The OFFICIAL DStv Drifta app now compatible with many more Android Devices

Posted on September 9, 2011

Update 2 : Confirmed for 3 HTC devices, the Desire, Desire HD and Wildfire S.

Other devices appear to be able to download but not run the application.

Update : The app downloads and install but fails the whitelist authentication test. I hope DStv fixes that this morning otherwise I see many of us going with the unofficial application (see here)

As of this morning, despite the Android Market place description of the software saying otherwise, the official DStv Drifta app from the marketplace is now compatible with a number of new devices.

Currently the following are confirmed :

  • Sony Ericsson X10
  • HTC Desire
Please add more compatible devices in the comments once you get yours working.

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Categories: Fun things to do, Gadgets

10 Responses

  1. rony:

    Hi i hv a htc wildfire i js cnt seem to ge it ryt pls can u mail me step by step i down/oaded es file xplorer wen i wana safe it say it cant save it pls help

    28.02.2013 13:52 Reply

  2. Keegan:

    Any idea of where i can can get a hold of the patched version

    08.12.2011 10:57 Reply

  3. Keegan:

    Require confirmation that the Sony Ericsson X10 is indeed compatible with drifta as per comments on this post

    29.11.2011 21:49 Reply

    • Justin:

      The official version of the application is not yet approved to run on the X10 by DStv. If you can get hold of a “patched” version it should work.

      29.11.2011 23:42 Reply

  4. louis:

    Hi I have a netpad android 2.1 is it compatible with the dstv drifta ,and how do I get it to work.

    14.10.2011 04:05 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Louis, I am not sure of the specs of the netpad. Its not an officially supported device so the immediate answer is no. There may be ways to get it to work but will require you either getting the hacked version of the application (find someone who has it and get it from them) or making your device masquerade as a supported device. Just check on the home page you will find a post on doing it. (Will link later tonight)

      14.10.2011 16:19 Reply

  5. Anton:

    Hi JJ, I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 7″ and got the DSTV Drifta last weekend. I also bought the TV out cable for the tab. This allowed me to watch rugby on the tv for about 10 sec and never again. Is there a way ?

    22.09.2011 13:52 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Anton, I haven’t seen one. All the hacks that were out there were just to get the software to run on devices not to bypass the dstv copy protection. Dstv are doing all they can to stop large screen viewing of the picture. Technically hacking the app to bypass the restriction shouldn’t be too difficult but the hacked app wouldn’t be able to be shared publicly with DStv going after anyone uploading even clean versions of the app to sites.

      Zoomed on pc connect to big screen with hdmi cable works just fine though.

      22.09.2011 21:47 Reply

  6. Johan:

    Hi JJ any news on the availability of the app for rooted devices cant find it anywhere, please help

    20.09.2011 13:55 Reply

    • Justin:

      Johan, If you can’t get the hacked version there may be another way, I have unconfirmed information that using something like I OTA Rootkeeper from Supercurio (link here) will temporarily unroot the phone and get you past the root check. I have not had confirmation that this actually works. Please let me know if you get it working.

      21.09.2011 22:39 Reply

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