Resizer for DSTV Drifta windows client 1.3.15 (and v1.3.40)

Posted on May 5, 2012

A lot of people ask for a way to resize the viewing windows of the DSTV Drifta on the PC. One of the early versions was “hacked” to allow this to happen but DSTV quickly released new versions which were encrypted and employed other methods to prevent hacking and re-sizing. Since then we have had to resort to using windows zoomers of various natures, and while this has been useful it isn’t the same as being able to drag the window to the desired size.

Help is finally at hand.  Moe1 (bless his soul) has released a little application which runs alongside the DSTV application (yes, it works with the very latest version available from the DSTV site, so go and get it) and enables resizing. In doing it in this manner it does not require distribution of any DSTV code (whether that is copyright or not is now irrelevant). All of you legitimate fee paying Drifta subscribers can now resize your windows to your hearts content.

Extract of the Readme below, links to the download at the bottom.

Thanks again Moe1 (and thanks the guy who posted the links, happy to give you credit if you like, just mail me to say I can put your name here).


DSTV Mobile v1.3.15
Video Screen Resizer App
By Moe1

Due to popular demand, finally here is the screen resizer for v1.3.15 (and later) of the DSTV Mobile decoder. Billy you wanted it now you got it! 😉

Installation Instructions:
1. – Copy Resizer.exe to your DSTV Mobile installation folder. (Ex. C:\program files\DSTV Mobile Decoder\)
2. – Run Resizer.exe and click the “Load & Resize” button.
3. – The DSTV Mobile application will start as normal and you will be able to resize the screen by dragging open the video frame accordingly.
4. – You can close the Resizer app at any time, it will not interfere with the DSTV Mobile instance.

This will only work with DSTV Mobile v1.3.15 decoder for Windows (and later versions!)
This application does NOT modify your decoder.exe file so you will still have your original file.
Making the screen size too big will just result in an awful picture, hence the reason for the screen size restriction in the first place.


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Categories: Gadgets, Mobile

138 Responses

  1. Ray:

    I tried to download the resizer but no luck,the one i got it detect some virus and i can`t get the actual file

    13.05.2013 11:09 Reply

    • Justin:

      Because of the way the patch works it can get detected as a virus. You will need to disable your AV when you download the patch but can enable it again after. Also see if you can tell your AV this isnt a virus. Normally AV deletes the things first, so you may need to configure your AV to quarantine rather then delete.

      18.05.2013 09:56 Reply

  2. Chuks:

    Comment…works great…this is super! thanks to Moe1 and Justin. Moe2 and JJ, can you guys make drifta viewable in multiple devices simultaneously. thkd

    02.05.2013 15:12 Reply


      Hi Chucks,
      mine is not working. Iam using the V1.3.26. Can anybody assist me on this.

      10.05.2013 12:59 Reply

  3. ERIC:

    Thanks, this appliction is Good am enjoying it. waooooo!!!

    25.04.2013 00:15 Reply

  4. wesley:

    sorry im using avg 2012

    19.04.2013 14:20 Reply

  5. wesley:

    hi when ever i try load the resize program my anti virus picks it up n moves it to vault.wat can i do


    19.04.2013 14:19 Reply

  6. Phillip Nkomo:

    I notice that the Resizer does not work with the new PC Drifta app Ver 1.3.26

    06.04.2013 13:41 Reply

    • Justin:

      Thanks for the info, we will have to wait for a new version of the patch for the new app. Stick to the old version until the new patch is available.

      06.04.2013 16:52 Reply

      • Anton:

        Hi Justin. Thx for the great app. The app won’t load anymore, so the new Ver 1.3.26 have to be used. When I try run it with the new decoder version I get a run time error. Any ideas?

        Thank you

        25.04.2013 20:53 Reply

      • Shawn:

        Hello Justin.

        Thank you very much for this. You are brilliant!!!!

        02.05.2013 18:01 Reply

  7. Pumi:

    If you are using Avast Free edition & you update it to the latest version you’ll get the following error message when you run the decoder: “Sorry, this application cannot run under a Virtual Machine. ” . Note, this is not due to a fault to the decoder or resizer. I think one should not update to Avast Free v8, as I did, till Avast fix the bug on their software. This bug also prevents you from running virtual games. It affects Windows 7, & possibly 8, and sadly I will now remove Avast from my pc.

    15.03.2013 21:07 Reply

    • Jaques:

      Previously I had Windows Vista on my computer and recently installed Windows 7 and now I keep getting an error message “Can’t Initialize Display” when I try to run the resizer. I’ve downloaded and installed the latest version of the V1.3.15 software and the resizer, but still get this error message. Can anyone help me?

      18.03.2013 21:22 Reply

      • Emmanuel:

        Hi Jaques install your video card drivers, it should work.

        03.04.2013 14:50 Reply

    • Anton:

      Thx for that. I nearly did a clean install of XBMC to fix my RomBrowser collection. By pure chance I saw your post as I wanted to know what other users think of the quality difference between the resizer and live streams. I found many XBMC add-ons to watch rugby, etc, but the quality is not much better imo. HD channels don’t workP.s. I was on the full trail Avast.

      10.04.2013 14:40 Reply

  8. Trevor:

    Thanks Justin and Moe1 for sharing

    08.03.2013 13:46 Reply

    • Justin:

      Glad it’s working for you

      11.03.2013 07:58 Reply

      • steve:

        Hi Justin, this works great….thank you. Just one question, when you resize you start to loose picture quality. Is their a way to overcome this…..thanks again.

        28.03.2013 18:25 Reply

        • Justin:

          Hi Steve

          Sadly not, that is a limitation of the transmission protocol and I guess a reason DSTV dont want us to try and resize it to full screen monitor or 40″ TV. The only options is to sit further back, doesnt really help when struggling to read the cricket scoreboard or something similar. Bringing up Cricinfo in another window though solves that problem for me.


          28.03.2013 21:26 Reply

          • steve:

            Hi Justin…..thanks for the help m8……i dont mean to bother you with silly things…but what is Cricinfo & what do i have to do to get it……thanks again.

            29.03.2013 11:29

  9. lordruzi:

    was able to download the file but got a virus alert on it. some generic backdoor virus

    01.03.2013 21:54 Reply

    • Justin:

      Yes, due to the way the code works, patching the dstv mobile app while its running, the resizer gets seen as a generic back door when it isn’t.

      01.03.2013 22:28 Reply

  10. sean:

    my man you are a star if u are in capetown let me know will buy u a beer….

    28.02.2013 15:23 Reply

    • Justin:

      Lol. Next time I’m I the Cape will do.

      01.03.2013 22:30 Reply

  11. Ayodele:

    please i need you to direct me on the step by step approach to getting the resizing issue done. i don’t know where to copy the link from. pls just direct me.

    20.02.2013 18:34 Reply

  12. Joey:

    Hi Justin,

    All the links appear to be dead or don’t contain the resizer.exe file
    Am i missing something?

    20.02.2013 13:23 Reply

  13. james:

    Hi justin, my version is 1.3.3 ….please advise!

    16.02.2013 10:00 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi James
      The naming convention seems a bit confused. The latest version available to download on the dstv website is 1.3.15 (link here)

      Download this version should work just great.

      PS Keep the downloaded installer in-case you ever mistakenly upgrade and need to revert back

      16.02.2013 10:24 Reply

  14. Andy:

    Hi Justin

    Please help ( I am not very bright).
    I do not know how to proceed if my system stop and read it as a virus. Any suggestions (in steps which dummies like me will understand) how to get pass this?
    Thanx a mill (love your work).

    07.02.2013 15:17 Reply

  15. Ettienne le Roux:

    Hi Justin. please email me the resizer. I would really appreciate, thanks!

    02.02.2013 11:28 Reply

  16. Mike D:

    Hi Justin when I download the file my computer picks it up as malicious then when I disable my anti virus and try and open the resizer having pasted it in the DSTV mobile program folder it gives me the error message “Windows could not access the specified device,path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item” Please help!, perhaps you could e-mail me the file and let me try install it that way?

    02.02.2013 08:22 Reply

  17. pj:

    Hi Justin. Will you please email me the resizer as well. I would also like to experience the brilliance !!!

    25.01.2013 09:30 Reply

  18. witty:

    hi im using 1.3.15 i tried many times to resize bt i couldnt plz email me correct resizer for this version on

    16.01.2013 14:19 Reply

  19. wizdumb:

    downloaded v1.3.15 and pasted into C:\Program Files (x86)\DStv Mobile Decoder (i’m running win7), and when i click on resizer, it opens the viewer (ver 1.3.1) but i can’t resize it

    must i update the viewer?

    26.12.2012 15:31 Reply

    • Justin:

      First make a copy of all the older versions you have, then update to v1.3.15 then it should work just fine.

      29.12.2012 13:14 Reply

      • wizdumb:

        thanks justin, it’s working 100% now

        30.12.2012 19:22 Reply

        • Justin:

          Great, glad it’s sorted.

          31.12.2012 00:49 Reply

  20. Johan:

    Works great with my 32″ LCD – quality is a bit grainy, but very viewable. My MediaCenter remote even works to flip through the channels.

    @Moe: Thanx for a stunning app. Any chance you can have it load and resize automatically, without having to click “load and resize”? And to close automatically after it’s done it’s magic?

    23.12.2012 10:02 Reply

  21. Sabi:

    hi does any1 have the resizer for version 1.3.3 if so please email to (:

    04.12.2012 01:40 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Sabi

      Unfortunately don’t have a version for the new 1.3.3 will have to look into it and get back to you. In the meantime try and hunt down the older 1.3.15


      04.12.2012 17:06 Reply

    • Justin:

      Just checked on the DSTV Mobile website and am not finding v1.3.3, where did you get this version? Have you tried downloading version 1.3.15 from the dstv website and then using the resizer?

      29.12.2012 16:41 Reply

  22. Name...angelo:

    Hi Justin.pls send me the patch/ crack 2 resize my drifta

    25.11.2012 17:05 Reply

  23. JOLLEEN:


    22.11.2012 10:11 Reply

  24. Nic:

    Any chance you know of a mac version?

    14.11.2012 19:11 Reply

    • Justin:

      Sorry, haven’t found one yet

      22.11.2012 20:19 Reply

  25. wesley:

    i use your program its does nt work.please help

    06.11.2012 11:29 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Wesley
      Please provide a bit more detail as to what it does and does not do, and where it fails.

      08.11.2012 06:00 Reply

  26. George:

    Vreeslik baie, baie dankie.
    Dit werk beter as die vorige een.
    Thanks a MIL!

    20.10.2012 15:55 Reply

  27. m1:

    Hi Justin

    Check the board you messaged me on. I replied to your message. You can find the repacked version below with the (SFV) simple file verification signature.

    There are no viruses in it, your virus scanners are paranoid 😉


    29.09.2012 14:03 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi moe1

      Thanks for the reply, appreciate it. Hopefully the reply from you directly as the author of the patch gives the readers some comfort that the file is indeed virus free.

      Thanks again for writing the patch so all of us can enjoy the drifta, full screen.


      29.09.2012 16:14 Reply

      • Alistair:

        What is the max size it can resize to?

        02.10.2012 09:51 Reply

        • Justin:

          No maximum, just drag it bigger. The resolution is fixed, so it just gets bigger blockier and blurry.

          02.10.2012 11:18 Reply


    pls guys ineed resizer

    28.09.2012 00:04 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Humphrey
      I have mailed it to you.

      28.09.2012 10:26 Reply

      • sphelele:

        hie justin please forward me how to resizer my dstv mobile drifter on my laptop plz help

        04.12.2012 11:07 Reply

        • Justin:

          Hi Sphelele

          Is the version hosted above not working for you?


          04.12.2012 17:06 Reply

  29. Tinus:

    works brilliant! big thanks

    20.09.2012 13:07 Reply

    • Vaden:

      People be carefull this file is infected with the Backdoor.Graybird virus that is why some of you don’t have the resizer.exe file in the zip my antivirus deleted it as soon as I unsipped the file. Now my question to this Justin person is what was his whole idea trying to infect our computers with this virus? I will be reporting this to your website host!

      23.09.2012 22:59 Reply

      • Justin:

        Dear Stuart

        Call me, mail me, my details are easy to get hold of – I am a real person, with no malicious intent, and if you had read through some of my other posts you would see that.

        Some AV software detects the Resizer.exe as a virus. This is due to the way the application works. In order not to infringe on the copyright of DStv the author (not me – I can’t take credit for moe1’s brilliant work) wrote the application in such a way as to dynamically patch the decoder after it has loaded, while still in memory. This is suspicious behaviour but in our case is exactly what is required.

        I am using Microsoft Security Essentials on this particular PC, the definitions are up to date, Graybird is a low threat virus with very few detections in the wild that was produced in 2005. So I am quite comfortable that my virus application would have picked it up if the file was indeed infected. Further, I have also read up (a little) on the alleged virus, looked at how it infects the machine and loads on reboot, and am happy that my machine doesn’t have any of the registry keys that would indicate it is present.

        There is no harm being vigilant, and each of us is entitled to do what makes us feel happy and secure. If I was worried that I was infecting others with a virus I would take the file down. In life there are no guarantees, so of course I cannot guarantee it is virus free.

        Use it, don’t use it, that is your choice. You can also do some investigation to see if it really is a virus. The Symantec website explains exactly how the virus works, so you could always put a local sniffer on your machine to see whether it does connect out to the internet and download further applications (Wireshark works quite nicely for this). I am sure the readership here would be quite interested in your results, and you would even be welcome to make a guest post on the details of your research.


        P.S. I run a moderation system on my website, and approved your comment despite not appreciating the unfounded accusations nor the tone. I run this site to help others, it would be appreciated if your comments were framed in that light.

        24.09.2012 08:42 Reply

        • IES:

          Hi Justin

          Please mail me the download and Readme as the files in the links have been deleted.


          29.09.2012 11:40 Reply

  30. Stan:

    🙂 , Thank you very much, works !!!!!!

    19.09.2012 18:34 Reply

  31. thapelo:

    Please email me the Zip folder because i cant find anything on the links.

    12.09.2012 19:45 Reply

  32. jeff:

    works perfectly but then after some few minutes, the screen goes blank. it somehow affects the decoder from transmitting. is anyone having the same problem?

    02.09.2012 13:02 Reply

  33. mjk:

    thanks works great

    01.09.2012 19:16 Reply

  34. Tina:

    Thanks a million, works perfectly.

    08.08.2012 16:17 Reply

  35. Armando Barbosa:

    None of these links are working. After I download them there are no files in them. Could you please email me the files?
    Thanks in advance man. 🙂

    29.07.2012 20:32 Reply

  36. steve:

    there is no .exe file in the zipfile… please email me the link/file (resizer) –

    26.07.2012 16:40 Reply

    • Justin:

      Try the third link at the bottom of the post, the .exe is in the .zip

      26.07.2012 18:41 Reply

      • HUMPHREY:

        pls email me azip folder 4 v1.3.15

        27.09.2012 23:57 Reply

  37. Marisa:

    If anyone have the folder contains the exe pliz email me

    26.07.2012 11:00 Reply

    • Justin:

      Try the last link in the article above.

      26.07.2012 18:43 Reply

  38. Marisa:

    Can anyone help me I can’t find the exe in the zip folder?

    26.07.2012 10:51 Reply

  39. Kevin:

    Hi,I got the latest 1.3.15 decoder app and resizer app but it won’t resize my screen,I did every how I’m suppose to but still no luck,pls assist

    23.07.2012 19:06 Reply

  40. thompho:

    1-3-15 on my pc it says can not run on virtual pc

    23.07.2012 17:14 Reply

  41. Mr Bigs:

    Anyone that can help me with this please send me the new resizer at


    23.07.2012 12:41 Reply

    • werner:

      hi i cant find the EXE file, can you send it to me i want to make my drifta biger on my PC. email me on

      01.08.2012 19:10 Reply

  42. Duncan:

    Thank you very much for this patch. It works like a charm.

    17.07.2012 03:11 Reply

    • Mr Bigs:

      Hi Duncan can you email me the new resizer i tried to download it over the weekend and i had no luck
      Please send it to me at
      Thankx a lot man

      23.07.2012 12:37 Reply

  43. henry:

    Thank you so much Moe1 you rock!

    12.07.2012 08:52 Reply

  44. Rolo:

    Thanks a million. I use it on my 18.5 inch led & quality still look great at a distance.

    30.06.2012 21:34 Reply

  45. Bjorn:

    There is no resizer in the zip file. help please

    16.06.2012 14:33 Reply

    • Justin:

      Hi Bjorn
      Which of the links did you download it from?
      What did you find in the .ZIP you downloaded?

      I can then Investigate and see.

      16.06.2012 16:36 Reply

      • Braam de Villiers:

        I do not know in what part of the world you stay, but in South Africa all links to any reziser for the Drifta is blocked by the DSTV guys so I cannot get to any file to download the screen reziser software but would very much like to get it. I am still running windows XP and only use the PC for the Drifta, but it is to old to run Windows7 as I heve seen that magnifiers then do work.

        01.07.2012 11:52 Reply

        • Justin:

          Try the bottom link, that’s on my site so should work just fine :

          01.07.2012 13:02 Reply

          • JC:

            SOPHOS Anti virus shows this Threat : Mal/EncPk-BA !
            What now ?

            08.07.2012 19:59

          • Justin:

            Is more detail provided about the threat? I haven’t had any problems with the patch, but that is no guarantee. Curious as to what SOPHOS lists as the specifics of the threat.

            09.07.2012 21:11

          • Justin:

            Hi Mohamed

            The Walka is only a standalone device, it doesn’t work with a PC or any other device.


            10.07.2012 21:15

          • werner:

            thanks Justin you are the best, it worked…………..thanks man. wooooooow wooow wow sorry have to go now want to watch the 2012 olympics. have a nice day from South Africa

            01.08.2012 19:36

  46. Pieter:

    Give that man a Bells!

    18.05.2012 10:26 Reply

    • Miso:


      Please send me the actual decoder software for version 1.3.15

      i would appreciate it.

      10.06.2012 15:37 Reply

      • Justin:

        You can find it here :

        Its a bit big to mail.

        10.06.2012 15:40 Reply

        • Miso:

          thank you

          11.06.2012 00:05 Reply

        • Braam:

          Justin How do I get the correct TV guide with Drifta. I use the Moe software + Decoder firmware 2.1.312 + Application 1.3.15 but my TV guide stay out of date or sometimes blank on some channels and Channel scan does not do the trick. I can veiw all the channels though

          02.08.2012 18:32 Reply

          • Justin:

            Hi Braam

            On the odd occasion I have had tv guide problems it has come right after resetting the decoder and reloading the app. Not sure what else to suggest. Sorry.


            02.08.2012 20:48

          • Braam:

            J-J do you mean I must press the button on side of decoder. I do not want to loose the moe functionality. Will the decoder not opt somehow for new software and stop Moe working. hope you understand my question

            02.08.2012 22:00

          • Justin:

            As far as I know there isn’t yet a new version of software or firmware which isn’t compatible with the 1.3.15 moe patch. So yes, do a reset of the decoder (use a pin in the little hole) and see if that helps.

            02.08.2012 22:20

        • Witty:

          Dankie sani

          16.01.2013 16:20 Reply

  47. Steve:

    Much appreciated, works nicely.


    16.05.2012 18:05 Reply

  48. Lloyd:

    Why dstv couldnt just do this in the first place still amazes me. Thanks Moe1/JJ for sharing!

    13.05.2012 10:52 Reply

    • Norman Grove:

      Hi Lloyd. Is there any chance you can make the resizer file available for me it seems the download link excludes the resizer. I would really appreciate it. Thanks Norman

      30.08.2012 07:07 Reply

  49. Jacques du Preez:

    Dit werk 100% dankie.

    12.05.2012 17:35 Reply

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