in there and see how that changes the rankings for the top users. I also would like to see if I take the #afcon2013 player list how their Klout scores come out. There is a lot of debate around the merits of Klout, I don’t really want to get into that, rather just interested in the correlations.
I had a look at the Klout API and was considering trying to write some excel code to get me the Klout scores so I can just pop it into my Access database. I googled around about to avoid duplicating effort when I found a Windows App which does exactly what I wanted.
You will need to go onto Klout and register for a developer key to get the app to work, but it is simple and does the job. It was a pain to find the app as googling for it produces and awful lot of junk above the app. Somehow I (luckily) managed to stumble across it, this post is simply to share that fortune and possibly assist others in finding this useful tool.
Thanks Wiggert of ISIZ Labs for sharing.
Oh, and if you download the tool and find it useful, just leave a not of thanks on Wiggert’s blog, I am sure he would appreciate it.
Players in #Afcon2013 with the most followers (Top 20)
Justin | No Comments » Posted on January 20, 2013Below is a list as at 3pm on 20/1/2013 of the Afcon#2013 players with the most followers. It is interesting to note that as per my previous post, South Africa has the highest percentage of players with Twitter accounts, yet, this list shows that none of those South African players makes the Top 10. The top 10 list is dominated by Ivory Coast (4), Nigera (2), Ghana (2) and one each from Mali and Togo. The first South African is Bernard Parker in 11th place.
Only 8 of the top 20 have had their accounts verified by Twitter.
# | Twitter User (Screen name) | Country | verified | Followers | Follows | Posts |
1 | Victor Moses (@VictorMoses) | Nigeria | Yes | 147499 | 57 | 177 |
2 | King Emmanuel Eboue (@TheRealEboue) | CÔTE D’IVOIRE | No | 143332 | 162 | 3196 |
3 | ASAMOAH GYAN (@ASAMOAH_GYAN) | Ghana | No | 141759 | 37 | 2579 |
4 | Salomon Kalou (@Skalhuno) | CÔTE D’IVOIRE | Yes | 104935 | 87 | 1676 |
5 | Kwadwo Asamoah (@Asabob20) | Ghana | Yes | 85391 | 22 | 995 |
6 | Momo Sissoko (@sissokomomo) | Mali | Yes | 76320 | 30 | 490 |
7 | Drogba Foundation (@FondationDrogba) | CÔTE D’IVOIRE | Yes | 67997 | 35 | 213 |
8 | Emmaunel Adebayor (@E_Adebayor) | Togo | Yes | 62351 | 0 | 2 |
9 | Joseph Yobo (@JosephYobo3) | Nigeria | No | 43369 | 39 | 188 |
10 | Didier Zokora (@maestrozokora) | CÔTE D’IVOIRE | No | 37111 | 7 | 208 |
11 | Bernard Parker (@BernardParker) | South Africa | No | 30793 | 144 | 445 |
12 | Adlene GUEDIOURA (@AdleneGUEDIOURA) | Algeria | Yes | 26750 | 284 | 2323 |
13 | Derek Boateng (@BoatengDerek) | Ghana | No | 22269 | 34 | 326 |
14 | thulani serero (@sererothulani) | South Africa | Yes | 19237 | 30 | 149 |
15 | Kagisho Dikgacoi (@KGDikgacoi) | South Africa | No | 15656 | 390 | 1633 |
16 | Ikechukwu Uche (@ikeuche9) | Nigeria | No | 14621 | 45 | 422 |
17 | Itumeleng khune (@TherealItu) | South Africa | No | 13056 | 27 | 262 |
18 | Katlego Mphela (@KillerMphela) | South Africa | No | 11066 | 3 | 51 |
19 | Afcon2013 (@AFCON2013za) | South Africa | No | 9671 | 247 | 600 |
20 | Agyemang-Badu (@Badu_Agyemang) | Ghana | No | 7299 | 26 | 527 |
I have been interested in analysing various Twitter stats and producing lists of top twitter users (j-j.co.za/toptwits) for some time now and been using various tools to do so. This has been challenging and the results I have been producing have been limited as a result. The tool I have used most is NodeXL,which is more for mapping social networks but has the side effect of being able to download “extended statistics” for each of the Nodes (people) on the network. This however does not give me all of the information I wanted and also works on screen names rather than the Twitter ID’s, so if someone changes their name they fall off my list.
Searching on-line I found that Google Docs spreadsheet provides a function ImportXML which a number of people have been using to bring XML results into a spreadsheet. It appears to have some limits (50 calls per document) which at the time seemed problematic since I was wanting to work with much larger lists. I know better understand some of the Twitter API calls so that limit is less extreme than I first though. Nonetheless I wanted to work in Excel as I am more comfortable with it.
I found online that Excel can import an XML document, and that you can enter a URL there, which includes the ability to enter the Twitter API calls directly. Using the macro recorder I then figured out the calls and put some basic scripting around it to take a column of screen names, break it up into batches of 25 and then execute the XMLImport function for each batch and insert the results into the sheet.
Apologies to all fans, followers and KZN folk. @pigspotkzn works through an automated retweet service that takes all your messages which being with @pigspotkzn and then retweets them to all followers giving attribution to the original tweeter. This useful service is powered by the 11000+ followers who provide the content, and spotd.me which does the auto retweeting.
Unfortunately spotd.me has been down for the last two days, and Clint, the guy who runs this free and very useful service is away for the weekend. Clint has kindly responded to say he will investigate the problem when he gets back on Tuesday.
In the meantime I will keep checking all tweets directed at @pigspotkzn manually and retweet as often as I can. Apologies if these are a bit delayed or if I miss anything. Spotd.me does a much better job than I can.
Thanks again to our @pigspotkzn community for making the service what it is, and for your patience and understanding while we get the service up and running again.
Thanks also for all of the concern, and well wishes expressed when the service went down. I’m glad to see that it is making a positive difference in people’s daily lives.
App.net The future or just another twitter wannabe?
Justin | No Comments » Posted on October 13, 2012Back on 2nd September, after having heard about it on twitter and in tech circles, I finally got around to signing up for app.net. I had briefly checked it out before, but given the $50/year fee hadn’t bothered. Is time around I decided that I wanted my @jjza handle on app.net and that the $50 wasn’t that much of an investment to reserve the name. Since then the price has fallen to a more reasonable $36 and early adopters given an extension to their original subscription period.
App.net is still very much under development and after signing up I didn’t really use it much. Then along came Netbot, a rehashed twitter client specifically for app.net and iOS / iPad and its pretty darn slick. So now I have started using App.net a bit more.
There are still not a lot of users on board, although the numbers are increasing rapidly. At the time I signed up there were around 20 000, I’m not sure of the latest count. This low user base was even more apparent when I had Netbot search my twitter follower list and give me the option of following them on App.net. The results were disappointing but at the same time it was good to see a few familiar faces like Erik Hersman, Paul Jacobson and Steven Fry on there.
App.net is still evolving, new features are being added all the time, and Netbot is a really slick client, I like the 256 character limit rather than the 140 of twitter, though honestly can’t tell you if there are any real benefits. I guess that will be figured out as we to along and for now I will cross post stuff between App.net and twitter until a critical mass of followers emerges.
If you make it over that side, follow me : https://alpha.app.net/jjza
Please share your thoughts on the new platform.
Your twitter account has been hacked? How to fix this (and avoid it happening again)
Justin | 3 Comments » Posted on July 01, 2012My Twitter account was “hacked” a number of months back, and the accounts of a number of people I follow have been hacked on a fairly regular basis since. This is unfortunately a regular occurrence and spammers are increasing their efforts to get access to people’s accounts to spam their followers.
How do you know if someone you are following has been “hacked”?
You will in all likelihood get a direct message from someone you follow which will be a generic message (but interesting or tempting one) which will have an embedded link to a site. Links these days are mostly shortened so you won’t immediately be able to see the final destination site. Clicking on it could be compromising your account and / or delivering up malware to your PC which your Antivirus software may or may not detect. So avoid clicking these.
Common messages that are coming up recently as direct messages include :
- Twitter might start to charge in July, sign this petition to keep the service free! (link removed)
- Hi, this user is saying really bad rumors about you … (link removed)
- Hi some person is saying really bad things about you … (link removed)
- Hi somebody is posting horrible rumors about you … (link removed)
- Hey someone is saying nasty things about you… (link removed)
- Various messages about weight loss or other obvious spam
How do you know if you have been “hacked”?
Your followers will send you messages pretty quickly to tell you, or they will be asking you why you are sending them strange messages (like the ones above). Don’t ignore these or react negatively, thank them for the warning and get on with fixing the problem before more of you followers are spammed and / or compromised.
What to do when you have been “hacked” ?
- Change your password.
- Choose something decent, not a real language word, chuck in some numbers or special characters, and don’t think you are smart by using l33t sp3@k (leet speak).
- Ra35!!me would be good, whereas P@ssw0rd would be bad.
- Check to see what applications are “authorised” against your account. This can be used to keep sending SPAM even after you have changed your password.
- Log in to your Twitter account on the web and open up your account settings.
- Click on the Apps tab in the left-hand menu.
- Read down through the list of applications to see that you know about them and trust them
- If unsure of an application, revoke its access. You can always approve it again later.
- Check that if you associated your mobile number with your twitter account you have set up a PIN
- Log in to your Twitter account on the web and open up your account settings.
- Click on the Mobile tab in the left-hand menu.
- Choose a PIN if you don’t have one (mix of 4 numbers and letters)
- Go to the bottom of the page and click Save changes.
- If your PIN is OK you will see a confirmation message.
- Apologise to your followers. Send them here if they have been “hacked”. Shortlink : http://j-j.co.za/twithack
- Be vigilant
How did you get hacked?
You may have clicked on one of the direct message links as per the examples above, or you may have received an interesting tweet or link to :
- Sign a petition to stop twitter becoming a pay service
- Save the Rhino, the Dolphins or the World
- Anything else that looked interesting
If you do inadvertently click on a link, in some cases the URL shortening service (eg. bit.ly) will pop up a warning where they have determined the link to be dangerous. Consider this your guardian angel, say thanks and close the window.
If unlucky, you will end up on the page the attackers want you to. The most recent two I investigated put me on a page on tvvitiler.com which was a copy of the twitter login page with a timeout message asking me to log in again. If you are unfortunate enough to do so, that’s you toast, proceed to the fix section below The sites hosting these fake login pages vary from post to post and are more often than not themselves hacked, with the unlucky owners unaware of what is happening.
Chances are therefore that some website or app somewhere conned you into giving your credentials to Twitter or the app/site so that it could post something on your behalf. It may well be something that you wanted posted, however, it then piggybacks off that to send a whole lot of unwanted stuff. Just be aware, and vigilant, and followup quickly when something happens.
With information security, knowing how to react and clean up is just as important as prevention. It is not a matter of if, but of when your account will be compromised.
Thanks to :
- Mandy Wilson (@Mandywilson_SA)
- Samantha (@MetroGalZN)
If you have further comments and insight please leave it in the comments here or tweet me (@jjza). Please share this information (http://j-j.co.za/twithack)
P.S. To those infosec folks reading this, apologies for my very liberal use of the word “hack”
Thoughts, insights and analysis of the May 2012 African Top Twits list
Justin | No Comments » Posted on May 13, 2012This post cover some thoughts, insights and analysis of the Top Twits list (May 2012 Africa’s Top Twits) I posted yesterday. Each of the headings provides an anchor for some tidbits and discussion around that bit. Browse through as you will. I would highly recommend you open either the PDF or Excel document when going through so you can let the information talk to you and come up with your own interpretations and insights.
Overall uptake of twitter
It is interesting to see the continued phenomenal growth of Twitter. While the top African twitter user (@pastorchrislive) hasn’t grown much there is massive growth in the top 10 below him. Previously second place had 243 861 followers, now that has grown to 615 332 and where previously (August 2011) 117 357 followers would have got you into 10th place, now just 8 months later that won’t even crack the top 50.
In the top 50 you would need to be more than doubling your following in the period just to hold onto your spot. And its not just those accounts that have small followings that are growing at these high rates (off a small base) but many in the top 10 have growth rates of 250% to 350%.
Bands | 5/12/2012 | 8/31/2011 | Growth | Growth % |
1 | 1,062,297 | 1,038,830 | 23,467 | 2% |
2 | 615,332 | 243,861 | 371,471 | 152% |
10 | 363,226 | 117,357 | 245,869 | 210% |
50 | 120,941 | 59,003 | 61,938 | 105% |
100 | 61,521 | 36,422 | 25,099 | 69% |
I have finally got around to updating my list of Africa’s top twits (or top twitter users as some prefer). The page with the current and previous information can be found here : TopTwits. As before, the information is presented in both PDF and Excel formats. Download the one most suitable for you.
There are some significant changes that have happened in the last 8 months. The growth in users outside of South Africa has been nothing short of phenomenal. It seems us in SA have much to learn from the rest of Africa, Egypt in particular, around the potential use of Twitter.
To make analysis a little easier I have provided some comparative information from the last run I did (which is some 8 months ago). You can now see the previous rank, the number of followers back then, absolute growth and % growth. I am pasting the top 50 here, and will do some more analysis of my own and come back with further commentary at a later stage. Without those growth figures, don’t read too much into the numbers below. For example, DJ Fresh shows a drop of 10 places in the rank, but actually has grown significantly from 114 000 followers to 205 000, an 80% growth over that period. Gareth Cliff has fallen from 5 to 16, but has taken on 107 000 new followers in the period (64% growth) to reach a total of 275 000 followers. Trevor Noah has dropped from 7 to 9, but grown a phenomenal 154% to reach 365 000 followers.
Growth in the top 10 has some phenomenal rates, at least 6 of these top 10 are Egyptian. These have growth rates of between 108% up to 368%. http://www.amrkhaled.net‘s account (the 368%) has grown from 117 000 followers to 550 000 in this 8 months period. Pretty amazing.
Our previous top South African, fellow Durbanite @brat13 has fallen from 2nd spot down to 12th, but has in that same time taken on 100 000 additional followers, a 42% growth, to reach 345 000, awesome for a “Engineer, motorsport fan, occasional cyclist, photographer, blogger, Durbanite!”
As always, errors, omissions and suggestions will be taken on board for future updates. All discussion welcome.
Don’t forget, the full excel and PDF versions are available for download on the TopTwits page.
Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention 2012 : My tweet timeline recorded #in
Justin | No Comments » Posted on March 17, 2012On Tuesday 13 March 2012 I had the pleasure and privilege of attending the Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention 2012 (link here) at the Sandton Convention centre as a guest of the conference organisers, representing the ISACA South Africa Chapter. The conference was really impressive and the speakers just got better as the day went on.
I tweeted quite a lot during the course of the day, capturing some of the essence of what the speakers had to say. For those of you who weren’t there, or who were and just wish to be reminded of what some of the excellent speakers had to say, below is a combination of the timelines of the @ISACAZA and @JJZA accounts I used to tweet from the day.
The theme of the convention was around ethical leadership and sustainable leadership. This lead to some really interesting presentations.
I hope this is useful to some of you.
2012/03/13 09:21 | Isacaza: Thanks to the organisers of the Tomorrow’s Leaders Convention 2012 for inviting Isaca South Africa to be part of the event. |
2012/03/13 09:22 | Isacaza: Keynote speaker : Adv Thulisile Madonsela, our Public Protecter #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:25 | Isacaza: True leaders don’t need a title, they step up and lead. Those with titles may not be leaders, but just title holders #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:32 | Isacaza: Is ethical leadership in the corporate world an oxymoron? It is key to sustainable leadership. #tlc |
2012/03/13 09:33 | Isacaza: In ethical leadership the end does not justify the means. You must do the right thing the right way. Must not break the rules! #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:36 | Isacaza: Public protector often approached by shareholders where the directors have manipulated the system for self enrichment. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:37 | Isacaza: Ethics has become a requirement for an organisation to be a market leader. Clear link between ethics and sustainable performance #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:40 | Isacaza: RT @RaeleneRorke: Ethical leadership-at the core of the conference-loving the freshness of this theme.At last we make it cool to be an h … |
2012/03/13 09:47 | Isacaza: Protection of information bill in current state would have a negative impact on public protector and others in ethics space #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 09:48 | Isacaza: RT @gradidgec: #TLC2012 Adv T Madonsela: ‘the most common challenge I come across is abuse of power’ |
2012/03/13 09:50 | Isacaza: Quietly spoken, but thoughtful, confident and powerful. Our public protector. Adv Thulisile Madonsela #tlc2012 Great choice for keynote. |
2012/03/13 10:07 | Michael from Vodacom up on stage
Isacaza: By 2020 there will be no shortage of talent in South Africa, problem will be employability. Shortage in developed world #tlc2012 #dhl |
2012/03/13 10:20 | Isacaza: Mobility is creating challenges for organisations instead of solving them #tlc2012 #vodacom |
2012/03/13 10:21 | jjza: RT @MarkJLamberti: Excellent meeting with Minister Manuel & others. What have you done to understand & respond to the work of the Nation … |
2012/03/13 10:24 | Isacaza: In Tanzania Malaria has almost been eradicated through use of SMS technology to identify and contain outbreaks #tlc2012 #vodacom |
2012/03/13 10:29 | Isacaza: RT @STNxumalo: Abuse of power is as bad as the waste thereof: You’re in a powerful position, but you do nothing! -Michael Allschwang # … |
2012/03/13 10:31 | Isacaza: Leadership without title is the most powerful. Leave titles behind. #vodacom #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 10:31 | jjza: RT @khanyisile: The five bases of power: position, reward, skill, knowledge and relationship power (trust, respect from other people etc … |
2012/03/13 10:34 | jjza: RT @NeilBierbaum: Vodacom presentation #TLC2012 about power. Power over others is implied; power over oneself is missing. Self-awareness … |
2012/03/13 10:36 | Isacaza: Execution with excellence sets you apart from others #vodacom #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 10:40 | jjza: Nobuzwe Mangcu from #mercedes up on stage talking about our future #tlc2012 without doing things together there is no future |
2012/03/13 11:53
Sakie Macozoma takes to the stage
Isacaza: What will tomorrow’s leaders inherit from today’s leaders? #sustainable leadership #tlc2012 Sakie Macozoma, Chairman Liberty Group |
2012/03/13 11:54 | jjza: RT @JeremyK_za: #tlc2012. Great speakers >> Agreed |
2012/03/13 11:57 | Isacaza: Should we be measuring Gross National Happiness instead of Gross National Product? #tlc2012 #macozoma |
2012/03/13 11:59 | Isacaza: Largest population of retirees ever, depending on heavily indebited governments #europe #tlc2012 Europe will be in the doldrums for a while |
2012/03/13 12:03 | jjza: Do we have political leaders who understand the importance of funding of research ? #tlc2012 we need sustainable technologies |
2012/03/13 12:04 | jjza: RT @egoligal: Wow! Saki talking about #cradle2cradle design & #biomimicry as the way of the future! #Yes – taking direction from #Mo … |
2012/03/13 12:08 | Simone Zanetti takes to the stage
Isacaza: Is training killing knowledge? #tlc2012 the future of people’s performance |
2012/03/13 12:13 | jjza: @sikimgabadeli great, please share when you get the link. |
2012/03/13 12:19 | jjza: Split between structured and unstructured learning? Average 80% unstructured. Information is changing rapidly. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:21 | jjza: We need to be learning faster, and in more unstructured ways. Average company in SA spends R30000/employee per year #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:23 | jjza: RT @egoligal: Forcefeeding information to employees a waste of time! Data shifting & increasing so rapidly that info based training … |
2012/03/13 12:24 | jjza: Take away artificial ways of doing business and try to let them work in a way that brings out the best in people. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:25 | jjza: RT @KMathelela: There is more information in a newspaper 2day than wat a middle-aged man wud learn in his entire life #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 12:26 | jjza: Less than 15% of what people are trained on is retained. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:28 | Isacaza: The more you train the less people remember, and they won’t remember if what they remember is correct. Future is instant knowledge #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:30 | jjza: Natural language social knowledge systems the way of enhancing productivity in the future? #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:31 | jjza: RT @msalili: Train people how to FIND the correct info, rather than REMEMBER the correct info. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 12:34 | jjza: Self learning predictive knowledge tools provide instant knowledge. Not just a nice theory. Works for Standard Bank. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:35 | jjza: RT @msalili: Eish, opening these bloody water bottles is a mission. Fire the supplier! #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 12:45 | jjza: RT @taraturk1: @KMathelela: Simone Zanetti, awesome speaker #TLC2012 > agree! >> most passionate of the day so far |
2012/03/13 12:47 | jjza: Think big and bold, but don’t lose sight of the problem and solution. Embrace partnerships. Don’t be afraid to fail. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:49 |
Thebe Ikalafeng takes to the stage jjza: People are brands and can be branded. In 1997 Fortune said the only differentiator in the 21st century will be branding #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 12:51 | Isacaza: A brand is not what you say, it’s what others say #tlc2012 A brand is a storehouse of trust. |
2012/03/13 12:51 | jjza: A brand is not what you say, it’s what others say #tlc2012 A brand is a storehouse of trust. |
2012/03/13 12:56 | jjza: Great brands are : focused, distinctive, emotionally connected, evolve, build their country #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 13:00 | jjza: Age of mass individualisation. Innervation. What makes you distinctive? What is your brand? #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:02 | jjza: Run your career like a business. You are the CEO of You Inc. If you can’t triumph with talent, triumph with effort #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:05 | jjza: Understand your context. Self examination. Listen to the gossip. When people talk about you it is an opportunity to reflect. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:08 | jjza: Clarity. Clarify who you are, position yourself, create a vision of where you headed. What is the thing you are willing to die for? #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:15 | jjza: You don’t want to merely be the best of the best, you want to be the only one who does what you do. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:16 | jjza: Competence. You need some skills. The only real security is a reserve of knowledge, experience and ability. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:18 | jjza: Cover. Package your thing. 55% of conclusions people make are visual. 38% vocal. 7% content. Packaging is everything. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:20 | jjza: Community. If the house is on fire, forget the china, silver, wedding gifts. Grab the Rolodex. Contacts, access. The right people? #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:21 | jjza: Who is in your network? Who do you need to fire? Fire those who diminish your brand. Six steps of separation. You know somebody. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:23 | jjza: Constancy. Create presence. Be out there. Get the brand out there. Define yourself, don’t let others do it. Must be authentic. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:25 | jjza: Congruence. The most important. Personal branding is a way of life. Not a word. A promise that gets fulfilled every day. 24×7. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:26 | jjza: There can be no happiness if the things we believe in are different from what we do. Brand inside equals brand inside. Authentic #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:28 | jjza: Personal value proposition resonate with Customer value proposition and Employer value proposition. Work together, no “other side” #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:30 | jjza: Performance is impacted if you are not true to yourself. Work life alignment, not balance. Cannot be a fake. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:31 | jjza: It takes 20 years to build a reputation and just 5 to destroy it. Pursue a vision of excellence whatever you do, work or play. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:32 | jjza: Commercialise. How do you make money off the brand? Know which companies to go to and grow with. |
2012/03/13 13:35 | jjza: Chutzpah. We have all been rejected. How you react is what makes or breaks you. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:37 | jjza: Closure. Everything comes to an end. Have you lived your brand at the end of your day? How will you be remembered? #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:38 | jjza: Fix your programme before it happens. All you leave behind is your name. Protect it. Did you do what you needed to? Others agree #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:40 | jjza: Nobody should ever have to retire from what they love. You can’t retire from breathing. Do your thing out there. Keep doing it. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 13:43 | jjza: @thebelkalafeng Amazing, introspective, inspirational presentation. This is leadership, something for all of us to think about. 10q #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 14:29 | jjza: @AkiKalliatakis a pity that so many miss out on the “giving them what they want” part of that. |
2012/03/13 14:33 | Afternoon breakaway session : Transport and Logistics
jjza: Transportation and logistics breakaway session about to begin at #TLC2012. Very few people in the venue yet. Been great convention so far. |
2012/03/13 14:46 | Isacaza: RT @sikimgabadeli: Saki’s speech will be posted on website http://t.co/E5TWxFoe #TLC2012 >> great, thanks |
2012/03/13 14:55 | jjza: @SeanReuben72 you should have been at #TLC2012 Been some really great presentations here. Diarise for next year. |
2012/03/13 14:56 | jjza: @fjlandman please keep the tweets coming, hard to choose between the sessions. |
2012/03/13 14:59 | jjza: The debate is not whether roads are good for the country, we need them throughout the country. Tolling is a funding issue. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:01 | jjza: More economists disagree with SANRAL studies than agree with them. There are cheaper and more equitable ways to fund roads. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:02 | jjza: >50% of tolls collected will be spent on collection. Fuel levy be a far more cost effective way to collect the money #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:03 | jjza: Shortage of skills and cost of employment too high because of labour legislation encourages labour broking and off shoring #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:06 | jjza: Walmart could use SA as gateway into Africa but uncompetitive revenue env means more likely go direct. Opp lost with no free ports. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:07 | jjza: The government via rail will be a competitor to road freight. They need to improve efficiencies to compete with gov. Need be fair. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:08 | jjza: Planting bamboo on unused land instead of buying carbon credits. #innovation #green #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:14 | jjza: Don’t expect government policy to be proactive. It can take five years from recognition of gap to passing of legislation. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:14 | jjza: Disconnect between levels of government, national provincial and local all implementing different things #transport #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:16 | jjza: Taking shots at Transnet, turnaround strategy being called perpetual turnaround strategy. #transport #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:17 | jjza: Lack of consultation between government and industry players, lack of looking at other governments, leaves SA trailing #transport #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:19 | jjza: Entities like BUSA should be engaging more with government to give view of private sector to government. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:20 | jjza: Singapore being highlighted as model of efficiency and case study of how things could be done. Service delivery excellence. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:22 | jjza: No sense to carry coal or manganese by road. Would destroy roads. Rail must operate more efficiently for low value/ton commodities #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:24 | jjza: We need slow speed freight rail, not high speed passenger lines. Road infrastructure and ports must improve. Heavy goods off roads. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:26 | jjza: China has built effective rail and port network in less than 30 years, SA gov must invest in right places. SA can lose in Africa. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:27 | jjza: @egoligal nobody here disagrees even the road freight crowd. They fill a gap where no railways and recognise not optimal #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:29 | jjza: Whilst we bicker over immaterial items we fall behind. Give parastatals 3 years to get fixed or privatise them. #transport #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:30 | jjza: South Africa is less efficient than all our trading partners when it comes to trade. We are the weakest link. #worldbank #transport #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:31 | jjza: Sort out road vs rail and carbon emissions are sorted for next 10 years. Rail went to road because of inefficiencies. #tlc2012 |
2012/03/13 15:32 | jjza: 30% of the value of a car made in SA is made of transport costs. This is way too high globally. High cost low efficiencies. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:35 | jjza: Take politicians out of Transnet and put back the technical people and we have potential to get rail back to number 3 in the world #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:36 | jjza: @leenelson as a Transnet employee feeling a bit battered here ![]() |
2012/03/13 15:38 | jjza: SA companies have recognised opportunities to trade with other African countries and force out previous colonial masters #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:38 | jjza: @leenelson great event and branding for you guys. |
2012/03/13 15:40 | jjza: SA should take the lead in opening up trade in Africa. No visas required in Europe yet need lots in Africa. Potential to sort out. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:43 | Isacaza: SA needs to engage with neighbours and create framework more conducive for regional trade. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:47 | jjza: Young black talent is a commodity going to the highest bidder. DHL is trying to get young individuals who associate with the brand #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:48 | Isacaza: RT @ThebeIkalafeng: RT @RSAPatriot: #TLC2012 @ThebeIkalafeng absolutely on fire! >> the further you spread your message the better off SA is |
2012/03/13 15:50 | jjza: SA arrogant in dealing with Africa. We need to provide a value proposition not assume Africa will deal with us because we African. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 15:52 | jjza: My Twitter coverage of #TLC2012 will end soon. iPad battery dying shortly. It’s been most interesting. Thanks to the organisers. |
2012/03/13 16:00 | jjza: There needs to be a marrying of minds between Government and Industry to attract the right skills into tertiary education. #TLC2012 |
2012/03/13 16:03 | jjza: SMEs and business is more agile than government, need less government and more private business. Need SMEs to thrive. #TLC2012 |
Battery finally died, thanks again to the organisers for inviting @ISACAZA to attend the convention. |
I will add links to some of the presentations at a later stage (when the organisers put them up). Check back then, just want to get this up for now.
Some interesting site and Google advert revenue statistics
Justin | 2 Comments » Posted on November 26, 2011For those that may be interested :
- j-j.co.za has had over 63 000 page views since May 2011
- September 2011 was the most viewed month with over 19 000 views
- Google adverts have been served since May
- A total of R1250 has been earned in advertising revenue in that time
- A click on an advert can earn anything from 60c up to R10, with an average of around R3
- A page with a thousand views (and no clicks) can earn about 8c (at times can be zero)
- My average click through rate is around 0.9%
So thanks to those of you who do click on the adverts, they don’t make millions but do help to pay for the hosting and domain costs to keep the site running.
With DStv Mobile having released the Android app for some Samsung Galaxy devices it looks as though HTC are feeling rather left out and wanting to get their share of the action. Some interesting tweets today.
First up was @Regardt van der Berg, “I do PR, Communications, and Social Media for HTC and I’m a lazy photographer” from http://www.htcblog.co.za commenting that support is coming to HTC soon and they are working with the Devs to get the app approved on HTC.
Nico @Zandberg picked up that the screenshots present on the Android App Store are actually taken from an HTC and not a Samsung. Mybroadband picked up on the press release mailed out by DStv mobile and put up a story.
I contacted Regardt and put some questions to him, which were partially answered with a non-committal “We are working with Multichoice” but an offer to correspond further by email, which I took him up on and sent a mail asking a few questions.
Will feed back when I get a response. An interesting day for HTC users none-the-less.
NB : The tweets below were collated together using editor software, but can be validated back to Twitter.
The latest edition of Africa’s Top Twits is now out. Read it here : http://j-j.co.za/toptwits/
There are once again more twitter users included who had been overlooked previously, with particular focus on users in other parts of Africa. This has had a significant impact on the top 100.
This month I include a little more commentary on the top 10, include some growth statistics for this special group, as well as lay down the start of a comparison we can do over the next few months for our 13 Bokke who are on twitter. The 13 can be found here (http://twitter.com/jjza/WorldCupBokke2011)
Once again, suggestions, comments, corrections all welcome.
The Springboks sendoff – A collage of pics tweeted by our boys
Justin | No Comments » Posted on September 03, 2011The power of Twitter as a reporting medium continues to grow. Through the afternoon of their departure our boys tweeted some really amazing photos. This collage is created using Picassa from pictures tweeted through the afternoon by our boys grabbed from the Twitter List : http://twitter.com/jjza/WorldCupBokke2011.
The full-sized image can be grabbed here.