Your favourite iPad applications, please share
Posted on October 10, 2011I have finally succumbed to the temptation and acquired a new iPad 2, 32 gig 3G version. There are so many applications for the device, although the SA app store is really lame. Within all of 3 hours I was ready to jailbreak my device, until I had a USA iTunes account set up and the world opened up. I hear that the Kenya app store (yes Kenya) has benefits. All of the apps (though not the music) is available and you can use your South African credit card. Another post on that soon.
In the meantime, please share details of your favourite applications. I am looking to put a post together so look forward to hearing from you to make that a more interesting post.
Tags: app store, applications, favourite, ipad, itunes, kenya, USA
Categories: iPad
I’ve been using the Kenyan store for a while now with no problems. As for the apps I don’t go berserk like the rest of the world it seems. I have a core set of apps that I use most along with a couple of games for time killing.
Here’s my app list:
Kindle – duh
Instapaper – Use it in conjunction with the bookmarklet for saving big posts for later reading
Wunderlist – TODO list which sync to phone + Macbook
Evernote – Ditto
Prompt – ssh client for remote access to servers
Flipboard – awesome twitter / news reader. I hear good things about Zite
Snapseed – nice little photo editing app
Reeder – Awesome RSS reader with Gmail integration
Keynote – Still testing this…seems to work
Bamboo paper – quick sketching app
Mindjet – mind mapping tool
Elements – note writing app
That’s about it…
09.10.2011 20:58
Thanks for sharing Matt, will incorporate your list into the one for the post later in the week, still collecting from other users for now.
11.10.2011 12:41