Traffic updates
Posted on May 5, 2011About twittering pigspotters and traffic updates – twitter traffic accounts you should follow
There are quite a number of different twitter accounts which can help you keep up to speed with what is happening on the roads around the country. Following a collection of these accounts really can make your life a whole lot more comfortable and relieve a lot of frustrations.
Since I am based in KZN most of the ones listed are from that region. Please feel free to leave more in the comments and I will add them to the list to keep it up to date regularly. For your convenience you can find a combined twitter list here :!/jjza/traffic
Don’t forget that if at the time of wanting to know traffic conditions you are at your PC that TomTom offers some of the most accurate live traffic information. Their map is updated in real time and tells you about incident and estimated time delays along most major routes. The free map is here.
@TrafficSA – Regular and pertinent traffic updates covering the main cities in SA. Rob Byrne is the man pumping out the tweets and answering people’s questions about traffic incidents and road statuses. Extremely useful and a must for any road users.
@EWNtraffic – EWN’s traffic feed. Call them on 083 91 DRIVE ( 083 91 37483 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 083 91 37483 end_of_the_skype_highlighting) or sms on 31702 Go to click on traffic for more…
@KakDrivers @BadDriversZA : Names say it all
@Pigspotter – Cliff the man who started all the spotting. Lots of updates on traffic and traffic police activities. Follow it for all the insight, though be prepared to accept comments around pork rashers and bacon bits. Leave your sensitivities at the door and make use of the updates.
@jozitraffic – Any Tweeet with the word ‘#JhbTraffic‘ is ReTweeted by this Automatic Robot 702&94.7 Traffic @ 083 9137483 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 083 9137483 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Rpt Corruption @ 0800 203712 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0800 203712 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
@yfmtraffictweets – Brings you traffic updates in the Gauteng area as they happen.
KwaZulu Natal
@pigspotkzn – An automated retweet service sharing traffic and enforcement information. Dependent on it’s followers to provide the updates so join the party and make it better for all. Running since August 2010 and has a good number of active followers. Probably the most active of the spotting accounts in KZN.
@pigspotterkzn – Was set up as an alias of the above. Rather use @pigspotkzn.
@PigSpotter_KZN – Was running for a month but died when threat of legal action was made against the original @pigspotter. Rather follow @pigspotkzn.
@Rb_Dbn – Started out as a Blackberry Messenger (BBM) group and recently moved over to twitter. Providing details on traffic, roadblocks and the like for those in the Durban area. (formerly @Roadblocks_dbn)
@traffickzn – posting traffic alertz, jamz etc since November 2010. Not too many posts going through here but no harm in following.
@jvbtrafficguy– The East Coast Radio traffic guy. Been running since Feb 2010 and provides regular updates. (Formerly @ecrtraffic)
@dbntraffic – Another Durban traffic account. Traffic reports online for Durban. Please report traffic using #dbntraffic Only 10 tweets since Jan 2010 (as of May 2011) so not much happening here.
@MetroGalZN – A Female Metro Police Officer who does her best to assist and educate us citizens on Traffic related queries. Great public servant, follow this gal. Tweeting since August 2009. (Formerly known as @amsammy)
@PublicServantKN – Public Servant KZN ready to Rock ‘n Roll. Public service announcements, stolen cars, all round useful.
Cape Town
@Pig_SpotterCPT – The spotter dude for The Cape (North, East, South, West). Retweeting, quoting info from followers and even coming up with tweets of his own. Covering Spottings, Traffic, Accidents, Automobile theft and other bits and bobs. Some #Offtopics too from time to time 😉 Running since August 2010.
@capetraffic – #capetraffic tweets from the crowd to help you get around in Cape Town…from 01/03/2011 facilitated by @CapeTown with help from @marcel_perform
@CapeTownFreeway – We report on traffic flows for most of Cape Towns Freeways. We cover the N1 to the Tunnel, N2 to Sir Lowry’s Pass, N7 to Potsdam, R300 and M5 between the N1 and N2. Facebook page too.
NorthWest Province
@TrafficNW – Pigspotter for NorthWest. Traffic updates and more. Tweeting since July 2011.
15.12.2012 22:16
[…] Traffic updates […]
07.05.2011 22:17