Sharing thoughts and ideas on business, security and photographyLonehill Estate – Lonehill Estate : Great album and a bargain at the Nokia store
Posted on June 03, 2012I’m rather enjoying Lonehill Estate’s new self titled album. Having heard a few tracks on the radio (Technoband, Daans and now Look Good) and been pleasantly surprised to find out it was our local boys I decided to pick up the album. This morning at the local mall I had a look around and neither CNA nor Checkers had a copy (though I did get the Parlotones Journey Through Shadows from Checkers).
On Twitter @lonehillestate themselves suggested I get it from @Look&ListenSA. This evening I checked out the online store and found the Album for R100, which wasn’t too bad. I always fill a little reticent paying close to physical prices for downloads so was going to give it a skip when I thought to check out the Nokia Ovi store. Delight. The full album (here) for R60. Bargain. Sold! I am now happily listening to the album.
Always worth shopping around, even online. Worth noting that their previous EP, Phone Home, is R100 on Nokia and only half the price at Look and Listen online. So Nokia isn’t always the cheapest, though generally I find them to be so.
Click through for the album track listing
Comrades Marathon 2012 – 15kms to go – the faces of winners
Posted on June 03, 2012Comrades is somewhat a major event in KZN each year. Apart from being one of the biggest races in the world, it has a tradition. I recall going every year as a child to the race, a short 2km walk from our house, to support and watch the leaders coming through. I have memories of the route lined with people cheering on these amazing athletes as they came past at high speed, already having run 70km or more. The likes of Bruce Fordyce and Alan Robb. The image above is a collage of pictures I took this morning at just that spot. More of the pictures have been posted on Google Plus here.
Click through for details of who is in the pictures with links to their race details.
More Android love from DSTVmobile. 19 more devices. Well done DSTVmobile!
Posted on June 02, 2012Another update has been made of the Beta android application for the Drifta. You can get it here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dstvmobile.app.decoder
This application now works on a wide range of Android devices running on Android 2.2, 2.3, 3.x and 4.x (with hardware buttons). So Gingerbread, Honeycomb and IcecreamSandwich are all supported now.
The full list is below. With the extent of changes I have been a bit lazy to pull out only the new devices. On the tweet announcing this @neilinspace indicated that 19 more have been added from the last version of the Beta, I will take his word for it. The list is now quite impressive, most device owners should be happy, including those lucky enough to have picked up the new Galaxy SIII or one of the new HTC One devices.
Well done DSTVmobile!
Now please can we get some Blackberry love? I know the platform is dying but I really would like some support on the Bold 9900.
Click through for the Full list:
The painful process of recovering from an Identity Theft part 2
Posted on June 02, 2012A short while back I wrote about my experiences with having my identity stolen – and with Truworths, Identity and collection agencies hassling me for payment on accounts which I didn’t open.
As previously described I had some painful experiences with TransUnionITC, who in my opinion, are not respecting the National Credit Act and provide some pretty painful customer service.
Shortly after having lodged my complaint with ITC I received an SMS confirmation that the “trace alert” on my account as placed by the collection agency had been removed. Clearly due process had not been followed so that black mark against my record was resolved.
On Thursday 30th I received two more SMSs, one for each of the objections I had lodged against Truworths and Identity. The SMSs said “The account and payment history that reflected against your personal credit report with TransUnion has been deleted for TU20120502-000214-01/02”. the last two marks erased.
It took them the entire allowable period but they did remove the bad credit references on time. I received no calls back from TransUnionITC managers with respect to calls I made when none of them were available. I received no reply to the questions on my initial objection with respect to them not following the provisions of the National Credit Act. I still believe that TransUnionITC are breaking the law by virtue of not following due diligence procedures in vetting the information provided by their clients (the credit providers), by still prejudicing us (the consumers) by flagging our references being provided to credit suppliers as being suspect when a dispute is going on, and being party to this bullying process going on against the consumers.
I am not sure if I should be saying thanks to them for the pieces of the law that they actually obey, but I am still annoyed with them for treating me as a criminal and prejudicing me while their own staff don’t know the law and they are not obeying it.
The good news, I managed to dump vodacom in the meantime, and have happily and easily moved to a Cell C prepaid option (viva 99c everything). More about that in another post. Still looking forward to hearing from others having similar challenges.
If you haven’t read the original article, it includes extracts of the National Credit Act, highlighting relevant areas for cases like this. Link here.
(Posted from my iPad)
DSTVmobile launch a cute new iDrifta for the iPhone/iPad
Posted on June 01, 2012Update : DSTV mobile sent me one of these to review. Some of my comments below are inaccurate. Take a look at the “unboxing” post here : Unboxing of iDrifta with lots of pictures and comments. Review can be found here.
Today DSTVmobile announced a cute new iDrifta specifically for the Apple iPhone and iPad devices. The iDrifta is styled to match your iDevice and is diminutive in size compared to the previously available Driftas. The new device seems to be powered directly from the iDevice so no worries about keeping it charged and waiting for when you need it. It comes with an inbuilt Apple dock connector so no cables to fiddle with or lose.
Being built specifically for iDevices has both pros and cons. Up to now iPhone/iPad users only had the option of the wi-fi Drifta which didn’t plug directly into the iDevice and required you to connect over wi-fi, losing your internet connection in the process. Since the Drifta client application doesn’t multi task or suspend this wasn’t a big deal. Switching out to check mail or an incoming notification would have killed the client app anyway and you would have to wait 20 to 30 seconds to reload the app and have it pick up signal again, not very practical.
It is doubtful the new iDrifta solves this problem, although you may be able to stay connected to the internet and get your notifications, so switching apps you would have seen a notification and know for sure there is something for your attention.
I often find myself watching sport on the iPad as it has the perfect size screen for DSTVmobile. Any bigger and the picture gets really blocky. Being a bit ADHD I like to do a couple of things at once so after a while I tend to hook the Drifta up to the laptop and surf the net on the iPad. With this new device that flexibility would be lost – you can use it only with the iDevice.
Still, for those who want a Drifta to use on the go with the iPhone or iPad, this looks like a really good option. It will be available in 10 days time from the normal outlets.
As always, officially the device doesn’t support jailbroken iPhone/iPads. It is unclear which version of the Drifta software on the iDevice supports the iDrifta, so the current hacked versions floating around probably won’t work. Buyer beware.
I have sent some questions to Maiyo at DTSVmobile, so hope to provide more information and perhaps do a full review later.
Press Release below after the jump
I updated my previous blogpost on Which Kindle to buy
Posted on May 25, 2012I updated my previous blogpost on which Kindle to buy as a South African.
- New pricing
- New devices (Touch)
Find it here : http://j-j.co.za/2011/06/which-kindle-to-buy-as-a-south-african/
Major update of DSTV Android client (30 new devices)
Posted on May 25, 2012Without much fanfare DTSV Mobile have snuck out a “beta” release of their Drifta client software for Android devices. This is a mammoth release (compared to prior ones) and now supports an extra 30 odd devices covering a number of different manufacturers including :
- Sony (XPeria Range – X10, Play, Ray, Active, Pro, S, Arc, Neo, Pro)
- LG (Otimus range, Prada, Tablet)
- Motorola (MB860, Atrix, RAZR)
- Vantium (V1)
- Huawei (Ideos X5, U8800)
- HTC (Flyer and Sensation)
There are also a couple of extras on the Honeycomb and Standard release, nothing major though.
Check out the full supported device listing in the FAQ : j-j.co.za/gofaq on supported devices. Don’t forget that rooted devices can be made to work using OTA Rootkeeper.
Thanks to DSTV Product Development manager @neilinspace for tweeting about the update, even though I did miss it for a week or two 🙂
Security Summit 2012 presentations now available
Posted on May 24, 2012The IT Web Security Summit is the premier security event on the South Africa security conference calendar. IT Web has kindly made the presentations and recordings of the presentations available on their website. If you missed out or are simply looking for a re-cap of the great material, take a wander over to the ITWeb site and catch up.
This was one of the first security events that I have seen dedicate a presentation track to ERP/SAP Security. Check out the presentations by :
- Juan Pablo Perez Etchegoyen Cyber-Attacks on SAP & ERP systems: Is Our Business-Critical Infrastructure
- Chris John Riley SAP (in)security: Scrubbing SAP clean with SOAP
- Ian de Villiers Systems Applications Proxy Pwnage
- Marinus Van Aswegen Securing SAP
Link to IT Web Security Summit Downloads
Bring your own device (BYOD) : workplace mobility presentation
Posted on May 24, 2012I was privileged to speak at this month’s ISACA KZN Chapter meeting held last Monday at KPMG’s offices in Durban. Thanks to Terence (the local chapter leader) for the invite.
My topic was around workplace mobility, focusing on implementation challenges and leanings experienced within the workplace. For this presentation I tried something a little different, using Keynote on the iPad to develop and present the talk. This resulted in a slide deck that looks a bit different from my normal style, with far fewer words, more pictures and I hope a smoother flowing more natural presentation. At the same time, it’s probably a bit more difficult for somebody who wasn’t at the presentation to get a lot of value out of the slide deck. If you download it and have questions, please go ahead and ask. It is presented below as a PDF since so few have Keynote.
Presentation here : BYOD workplace mobility v2 (download the PDF)
The painful process of recovering from an Identity Theft
Posted on May 20, 2012The last while has been a painful hassle filled experience. It seems that somebody (or bodies) stole my identity and opened accounts at Truworths and Identity in my name. They bought goods for thousands of rands, and of course never paid any of it back.
Then the phone calls and SMSs start, and they go on an on and on. They start by asking me for my personal information (which I refuse to give) and then proceed to tell me I owe this money, which I refute. They don’t listen to what I am saying, seem not to record it on whatever system they use to keep track of calls, and just keep calling and SMSing. I am on the stubborn side, so when these people tell me what I have to do, (go to police station, make affidavits, send copies of ID and proof of this and that) I simply say no, I have no contract with you, haven’t done any of this so I am not doing your bidding. Perhaps a less than sensible approach, I’m not sure. Perhaps if the call centre agents did more this could be avoided.
This all came to a head a few weeks ago, I tried to take out a new cell phone contract and was then told that my request had been declined. I must call TransUnion ITC. This I then did and ended up with a less than satisfactory experience. The whole thing had now snowballed and I was listed for :
- Debt owing to Truworths
- Debt owing to Identity
- A trace alert for some debt collection agent (acting on behalf of one of the above) who could not get hold of me (i.e. I refused to call them back in response to SMS’s sent to me) – the cheek of it!
On many calls to TransUnion ITC I found out that this is all governed by the National Credit Act. TransUnion representative love to say that they operate in terms of this legislation and I must do X or Y in terms of it. However, once I had downloaded it and read it, and seen what my rights were in terms of the Act and how they were supposed to behave, then I found that the representatives of TransUnion ITC actually hadn’t read the act in their recent past, didn’t know the Act and couldn’t tell me why they hadn’t behaved in terms of the act.
I also discovered that their supervisors take an awful lot of loo breaks, smoke breaks and generally over the course of a Saturday morning/afternoon are never available when they should be, and that despite promised to have them call back they just don’t. Really bad customer service. Makes me wonder whether a) the call agents were covering for dudes who aren’t at work or b) the supervisors don’t know how to deal with customers who ask awkward questions so just don’t call back and then have the call agents lie to customers when asked. Either way a pretty unsatisfactory situation.
Download yourself a copy of the National Credit Act of 2005 here. You can also visit the site of the National Credit Regulator (NCR) here.
Some key extracts here :
62. Right to reasons for credit being refused
62. (1) On request from a consumer, a credit provider must advise that consumer in writing of the dominant reason for- (a) refusing to enter into a credit agreement with that consumer;
(2) When responding to a request in terms of subsection ( l ) , a credit provider who has based its decision on an adverse credit report received from a credit bureau must advise the consumer in writing of the name, address and other contact particulars of that credit bureau.
All credit to Makro here, they provided me with immediate verbal feedback on the fact that my credit had been rejected on the basis of an adverse report from TransUnion ITC, and even gave me the (wrong) phone number for them. They tried to be very helpful. Any credit provider rejecting you has to tell you why, if they won’t, insist on it.
66. Protection of consumer credit rights
66. (1) A credit provider must not, in response to a consumer exercising, asserting or seeking to uphold any right set out in this Act or in a credit agreement –
(a) discriminate directly or indirectly against the consumer, compared to the credit provider’s treatment of any other consumer who has not exercised, asserted or sought to uphold such a right;
(b) penalise the consumer;
This one is interesting. I have yet to go back to a credit provider after having filed all the documentation so haven’t yet had a need to do this. The consultant at TransUnion ITC did advise me however that I shouldn’t bother trying to take out a contract while a dispute was underway, as although the law says it can’t be held against me, I won’t be given credit. Mmmm, more on this later.
70. Credit bureau information
70(2) A registered credit bureau must-
(a) accept the filing of consumer credit information from any credit provider on payment of the credit bureau’s filing fee, if any;
(b) accept without charge the filing of consumer credit information from the consumer concerned for the purpose of correcting or challenging information otherwise held by that credit bureau concerning that consumer;
(c) take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of any consumer credit information reported to it;
(i) not knowingly or negligently provide a report to any person containing inaccurate information.
Point (c) above says that TransUnion should take reasonable steps to verify the accuracy of information reported to it. When I asked them what they had done to verify information, they said they had done nothing. Since the info was provided by “reputable” companies they don’t check anything. I’m pretty sure that this is not in accordance with the letter or spirit of (c) above. Further, now that I have lodged a complaint against the false information against my name, if they provide any incorrect information to another credit provider then I am pretty sure they will be acting contrary to clause (i) above too.
72. Right to access and challenge credit records and information
72. (1) Every person has a right to-
(a) be advised by a credit provider within the prescribed time before any prescribed adverse information concerning the person is reported by it to a credit bureau, and to receive a copy of that information upon request;
(c) challenge the accuracy of any information concerning that person-
(i) that is the subject of a proposed report contemplated in paragraph (a); or
(ii) that is held by the credit bureau or national credit register, as the case may be, and require the credit bureau or National Credit Regulator, as the case may be, to investigate the accuracy of any challenged information, without charge to the consumer; and
(d) be compensated by any person who reported incorrect information to a registered credit bureau or to the National Credit Register for the cost of correcting that information.
(3) If a person has challenged the accuracy of information proposed to be reported to a credit bureau or to the national credit register, or held by a credit bureau or the national credit register, the credit provider, credit bureau or national credit register, as the case may be, must take reasonable steps to seek evidence in support of the challenged information, and within the prescribed time after the filing of the challenge must-
(a) provide a copy of any such credible evidence to the person who filed the challenge, or
(b) remove the information, and all record of it, from its files, if it is unable to find credible evidence in support of the information, subject to subsection (6).
(5) A credit bureau or the National Credit Register may not report information that is challenged until the challenge has been resolved in terms of subsection (3)(a) or (b)
Section 72(1)(a) says the credit providers are supposed to notify me that they are blacklisting me and give me a copy of the information. They never did this. Perhaps they sent it to the fraudulent person, however, I don’t live at that fake address. I own a house, the details of which would be on my credit record since I still have a bond on it. Surely they can put two and two together. Seems they couldn’t be bothered. Either skip that step, or do enough to cover themselves without actually doing what is intended.
In terms of the above, I had to lodge a challenge (c), which I did. TransUnion required copies of my ID, Proof of address, three copies of my signature, and an affidavit from the local police station stating that I did not incur the debt. I did all of these, still waiting for the 20 working day period to receive confirmation that it has now been removed. In this 20 days it will be up to Truworths and Identity to provide evidence to the contrary. Let’s see how this plays out.
Section (5) above is also interesting. In terms of this, TransUnion can’t report any of the challenged information until such time as the challenge is resolved. Great, since I am challenging the adverse reports on my credit record, my record must then be clean, right? Wrong, or so it seems. Despite the clause above the friendly consultant happily told me about the “get out of jail free” mechanism that the credit bureau’s and credit providers have dreamed up. So, since the bureau can’t tell the provider about the issues under dispute, they simply “block” the whole account by telling the provider it has been “flagged” as dispute. What? Yep, that’s right. Since I have challenged the false information against me, my credit record is now flagged in such a way that I can’t get credit. Seems pretty damned unfair to me. Other than being against the spirit of section (5) above, it also seems to be against Section 66(1)(b) which said that I shouldn’t be penalised for exercising my rights in terms of the Act.
After lodging all my documentation, it took TransUnion a couple of days to process the documentation faxed through. So much for being able to apply again the next day. I received a confirmation SMS that the “trace” against me had been removed. Though I neglected to say above that it took a 15m argument with a call centre agent and a discussion with their supervisor, pointing out the clauses above, and again pointing out that I had the right to dispute anything on my record, and they had a duty to check the accuracy of information, before they would agree to remove the trace.
When I get time (probably next weekend) I will try and apply again for credit. Partly because I am trying to get rid of Vodacom as a service provider (see earlier posts) and partly because I am curious to see if TransUnion ITC are actually blatantly breaking the law as their call centre agents seem to be implying.
I am interested in hearing from others who may have had similar experienced. Just how widespread is this? And what has your experience been with both the credit providers and TransUnion ITC?
P.S. I am still waiting for that supervisor to call back 2 weeks later. That’s a terribly long toilet break, perhaps somebody should be sending a search and rescue team, he must be pretty constipated in there.
P.P.S. I am not a lawyer. I have listened to people from various service providers and read the law (quoted above), which seems to be more than I can say for them. They may well have a whole bunch of lawyers who are smarter than I, and found ways around the law, or are just taking a chance that most consumers don’t have a copy of the law and wouldn’t have read it. Still, read it for yourself, and if you are acting on the above in a way which is going to prejudice you, rather consult a lawyer first.
Resizer for DSTV Drifta windows client 1.3.15 (and v1.3.40)
Posted on May 12, 2012A lot of people ask for a way to resize the viewing windows of the DSTV Drifta on the PC. One of the early versions was “hacked” to allow this to happen but DSTV quickly released new versions which were encrypted and employed other methods to prevent hacking and re-sizing. Since then we have had to resort to using windows zoomers of various natures, and while this has been useful it isn’t the same as being able to drag the window to the desired size.
Good Cell C data deals (for ipad, laptop etc) at Makro (until 31 March 2012)
Posted on March 17, 2012I have been using the Cell C 3G network for various devices (iPad, Laptop and a Phone) for the last year and a bit, and recommended it to many friends and colleagues. When the pushed the price up (double!) earlier this year that became a much harder decision, especially with the 8ta option of 10 gig a month for R199.
This afternoon I was browsing the Makro website and what did I see? Some great deals on the Cell C data sticks.
Makro Cell C deals : (link here)
- R749 = 3 Gig with 7.2Mbps USB speedstick, valid for 12 months
- R1399 = 24 Gig (2 Gig x 12 Months) with 7.2Mbps USB speedstick
- R2799 = 60 Gig (5 Gig x 12 Months) with 21.6Mbs USB speedstick
Cell C : (link here)
- R599 = 3 Gig with 7.2Mbps USB speedstick, valid for 12 months
- R1999 = 12 Gig (1 Gig x 12 Months) with 7.2Mbps USB speedstick
- R2999 = 24 Gig (2 Gig x 12 Months) with 21.6 Mbps USB speedstick
The Makro brochure shows the deal being valid until 31 March 2012. Get it while you can 🙂
Don’t forget though, if you are in an 8ta coverage area, you can get their 60 Gig prepaid deal for R1800, and have an extra midnight surfer 60 gig thrown in for free (use between midnight and 5am).
P.S. It seems you may be able to get the same price as Makro at Cell C outlets, received the following tweet from @mandywilson_sa : @jjza we’ve got that deal u get it at cell c also, works well