The future or just another twitter wannabe?

Posted on October 13, 2012

Back on 2nd September, after having heard about it on twitter and in tech circles, I finally got around to signing up for I had briefly checked it out before, but given the $50/year fee hadn’t bothered. Is time around I decided that I wanted my @jjza handle on and that the $50 wasn’t that much of an investment to reserve the name. Since then the price has fallen to a more reasonable $36 and early adopters given an extension to their original subscription period. is still very much under development and after signing up I didn’t really use it much. Then along came Netbot, a rehashed twitter client specifically for and iOS / iPad and its pretty darn slick. So now I have started using a bit more.

There are still not a lot of users on board, although the numbers are increasing rapidly. At the time I signed up there were around 20 000, I’m not sure of the latest count. This low user base was even more apparent when I had Netbot search my twitter follower list and give me the option of following them on The results were disappointing but at the same time it was good to see a few familiar faces like Erik Hersman, Paul Jacobson and Steven Fry on there. is still evolving, new features are being added all the time, and Netbot is a really slick client, I like the 256 character limit rather than the 140 of twitter, though honestly can’t tell you if there are any real benefits. I guess that will be figured out as we to along and for now I will cross post stuff between and twitter until a critical mass of followers emerges.

If you make it over that side, follow me :

Please share your thoughts on the new platform.


Thoughts, insights and analysis of the May 2012 African Top Twits list

Posted on May 13, 2012

This post cover some thoughts, insights and analysis of the Top Twits list (May 2012 Africa’s Top Twits) I posted yesterday. Each of the headings provides an anchor for some tidbits and discussion around that bit. Browse through as you will. I would highly recommend you open either the PDF or Excel document when going through so you can let the information talk to you and come up with your own interpretations and insights.

Overall uptake of twitter

It is interesting to see the continued phenomenal growth of Twitter. While the top African twitter user (@pastorchrislive) hasn’t grown much there is massive growth in the top 10 below him. Previously second place had 243 861 followers, now that has grown to 615 332 and where previously (August 2011) 117 357 followers would have got you into 10th place, now just 8 months later that won’t even crack the top 50.

In the top 50 you would need to be more than doubling your following in the period just to hold onto your spot. And its not just those accounts that have small followings that are growing at these high rates (off a small base) but many in the top 10 have growth rates of 250% to 350%.


Bands 5/12/2012 8/31/2011 Growth Growth %
1   1,062,297   1,038,830     23,467 2%
2      615,332      243,861   371,471 152%
10      363,226      117,357   245,869 210%
50      120,941        59,003     61,938 105%
100        61,521        36,422     25,099 69%

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(South) Africa’s Top Twits – July 2011 (final)

Posted on July 28, 2011

This is the third post in four days on the matter of the top twitter users in (South) Africa, ranked by number of followers.

You can read the previous posts here  explaining how this arose:

I have now created a static page (as opposed to a post) to house the information going forward, and I hope to be able to update it regularly. Initially perhaps monthly and then maybe to quarterly if that proves to be too onerous.
The page is “Top Twits” on the menu at the top of the site, or linked here.
The information is available as an Excel sheet or as a PDF as well as the Top 100 present in the body of the post.
Enjoy and please provide feedback.

The new improved (South) African Top Twits July 2011

Posted on July 26, 2011

See the final list here :

Yesterday’s post (here) attempted to list the Top Twits (by number of followers) in (South) Africa.  If you didn’t read the post yesterday, take a read to see where this all started.  It had some flaws. There were some big names missing. After some manual processing and prompting for various parties, here is the new improved (still very much draft) (South) African Top Twits.  The top 10 has changed a bit, and beyond that even more so. To make yesterday’s top 50 you needed 13 251 followers, today that has jumped to 22 613.

Once again, if there are some big names out there that have been missed please let me know.

Change log :

  • Removed duplicated @BusRep, @BibleThoughts now makes it in at number 50 (26/7/2011)
  • Added in some more users @Elbaradei, Jacob Zuma (SAPresident), Presidency, MetroFM (27/7/2011)
  • Expanded the list to top 60 (so that some didn’t drop out of yesterday’s list)
  • Included the date updated field
  • Checked the numbers of all the accounts listed against current numbers as previous sources were unreliable. Checked the balance of the top 120 as well just in case any jumped up the list, some of which did.
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Will South Africa’s real Top Twits please stand up

Posted on July 25, 2011

Update : See the final list here : (updated monthly)

The Strategy Worx recently released their ‘Social Media in SA – The Numbers‘ Report for Quarter two. Makes some interesting reading. There is some discussion on Google Plus here.

In the report is a list of  the Top 20 South African twitter personalities. The list was interesting, but on reflection seemed to be missing some of the people who I would have expected to be in the report.  There appear to be some obvious missing ones eg. DJ Fresh 98 656 followers and Pigspotter (Cliff) with 61 000 Jack Parrow 22 281 Steven Pienaar (ok, he lives in the UK most of the time) 67 480 John Robbie 23 377, Bryan Habana 46 270 etc etc

I quickly posted a question on the discussion asking what was the selection criteria for this? After going back and reading the report more closely I found the reference :

Going onto Twitaholic and playing a little gave some insight into the problem. The query used only picks you up if you list South Africa (Country), not City, Country (Eg. Durban South Africa).

This is very clear, Bruce Attridge in Durban, South Africa has 213 000 followers and is top of the Durban list, but doesn’t come up (would be 1st) in the South Africa query. Problem. Playing a bit more and you find that Durban, Durban South Africa and South Africa all produce different lists.

To top it all off, looking at the follower numbers shows some more problems. I am listed way down on the list (not that I have that many followers), but the numbers were vastly different from what Twitter shows as my followers. It seems the list is quite dated. If you click on a user, there is a button to “Update my Stats!” which can be used once a day. A manual process – though some numbers are more recent than others. Ok, so the data is flawed.

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Reports on DLP, Service Auditor Standard & Social Media Security

Posted on August 02, 2010

Social Media:  Business Benefits and Security, Governance and Assurance Perspectives (ISACA)

This week, ISACA released a white paper outlining the five biggest risks posed by social media in the workplace–and how to manage them without banning the technology.  The download page also includes links to a number of other usesful reports on social media by Forbes, Enisa, Web-strategist, and

Download the ISACA report here

New Service Auditor Standard (Replacing SAS70) : A User Entity Perspective (ISACA)

The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) have recently approved new standards for reporting on controls at a service organization with a truly global constituency in mind. Under the approach adopted by the IAASB and the ASB, Statement on Auditing Standard No. 70 (SAS 70) will be replaced by two new standards:  an attestation standard that will guide service auditors in the conduct of an examination of, and the resulting reporting on, controls at a service organization and an auditing standard that will guide user auditors in consideration of internal control when processing is performed by a service organization. While these new standards are intended to be a communication from the service auditor to the user independent auditor that permit a user entity independent auditor to fulfill auditing requirements, management at user entities also has recognized its responsibility for designing and implementing internal control over financial reporting, whether performed internally or by a service provider, and acknowledged the benefits of SAS 70 reports as part of their risk management, vendor management or regulatory compliance processes. This paper will address the changes in the new standards and will focus on providing management of user entities with valuable practical guidance on their responsibilities to help ensure that they are ready for the changes.

Download report here

The 2010 Data Loss Prevention Report (Aberdeen Group

AberdeenGroup have temporarily made their 2010 data loss preventation report available for free download.

Report Intro:

Companies achieving top results successfully use content-aware technologies to identify sensitive data across multiple channels, and to invoke a range of remediation options to enforce established security policies. In doing so, they reap the substantial benefits of fewer incidents of data loss or data exposure, fewer audit deficiencies, and lower operational cost.

Download from here

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