Timeline of my tweets for #GartnerSYM 2014 (ebook)

Posted on September 9, 2014

During this last week (Wed-Fri) I was privileged to attend the annual Gartner Symposium in Cape Town South Africa (#GartnerSYM).  As always I like to cover the events I attend on Twitter, a great way to engage with fellow attendees, and it helps me focus on the presentations and overcome those ADHD tendencies.

Here is my #GartnerSYM symposium timeline in a convenient (if long!) ebook PDF courtesy of @Twournal. If you know of a better way of capturing and sharing tweets for an event please do share.

Take a squiz through and enjoy all the “soundbites” (and examples) of the new digital world and transformation to digitalization. There were many great speakers from Frank Buytendijk (@FrankBuytendijk – Digital Ethics), Mark Raskino (@MarkRaskino Everything will be digitalized), Gamification for the extraordinary (Brian Burke) ,Will Hahn (One Africa Strategy? What about the other 53?) and my new favourite Mary Mesaglio (really appreciated your insights in the Strategy and psychology of innovation space).  It would be worth your while to attend one of the symposiums around the world, or look up the analysts and their great work on the Gartner website.

Download it here : Twitter timeline for GartnerSYM (@Twournal)

This isn’t the first event I have covered in this format. If you are interested check them out below.

#ITWebSec Security Summit (2014)  timeline of tweets

#share4biz Share for business (2014) timeline here

An finally a shout-out to my fellow tweeters and re-tweeters : @caspender @patch_s_clarke @FrankBuytendijk @zaidmo

Smart Machines

Smart Machines

Digitalization everywhere

Digitalization everywhere

The future is software

The future is software


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